Call Detail
Call for Artists: LSU Health Shreveport
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Entry Deadline: 5/31/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 10
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 13
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Louisiana
Budget: $160,000

View full call HERE for complete description.

At the entrance of LSU Health Shreveport's main building, a striking public art installation will embody the institution's mission to teach, heal, and discover. This meticulously chosen artwork serves as a visual anchor, encapsulating the essence of medical excellence and innovation. Positioned strategically, the artwork visually reinforces LSU Health Shreveport’s core values of patient-centered care, collaboration, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Application Requirements

Submission Requirements

A complete application must include:

  • Artist résumé demonstrating a minimum of five (5) years of professional visual art experience (NOT STUDENT WORK). If submitting as a team, a current résumé should be submitted for each team member (Compiled into one document). A biography will not be accepted in place of a résumé.
  • Statement of interest describing:
    1. Why you are interested in this project
    2. Previous experience with public art
    3. Your methods of working
    4. How you believe the art will enhance the chosen space(s)
  • References that include the names and current contact information for three (3) individuals with whom you have worked, collaborated, or who have commissioned your work in the past. 
    References will be contacted for artists invited to develop a proposal for the commission.
  • Images (up to 10) of your original completed commissions or artworks, not proposals, which demonstrate your qualifications for the project. 3-D models, sketches, or drawings will not be accepted. You must include the title, medium, dimensions, project budget (price), year completed, location, and a description. The value must be indicated in US dollars. Each image must contain only one view of the work.
  • Up to 3 videos (optional) of work examples

Eligibility Criteria

This call for artists is open to professional artists 18 and over, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identification, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical ability.

Artist teams may apply and must designate one artist as the lead contact. Examples of work submitted must be original, recently completed artwork (within the last 10 years).