Call Detail
Red, White and Blue - What Does it Mean To You?

Entry Deadline: 6/27/23
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $25.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: Unspecified
State: California
Event Dates: 7/1/23 - 7/31/23

6th Street Studios and Art Center presents a call for artwork surrounding Red, White, and Blue. Bring forward your creative abilities to envision
what this suggests. Is it the 4 th of July with marching bands in a parade? Independence Day Festivities? The colors of our flag? Or is it the vision
of blueberries with red raspberries over vanilla ice cream and angel food cake? Red is hot. White is pure. Blue is cool.Vivid descriptions of what is happening in each work will be preferred. Abstracts, multi-media works, sculptures, etc., are encouraged. We cannot display videos on our website, but if you have a still and and a link to your video, we can have that in the description. 


  Works can be for sale, or not. 15% commission is taken for any works sold through the show. 

We will e-mail you an acceptance letter, and a Google Spreadsheet to enter the information of your accepted work into. Please seek out technical assistance from someone you know if you are not familiar with Google Sheets. It's like an excel sheet but shared with everyone. We will give artists 72 hours from acceptance to fill in the sheet.  We are a volunteer run organization. 

Application Requirements

Submit high resolution images with your application, including all relevant information. If accepted, artists will receive an email of acceptance with an inventory sheet to fill out upon acceptance. The show will not go up until all artists have responded and filled out their information. The accepted works will be shown in your CAFÉ account. 

Eligibility Criteria

Anyone can apply