Call Detail
City of Lafayette Gallery Walls - 2024
Entry Deadline: 10/19/23
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 15
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 15
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: Local
State: Colorado

The City of Lafayette Arts & Cultural Resources Department invites Colorado artists to submit work for display in a City facility.  Artwork will be selected by a panel of City staff. Work will typically hang for a two-month time period. The artist or a proxy must be available to hang the artwork. Guidelines for hanging work will be provided at the time your show is confirmed.
Lafayette has a substantial arts community and a dynamic citywide arts program. This is a no-fee, juried exhibition.  

Local artists, as well as artists from other Colorado regions are encouraged to apply for this free opportunity to display work in an intimate, unique, and eclectic art environment where community members are appreciative and encouraging, and visitors come for a special opportunity to experience Lafayette’s art scene.

Artists are asked to submit their work for review. All works must be suitable to be hung in a public space. 2-dimensional media preferred. Wall-hung 3-dimensional media will be reviewed on a case by case, and space available basis.  Artwork will be selected by a panel of City staff members. 
Artists are responsible for hanging their own work in one of the City facilities. We are currently booking for the Lafayette Public Library and Lafayette Senior Center. Artists should complete the application form and submit 5-15 examples of their work. The call closes on October 19, 2023.

Guidelines for Selected Artwork 
All art must be display ready, including matting, framing, and hanging wire. Please ensure that your work is:

  • Suitable for public display
  • Framed
  • Assembled
  • All artwork must have a hanging wire, so that it is compatible with the City Gallery Walls hanging system

Application Requirements

Submit artwork and information via CaFE.  You will be asked to submit the following:

  • Artist’s contact information
  • 5-15 images
  • Image list (title, media, size, date)
  • Artist’s statement (focus on the work submitted)

Eligibility Criteria

Preference given to local, Colorado artists.