Call Detail
Hit Me With Your Best Shot Bird Photography Show and Exhibition
Entry Deadline: 6/27/22
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $35.00
Media Fee(Media Fee): $5.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 8
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 8
Call Type: Photography
Eligibility: International
State: Louisiana
Event Dates: 9/30/22 - 11/26/22

Gallery by the Lake Inc. announces its fourth annual Gulf Coast Bird Photography Competition to celebrate the joys and benefits of birdwatching, draw attention to the diversity of bird life and habitat across the US and showcase the work of wildlife photographers in North America.  The competition culminates in an exhibition from September 30, 2022 to November 26, 2022 in the Gallery by the Lake Inc. gallery space on the second floor of the beautiful Historic City Hall, Lake Charles, Louisiana.  A total of $1,000 in prizes will be awarded across the open and youth categories.



September 30, 2022 to November 26, 2022 in the Gallery by the Lake Inc. gallery space on the second floor of the beautiful Historic City Hall, Lake Charles, Louisiana.  Awards will be announced at the opening reception on September 30.  Accepted artwork is required to remain in the Gallery by the Lake Inc. gallery space for the duration of the exhibition.  In addition, accepted images will be showcased in an online gallery at the website.



The contest will be judged by the editor emeritus of Bird Watcher’s Digest, Dawn Hewitt, and photo editor of BWD Magazine, Bruce Wunderlich.



April 23 – Call for entry opens

June 27 - Deadline for entries

July 19 - Notification of Acceptance

September 16 - Deadline for receipt of accepted works

September 30 – Reception and Awards Presentations

November 26 - Exhibition concludes




$400 - 1st Place

$250 - 2nd Place

$150 – 3rd Place

$200 – Youth 1st Place

Honorable mentions (8)

Application Requirements


Photography.  Digital enhancement should be limited to color, shadow, and cropping.  No alteration of original image background is allowed. Photography regarding bird safety and dignity outlined in Audubon Photography guidelines should be followed.  The contest and exhibition are intended to feature photographs of birds as a main subject, as opposed to photographs that include birds.



Each photographer may submit up to 3 entries for the standard non-refundable entry fee of $35.  Up to 5 additional entries may be submitted for $5 each. Entries are submitted using the (CaFÉ) website (link here).



Accepted works must framed and back-wired with the wire reaching no higher than 3” from the top of the frame. Image size should not exceed 18” x 24” or equivalent with matted and framed work not larger than 24” x 30”. 



September 30, 2022 to November 26, 2022 in the Gallery by the Lake Inc. gallery space on the second floor of the beautiful Historic City Hall, Lake Charles, Louisiana.  Awards will be announced at the opening reception on September 30.  Accepted artwork is required to remain in the Gallery by the Lake Inc. gallery space for the duration of the exhibition.  In addition, accepted images will be showcased in an online gallery at the website.



Return of artwork begins November 29.

Hand delivery pickup available at Historic City Hall from November 29 – December 3 and December 6 – 10, 10 am to 6 pm.



Mailed entries should be suitable to withstand the rigors of packaged shipping.  Please ship to:

Gallery by the Lake Inc.

c/o Historic City Hall

1001 Ryan Street

Lake Charles, LA 70601

Hand deliveries accepted September 6 – 11 and 13 – 16 from 10 am to 6 p.m.


  • Works must be received by September 16
  • All shipped accepted works must be shipped in a reusable box or container and include a prepaid return shipping label
  • Late or damaged shipments will be returned freight collect
  • Works must be shipped in reusable packing cartons
  • No packing peanuts or popcorn

Eligibility Criteria

Open category for adults age 18 and older.  Youth category for those from 13 to 17 years of age as of April 1, 2022.  Pictures must have been taken on or after April 1, 2019.