Call Detail
Englewood Median Art Call - Hampden Avenue Median(s)
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Entry Deadline: 3/1/23
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 15
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 1
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 15
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado
Budget: $30,000

The Cultural Arts Commission of Englewood in tandem with the City of Englewood invites local artists to apply for the following 2022-2023 Public Art Project: Englewood Median Art Call - Hampden Avenue Median(s).  This opportunity is for small-medium size art, both new or existing pieces.  This is the first of a series of median art calls.  It is an opportunity to add vibrancy and a sense of place to a growing and ever-changing Englewood. 

The piece will include the installation of a large-format (no more than 7’ tall by 4 ‘ wide) art/sculpture piece at the median on Hampden and Huron Street.  This artwork will be the first of its kind since the commissioning of Virere by Lawrence Argent at the Yale & Broadway median in Englewood.  The project lends itself to a variety of artforms, including, but not limited to, sculptural, and 2-dimensional works, as well as kinetic artwork. We encourage art that generates a sense of place and celebrates the diversity and quirkiness of the surrounding community.  The piece will welcome the thousands of commuters who drive the corridor daily into and through Englewood.  The materials must be appropriate for exterior installation and four-season weather conditions of Colorado.

Refer to attached site plan.  This call is for Median 1 located at Hampden and Huron St.  Future Art Calls will be held for Median 2 at Hampden and Delaware St. and Median 3 at Hampden and Bannock St. Selection Committee will consider submittals that include artwork for Median 1 and 2, or Median 1, 2 and 3 as long as submittal meets Artwork Budget of $30,000.  

Cultural Arts Commission

Englewood's Cultural Arts Commission is a citizen-based group focused on development of cultural arts activities and implementation of an arts plan for the community.  Englewood's "Art in Public Places" program allocates one percent of the City's Capital Improvement Budget for public artwork. In addition, the City adopted a plan to place artwork at Englewood's key entry points. Virere by Lawrence Argent, is located near the northern boundary on Broadway at Yale Avenue. When future funding allows, additional sculptures will be placed at other entry points on major thoroughfares.   

Evaluation and Selection Criteria

Art that celebrates the uniqueness of Englewood and relationship to surrounding community.  Pieces will be judged by visual impact, interpretation and creativity, craftsmanship, and timelessness.

The finalist will be selected by the CAC and an ad hoc review committee that has been put together for the sole purpose of selecting the artist and approving the work. 

Artwork Budget: $30,000

Artist is responsible for all associated expenses related to design, fabrication, installation and transportation of completed artwork. The selected artist will be required to include insurance coverage as required by the City for the contract period.  Artist will work with the City of Englewood's Public Works Department for installation and acquiring any necessary permits.  

Application Requirements

Application Requirements

Artists may submit up to three (3) applications.  We are accepting submissions of completed work, work in progress, and future work at the time of submission. We will accept maquettes and renderings for new and work in progress.

Submittal to include:

  1. Artist(s) introduction/bio
  2. If submitting as a team, contract information for each artist is to be provided.
  3. Professional resume in pdf format (optional)
  4. Proposed piece:
    • Completed work
      • A written narrative of the work and description including material components, dimension, and method of installation
      • A minimum of three high quality digital images of the work
      • A digital rendering of the work in the proposed site
    • Work in progress/New work:
      • A written narrative of the work, whether in progress or newly planned including material components, dimensions and method of installation
      • A maquette of the proposed work and digital rendering of the work in the proposed site.

Eligibility Criteria


This project is open to any individual or team of artists who have the vision and skills required to complete the project to the highest standards of innovation and technical expertise. As a way to engage the residents of Englewood, preference for the art will be considered for applicants who live in Englewood although all are encouraged to apply. Artists will be asked for their current address on the application.