Call Detail
Salt Lake City 400 South Viaduct Trail - Request for Qualifications
Entry Deadline: 1/19/23
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Utah
Budget: 53000

To view this call in PDF form, please visit our website:


This project will improve the connectivity for those walking or using active transportation (bikes, scooters, rollerblades, etc.) and mobility devices across the 400 South Viaduct, an important corridor linking Salt Lake City’s East and West sides. This viaduct will be transformed by adding a new, two-way, multi-use trail for people walking, biking, or rolling on the south side of the viaduct, including the full stretch across the bridge that comprises the heart of this project. Construction includes changes to sidewalks and pedestrian ramps; striping removal and replacement; the installation of a new, physical barricade between motor vehicle traffic and the area designated as a trail; and minor construction to relocate medians. The multi-use trail will tie into existing sidewalks on the east and west of the viaduct bridge to and when finished, it will connect with existing bike lanes on 900 West and a planned grade-separated trail on 300 West.

Railroad tracks, in addition to the parallel Interstate 15 (I-15) highway, actively divide the city—physically, racially, economically, and socially—by a West-side and East-side axis. This divide is particularly daunting for people traveling by foot or using other forms of active transportation, especially to those coming from Westside neighborhoods, which are considered among of the most racially and ethnically diverse places in all of Utah. The 400 South Viaduct project aims to improve the bridging of this divide and has been prioritized by the City’s Transportation Division as one of the top projects for implementation from a transportation equity perspective.

The commissioned artist or artist-led team will be required to work in collaboration and in consultation with the SLC Public Art Program, the SLC Engineering and Transportation Divisions, and the contracted engineering design consultant to become an integral part of the viaduct’s design team. The selected artist or artist-led team’s primary task will be to co-create a viaduct that rewards and celebrates its users by identifying or designing aesthetic elements that can be integrated into the project’s overall infrastructure. 


The Salt Lake Art Design Board seeks to create an artistically driven project that:

  • Establishes a bold visual identity that links Salt Lake City’s East and West sides, from the beginning of the Poplar Grove neighborhood to the west-end of Downtown;
  • Recognizes the importance of the 400 South Viaduct project area as a placemaking opportunity that unifies Salt Lake City as a whole;
  • Integrates strong and imaginative art elements with a holistic view of the viaduct’s design, function, users, and impact on the community;
  • Contributes to a welcoming environment that centers the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and people using mobility devices;
  • Contributes to a welcoming environment that centers the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and people using mobility devices;
  • Becomes a rewarding and visually stimulating experience for those who travel across the 400 South Viaduct;
  • Considers and incorporates sustainable concepts, practices, and materials;
  • Is informed through community-centered strategies that will help reflect the Poplar Grove neighborhood and West side communities.

The selected artist and/or artist-led team will work collaboratively with the contracted engineering design consultant and city stakeholders to identify and create aesthetic enhancements to the infrastructure to fulfill the 400 South Viaduct’s project goals. The resulting art elements are expected to be fully integrated into the project’s infrastructure.

Potential artwork may include but is not restricted to:

  • Form linear design for the concrete for the bridge parapet and/or concrete trail barrier;
  • Hardscape enhancements such as decorative paving;
  • Decorative metal enhancements for the railings and fencing;
  • Light fixtures and/or lighting enhancements;
  • Interactive artwork to liven up pedestrian and bicyclists realms;
  • Murals/mosaics;
  • Aesthetic enhancements to barriers separating cyclists and pedestrians from vehicle traffic.

It is expected the selected artist or artist-led team complies with Salt Lake City’s material requirements and restrictions, the project budget, and long-term maintainability. The artist will be expected to collaborate with the design team and other project stakeholders to identify materials and installation methods acceptable to Salt Lake City.

The selected artist and/or artist-led team will work with the project stakeholders to implement a maximum of 3 community-centered sessions aimed at informing the final design. The purpose of these meetings will be for the selected artist and/or artist-led team to develop a greater understanding of the function and use of the 400 South Viaduct and its connection to the community; consider any physical, social, cultural, or geographic aspects of the site and community that may inspire the theme, content or concept of the artwork; and provide the community and project stakeholders with information about the artist and their approach to art making. An artist/team outside of Utah is welcomed, but not required, to engage with Utah’s community of local artists—working across any discipline—to help lead, co-create, and facilitate the community engagement component for this project.


