All 2D works must have outside dimensions of 6" x 6". All 3D works must have outside dimensions of 6" x 6" x 6", and be ready to be hung from the back side, or placed on a pedestal.
6x6 GPMA FAQs For Participating Artists:
Q: Where does the money from sales of an artwork go?
A: All proceeds benefit the Grants Pass Museum of Art. A non-profit, independent art museum in Southern Oregon. The museum was founded in 1979. Located in the heart of downtown, the museum offers free admission.
Q: How much does it cost to participate?
A: There is no entry fee. We appreciate your support!
Q: Do I need an art degree or prior exhibition experience?
A: Nope! All are welcome to participate.
Q: Can I enter more than one artwork?
A: Yes! Please be aware they may not end up hanging together, so each should work as its own individual piece.
Q: Can I change the size?
A: All pieces are hung in a grid, so we need all of them to be 6”x6”. Artworks that are not this size may be rejected. Rejected works will be returned at your expense if you wish. Please do not add anything that sticks out beyond the border of those dimensions.
Q: What about 3D?
A: Yes! You can go 6” x 6” x 6”! All 3D work either needs to be wired in the back to hang on a wall, or able to be stable on a pedestal.
Q: What kind of materials can I use?
A: We are very open to letting you explore your creativity. Please consider the following:
· It needs to be hung up with light-weight putty or thumb tacks.
· Please do not create something that is too heavy to hang with thumbtacks. The work around to this is that we will accept work with a hidden wire that it can hang from.
· Just paper is great! Please use thicker paper. At a minimum 100 lb paper is stiff enough to work.
· Please no glitter, or any other materials that flake off. Also, nothing that is going to fall apart or decay. Please use fixative for charcoal or pastel.
· You can use canvas – but it needs to be wired and 6x6.
Q: What about framing?
A: Please don’t frame. We need all the work to be the same size.
Q: Will my work be hung up?
A: Yes! All work will be displayed in the museum. Either on the wall, or on a pedestal.
Q: Who will the work belong to?
A: The artist retains all copyright. The museum will have ownership of the artworks once they arrive, and then will sell them. We may use your artwork image in publicity, both now and in the future. We will not return work. We reserve the right to sell works for less than $25.
Q: Can I contact my buyer or have their email?
A: Artists may release their info to the buyers, but it is not mandatory. We may be unable to tell you who purchased your work. However, they will receive your contact info that you place on the back of the artwork or that you provide in the entry form on CaFE.
Q: Will my name and title be displayed?
A: Yes. We will have a chart of all the pieces and titles and artist names.
Q: How long will the work be exhibited?
A: We will have our exhibition run from January 20 – February 16, 2022. During the entire length of the exhibition we will have an online silent auction of the work, starting at $25, and a “Reserve it now” price of $300. Your work will be displayed the entire time.
Q: Will the work be juried?
A: We plan to accept every submission. Please be aware your work will be viewed by audiences of all ages and should be appropriate for a child to see.