Call Detail
Truth: Artist Books & Broadsides
Entry Deadline: 10/15/22
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $30.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 9
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 9
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: California
Event Dates: 1/7/23 - 2/12/23

TRUTH, Artist books and broadsides

 The concept of "truth" has been associated with books and the printed word for a long time, as in “going by the book” and other catch-phrases. Unfortunately the very notion of “truth” in the U.S.A. became politicized during the previous presidency and continues to take a beating in politics, the media and even in daily interactions between friends. Gallery Route One asks artists to consider what form truth takes and how they could EMBODY TRUTH in their work, within the artist book or broadside format. What does the word mean now: personally, politically or philosophically? How does an artist embody truth in their work?

Gallery Route One invites artists to submit expressions about truth in the form of handmade, handbound artist books both unique and in small editions, altered books, folded or sculptural books and very limited edition broadsides. 

Juror Sas Colby is a visual artist with over 5 decades of creating, exhibiting, and teaching art. Her artistic practice includes nontraditional artists books and work with text. A retrospective, Sisters of Invention: 45 Years of Book Art by Sas Colby, Betsy Davids and Jaime Robles, was exhibited at the San Francisco Center for the Book in 2015. Sas’ work was included in Possibilities: When Artists’ Books Were Young; Kathleen Walkup, curator at SFCB in 2022.

Eligibilty: All artists 18 or over 

Entries are limited to 3 artworks.

Fee: $30 for 1 to 3 submissions.

Submission dates are September 1 through October 15.

Notification by November 1.

Exhibition dates are January 7 through February 12

Jurying will be online only. Work that does not resemble the submitted image will not be displayed.

INSURANCE: GRO does not offer insurance to cover your artwork. If you require insurance for your piece, feel free to pursue thison your own.

SALES: Artwork need not be for sale. Work that is for sale will be for the price indicated by the artist upon submission of entry, plus tax. Your price should include GRO’s commission of 45%.

 Gallery Route One is a nonprofit organization that supports a gallery for contemporary art and several community outreach programs. The artist members at GRO believe that art can be a powerful force for change, and thatartists have much to contribute to the dialogue about critical problems we face as a society. Our Mission: To originate and presentcontemporary art exhibitions, educational programs and community outreach projects to inspire people to experience the world innew ways.

GRO was founded by 25 artists in 1983, and currently maintains a membership of 20 artists. Our Board of Directors is drawn frominterested community members, including artists. The organization supports two exhibition programs: member exhibitions andVisiting Artists exhibitions. Visiting artists exhibit work that addresses current issues of public debate: social justice, environmental crisis, racism, immigration. Truth, the upcoming juried exhibition is a project of the Visiting Artist Program.


Application Requirements

Submit one to three artworks. Upload one jpg for each, except for bound books. Artists submitting bound books must upload 3 images including one jpg of the cover. Artworks may be unique or small edition handbound books; altered books or unique or small edition broadsides. No commercially produced editions will be accepted. Books that cannot withstand gentle handling should be marked "for vitrine display only."

Eligibility Criteria

Artist must currently live in the United States and must be 18 or over.