The total commission for this project is $53,000 and is inclusive of all artists fees related to the following:

  • Preparation and submittal of conceptual schematic designs;
  • Design development and construction documents;
  • Development of specifications and cost estimations for fabrication;
  • Art concept models and presentation materials, including any samples;
  • Art budget research and submittals;
  • Design collaboration throughout the length of the project;
  • Conducting community outreach and engagement (including any fees or honoraria incurred by working with a local artist);
  • Taxes and insurance;
  • Travel expenses for the artist or artist-led team to Salt Lake City, including attendance at any in-person design team meetings, public meetings, and working with staff and design team. Due to the impact of COVID-19, it is possible some or all the community engagement and stakeholder meetings and/or design team will be conducted virtually.

Although this project’s structure is intended for an artist/team to primarily act as part of the design team, the selected artist/team may choose to include specified art elements or standalone art objects that will be integrated onto the finished project. The funding for the inclusion of any potential standalone art elements has not yet been determined.

The project will be broken down into several phases and will be paid on milestone completion defined as follows:

  1. Phase 1 – Project initiation and attendance at initial meetings with project team. Discussions will inform preliminary concepts and project approach. A submittal of a preliminary art plan that includes conceptual renderings of proposed design and/or artistic elements that includes their scale, proposed content, and themes. If opting to include standalone art elements as part of the concept, a description of which are to be fabricated by the artist/team and which are to be fabricated and/or installed by subcontractor.
  2. Phase 2 – Concept development, which will include schematic drawings, artwork statement, a maintenance plan, and a preliminary budget, to coincide with the 40% trail engineering design deliverable. Project locations for art should be identified and approach to artwork should be understood to be conveyed to design team. Concept should be developed to an extent to allow presentations at public meetings and for posting online for public distribution. Samples of materials to be used in artist-designed elements, if requested by the City.
  3. Phase 3 – Concept should be developed to the extent needed for the General Contractor to develop costs to deliver the concept as part of the project and be included in the 100% Construction Documents.

The required community engagement sessions for this project may be implemented at any time during its duration. Their occurrence will be defined through conferring and consulting with the project stakeholders and the Public Art Program.

During the construction phase of this project, future work will include scope to collaborate and oversee in the installation of the design, including any potential standalone art elements. The funding for this future phase has not yet determined. It is the intent of the project team to maintain the artist/team as a collaborator through the construction phase


The selection of an artist or artist-led team for this project will be based on the following qualifications:

  • Successful experience collaborating with design professionals as part of a team to deliver a comprehensive approach to integrating art and design;
  • Experience in developing and implementing community-centered strategies to define objects and inform scope of designs and art elements;
  • Ability to meet deadlines and budget and to perform work in a timely, professional manner;
  • Willingness of the artist to consult and work collaboratively with the Salt Lake Art Design Board, project stakeholders, and design and construction teams;
  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of sense of place and design in a context-sensitive manner;
  • Willingness of the artist to facilitate opportunities for compelling and meaningful community engagement;

The Salt Lake Art Design Board, in consultation with project stakeholders, will review the properly submitted applications and select up to five (5) finalists for a formal interview. If selected for an interview, finalists will be given at least a two (2) week notice prior to the interviews. If necessary due to scheduling or travel constraints, interviews may be conducted through phone of video conference.

After the interview process is concluded, the Salt Lake Art Design Board will recommend an artist or artist-led team, and one alternate, for the commission to the Mayor for final approval. Only the selected artist or artist-led team will enter into a commission agreement with the City. The alternate will enter into a commission agreement only in the case that the City and the selected artist are unable, for any reason and in the City’s sole discretion, to enter into the commission agreement.

Artist-led team applications are welcomed. Each team must be led by a person with demonstrated history of professional activity as an artist. Teams may not substitute team members after submission unless the Public Art Program consents to any proposed substitution. An artist may not apply as a member of more than one team and may not apply as an individual artist if already applying as a team – one person/one application.


Salt Lake City anticipates the design phase will occur as soon as an artist is under contract and continue through 2023 with construction starting in spring of 2024. The 400 South Viaduct project is expected to be completed in late 2024. The artwork design timeline is expected to align with the design phase of this project and will be completed by the end of 2024. Implementation of the art concepts developed during the design phase will occur during construction duration. The selected artist or artist-led team should be prepared to immediately begin working with the project stakeholders once legally under contract.

  • Information session for applicants: December 21, 2022 at 3:00 pm MST
  • Application deadline: January 19, 2023 at 11:59 pm MST
  • Notification of finalist selection: February 2023
  • Finalist interviews: March 1, 2023
  • Notification of artist selection: March 2023
  • Contracting: March/April 2023
  • Project kickoff: April/May 2023
  • Design and community engagement May 2023 – Late Fall 2023
  • Final submittals for construction: November 2023
  • Estimated construction timeline: Spring 2024 – Late Fall 2024

Salt Lake City, project stakeholders, and the engineering design team reserve the right to alter these dates as necessary. Where non-performance is caused by usual and natural consequences of external forces, installation schedule shall be adjusted accordingly.


