Application Closed
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $30.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Audio | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 2
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 2
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Eligibility: International
State: New York
COMPLETELY COLOR: Color and Human Experience
People appreciate and respond to color in different ways depending on innate response, personal experience, education, and professional interests. We invite creative thoughts and expressions on color with respect to emotions, observations, theories, research, memories, and culture. Open to all creatives: artists, scientists, designers, and anyone who is passionate about expressing themselves through color. However color inspires you, we invite you to inspire us!
Sponsored by the Inter-Society Color Council COMPLETELY COLOR is part of Color Impact 2023: Color and Human Experience. The conference is presented by the Inter-Society Color Council at Rochester Institute of Technology in upstate New York. ISCC advances the knowledge of color as it relates to art, science, industry, and design. Each of these fields enriches the others, furthering the general objective of color education. This will be a virtual exhibition and all works will be displayed on the Color Impact 2023 Color and Human Experience Art Exhibition Website.
The Online Exhibit will be presented at the conference and available on the website.
A Best of Show will be awarded for each of these categories: Student, Amateur, Professional
Jurying Process
To further our interdisciplinary approach, we have asked two jurors, Mark Fairchild from the color science community and Danielle Siembieda-Gribben from the arts community. Jurors are asked to consider design skills, technical elements, presentation, and the expressive, imaginative, conceptual, or innovative content of the work. Jurors will keep a balanced show in mind but are not required to select a specific quota in each medium or color focus.
Dr. Mark Fairchild
Mark D. Fairchild is Professor in the Program of Color Science and Munsell Color Science Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Imaging Science from R.I.T. and Ph.D. in Vision Science (Brain & Cognitive Science) from the University of Rochester. He is author of over 400 technical publications and books, including Color Appearance Models, 3rd Ed. Mark has received numerous awards and recognitions for his research and educational work including the Macbeth (2002), Nickerson (2018), and Godlove (2021) awards from the ISCC and the Davies Medal (2007) from the Royal Photographic Society. His most cited research is in the areas of color appearance models, image appearance models, high-dynamic-range (HDR) photography, human color vision, and color reproduction.
Danielle Siembieda-Gribben
Danielle’s experience bridges the gap between arts marketing, curation and practice is the Senior Arts Manager for the City of San José Office of Economic Development and Cultural Affairs. She is the former Chief Creative Officer of the enterprise think tank Leonardo/ISAST. Danielle's mission is “to empower communities by navigating complex systems that affect all of us.” She has spent her career addressing the UNSDG’s with a focus on clean energy and responsible consumption & production through creative entrepreneurship and economy. Danielle is also an Art Practitioner creating works in the intersection of technology and the environment. Her portfolio of work spans out into Social Practice, Institutional Critique, Bio Art, Eco Art, New Media, and Intervention Art
Application Requirements
Entry Materials
We are seeking creative expressions from across the spectrum of media and professions.We encourage creatives to submit art in any style as well as visual expression of scientific exploration. There are no size limitations. For 3D work, consider uploading video documentation to better represent your submission in the round.There is a three-minute time limit for audio and visual files
Examples, but not limited to:
Digital Media: All forms of new media including animation, video, and photography
Arts: Visual arts, crafts, dance, performance, poetry, music, light installations, graphic or industrial design
Environmental Design and Architecture: Including Interior Design, Textile Design, Visual Marketing, Product Design, etc.
Visual Representations of Research Data: Such as a 3D output of data or algorithm. A graphic representation of color data or novel use of color in data visualization
Please upload the highest quality possible because that file will be exhibited. File format and size specifications can be found at:
Eligibility Criteria
Entry Categories
Student, Amateur, Professional
Everyone working at all levels in art, design or science disciplines are encouraged to apply for this competition. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply. Enter works according to your level of experience – Student, Amateur, or Professional. Jurors will choose artworks for the exhibition from each division and works will be juried against other works in the same division.The divisions are competitive. The number chosen for display is limited and depends on the volume of applications.