Call Detail
2023 National Photography Show
Entry Deadline: 9/27/23
Application Closed

Entry Fee (2023 National Photography Show): $45.00
Media Fee(2023 National Photography Show): $10.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 9
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 9
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado
Jury Dates: 9/29/23 - 10/4/23

The Lincoln Gallery and the Thompson Valley Art League invite you to enter the 2023 NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW. Open to all photographers residing in the United States. Work must be the work of the photographer, not copied from published photos or works by other photographers. All entries must be for sale. No installations or sets of multiple works to make one entry will be accepted.

Cash awards will be given for Best of Show, 1st, and 2nd place in each Category.

JUROR: Scots-born landscape, travel, and wildlife photographer, Scott Wilson, is a multi-year finalist in the UK Landscape Photographer of the Year, he scored Judge’s Choice in 2022’s North American Nature Photography Association Awards.  Scott was named Open Photographer of the Year at the 2022 Sony World Photography Awards and Gallery 6 was named Denver's Best Photography Gallery in the Westword 2023 Best of Denver Awards.

Scott took Best in Show in the 2021 Y/OUR Denver Exhibition, co-hosted by the Denver Architecture Society and the Colorado Photographic Art Center. Scott regularly captures the drama of Colorado’s wild mustangs which roam the northwest corner of the state and his work has featured in media ranging from the UK Sunday Times to Advanced Photographer, 5280, Denver Life, 303 Magazine, Colorado Life and the Denver Post.

Accepted entries will be exhibited at Lincoln Gallery, 429 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland CO 80537, Nov 10 through Nov 30, 2023 and in our virtual gallery from November 10, 2023 through Jan 1, 2024. 

Media: Images - Minimum: 3, Maximum: 9                                                                                                                                  Total Media - Minimum: 3, Maximum: 9 

Entry Fee (3 entries): $45.00                                               Media Fee (per entry over the 3 minimum): $10.00 each

-Open to all photographers residing in the United States
- Work must be entirely by the entering photographer, not copied from published photos or works by other photographers.
-No visible signatures, titles or identifiers in the submitted images to Cafe. 
-No installations or sets of works to make one entry will be accepted.
-All work must be created by the exhibiting photographer. The inclusion of copied art or any form of clipped art not created by the author is prohibited.
-No Significantly digital modified photography                              -The juror reserves the right to disqualify any work which it considers to be in poor taste or inappropriate.
- Entries must not have been accepted in previous Lincoln Gallery or Thompson Valley Art League juried shows.


Landscapes: Natural landscapes

Wildlife: Animal / Pets, natural or captive

People: Portraits, candid people, people as the main subject

Architecture: Street scenes, interior & exterior, buildings, constructed scenes like still life 

No Significantly Digital Modified photography

Photographers may enter 1-4 categories but total entries may not exceed 9.

Photographs not meeting any of the above criteria will be rejected.

Only entries received online through CaFE’ ( will be considered. Deadline for entry is 11:59pm Sept 27, 2023. All photographers will be notified by email of the juror’s decisions by Oct 6, 2023. While the Lincoln Gallery will undertake the utmost care in handling all entries, the Gallery will not be held liable for damage occurring either while in the gallery or during shipping. Insuring the artwork is the responsibility of the artist.

$45 entry fee includes up to 3 entries. Additional entries are $10 each for a maximum of Nine (9) entries total. Fees are non-refundable. Your email address will be our primary contact source.

Shipped work must arrive between Oct. 26 - Nov 2, 2023. Hand delivered work will be received between Nov 3-4, 2023, at the Lincoln Gallery between the hours of 12:00pm-5:00pm. Any photographs not received by Nov 4, 2023, may not be exhibited.

Please deliver to:
Lincoln Gallery
429 North Lincoln Avenue
Loveland, CO 80537
Phone: (970) 663-2407
If alternate delivery dates are needed, please contact the Gallery at (970) 663-2407

Delivered artwork must match the image juried into show. No substitutions will be allowed. Flat work (including frame) shall not exceed a linear measurement of 75 inches (height + width) and must be wired for hanging. Works exceeding these dimensions or with saw-tooth hangers may not be accepted. Plaques and metal prints will be accepted if they are properly wired for hanging. Frames and matting must be in new or like new condition.

Gallery-wrapped photographs are acceptable as long as all sides are finished with no visible staples. Gallery-wrapped canvas must be secured on stretcher bars of at least 1.5” in thickness.

All work to be hung must weigh no more than 25 lbs. Any work deemed to be less than represented in entry or with presentation/appearance deemed to be unacceptable will not be exhibited.

Photographer/Photograph label(s) must be on the back of each piece. Please include the artist name, title of piece, category and price. The price we will show on your display labels will be based on the information you indicate on your CaFE’ entry form. No changes will be allowed.

To facilitate sales, all accepted photographers are requested to email their bio to the Gallery ( upon receipt of their confirmation. This information will greatly increase the chances of selling your art when the gallery staff can provide personal information about you and your art.

All works must be for sale and preferably remain on display until the close of the exhibit. Sales will be encouraged to further the efforts of the artists and to stimulate acquisition of original art by patrons and the public. The Lincoln Gallery will collect a 35% commission on all sales. Payment for sold items will be mailed to the artists on the 20th of the month following the close of the show.

Cash awards will be presented for Best of Show, 1st, and 2nd in each category. The awards ceremony will take place during the Opening Reception, Nov 10, 2023 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm, awards at 6:30 pm. The gallery opens to artist and their guest 6:00pm - 7:00pm. We will open to the public at 7:00pm. 

Calendar of Important Dates:
September 27     Entry deadline
October 6 Notification by email

Oct 26-Nov 2 Shipped in Delivery of accepted work to gallery from 12:00-5:00pm

Nov 3-4 Hand Deliveries of accepted work to gallery from 12:00-5:00pm 

November 10 Opening Reception 6:00-9:00 pm. Awards at 6:30 pm

November 30 Show closes

December 1 - 2 Pickup unsold work 12:00-5:00 pm

If alternate delivery and/or pickup dates are needed, please contact the gallery at (970) 663-2407

Application Requirements

Only entries received online through CaFE’ ( will be considered. Deadline for entry is 11:59pm Sept 27, 2023. All photographers will be notified by email of the juror’s decisions by Oct 6, 2023. While the Lincoln Gallery will undertake the utmost care in handling all entries, the Gallery will not be held liable for damage occurring either while in the gallery or during shipping. Insuring the artwork is the responsibility of the artist

Eligibility Criteria

-Open to all photographers residing in the United States
- Work must be entirely by the entering photographer, not copied from published photos or works by other photographers.
-No visible signatures, titles or identifiers in the submitted images to Cafe. 
-No installations or sets of works to make one entry will be accepted.
-All work must be created by the exhibiting photographer and the inclusion of copied art or any form of clipped art not created by the author is prohibited.
-The juror reserves the right to disqualify any work which it considers to be in poor taste or inappropriate.
- Entries must not have been accepted in previous Lincoln Gallery or Thompson Valley Art League juried shows.