The selected artist/team will be issued two separate agreements. The first agreement will be for design services, including community outreach and engagement. The second agreement will be for the artist and/or artist-led team to consult with the project stakeholders, including a General Contractor, to oversee the fabrication and installation phase of the art elements within the project (funding for this phase has not yet been determined; see “Project Budget and Milestone Phases” section for details).

The selected artist or artist-led team must carry general liability insurance and must either provide proof of Workers’ Compensation Coverage or apply for a Workers’ Compensation Coverage Waiver.

Due to the function and nature of the 400 South Viaduct as a busy transportation corridor, Salt Lake City will retain the right to remove or relocate the artwork as may be deemed necessary in the future. The selected artist/team will retain copyright to their work but will grant Salt Lake City right to reproduction. In the performance of this project under agreement with Salt Lake City, artist/team shall comply with all applicable Salt Lake City requirements, laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations.

View a sample a sample Artist Commissioned Work Agreement here.


All questions regarding this Call for Artists may only be directed to Salt Lake City Public Art Program staff at the email address listed below. Artists may be disqualified if any unsolicited contact related to this Call for Artists is made with a member of the Art Design Board or project stakeholders other than the Public Art Program staff during the selection process.

We do our best to respond to inquiries quickly, however we may not be able to respond in a timely manner during the final days prior to deadlines stated above. Please give yourself ample time to consider your participation in this project and reach out to our staff, at any stage in the process, with any questions or concerns.



If you do not have access to a computer or WiFi to apply, the Salt Lake City Public Library branches offer free computer and WiFi access. If you require further resources or accommodations to complete the application materials, such as translation and interpretation services to other languages, please email for accommodations.

Information session: Interested applicants are invited to attend an online info session, via Zoom, on Wednesday, December 21st, 2022 at 3:00 pm (MST).

Attendance at this meeting is not required to apply. A recording of the info session will be published on our website afterwards.


Application Requirements


Submissions that arrive on or before 11:59 pm MST on Thursday January 19, 2023, and meet all the application requirements will be reviewed. To be considered for this project, applicants must submit all the required materials via the CaFÉ ( website. There is no application fee. No other method of submission will be accepted. Assistance using CaFÉ is available online, by email, or by calling 303-629-1166 during business hours. If you are a first-time user of CaFÉ, please allow adequate time to learn the use of this system. We recommend that artists complete their application at least 48 hours prior to the stated deadline.

Any materials not specifically requested as part of this application or exceeding the maximum word count or format requirements will not be considered or reviewed by the Art Design Board. The applicant’s full name must appear on all submitted materials. If applying as a team, indicate the name and contact information of the team’s representative.

Please upload Letter of Interest, Resume or CV, Professional References, and Annotated Image List in one (1) PDF document and include Images of Recent Work in the "Choose Work Samples" section of the application. 


A letter (not to exceed 500 words) outlining your interest, perspective, strength, and experience for this project. Letters must provide concrete examples of previous experience in collaborating with multi-disciplinary design teams and communities, including community engagement processes, and what meaningful community engagement means to you. Letter must include address, email, phone number, and website of artist;


A resume not to exceed two pages including artist training and professional experience, particularly as it relates to integrating art and/or design to infrastructure. If applying as a team, submit a resume for each team member.


A list of three professional references with contact information (name, title, organization, mailing address, phone number, and email address). References will only be contacted during the interviewing process for the artists/teams proposed as finalists.


Five to ten (5-10) images of past artwork that demonstrate your qualifications for this project. Images of designs for previously proposed projects that were not developed to completion may be submitted but should be clearly marked as such in the Image List document. Previous proposals cannot account for more than 3 of the requested 10 images. If applying as a team and the team has not collaborated previously, images of work from all team members as appropriate should be included (please note that teams are limited to 10 images total). 

Complete all fields in the CaFÉ portfolio section and upload through the "CHOOSE WORK SAMPLES" section.

  • Artists who wish to submit kinetic, sound or media works must submit a complete CaFÉ application and include links to the work uploaded online, such as YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Instructions on how to format images to CaFÉ specifications may be found at


A list of the submitted images with descriptions that clearly explain both the projects and images. Include pertinent information regarding key collaborations with design team and/or stakeholders. Include dimensions, medium, location, commissioning agency, and budgets (when information is allowed to be released). Please indicate your role in the project, e.g., lead artist or co-artist, studio team member, fabricator, etc.

Eligibility Criteria


This Call for Artists is open to all professional artists or artist-led teams currently residing in the United States regardless of race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, religion, marital status, political opinion or affiliation, or mental or physical disability.