Call Detail
2023 - FlashPoint (Photography Exhibition)
Entry Deadline: 9/30/23
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry fee): $31.00
Media Fee(Additional Image Fee): $2.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 20
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 20
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: California

Las Laguna Art Gallery invites photographers to show us your shots.

Photography provides many things; proof that something happened, the ability to capture a moment or memories, or as a means of communication. Is your work innovative and interesting? Will your submission be artistic or awe-inspiring? We are looking for works that excite and inspire. Will your works make the viewer laugh or make the viewer cry? We’d like to see works that show your ingenuity, talent, heart, and perception.

Any types of photography mediums including digital or traditional photography,  iphone, Polaroid, digital prints on any medium are acceptable.

Note: All artists who submit to this show will be accepted and have at least  one of their submitted works posted and promoted on our website and to our client list.  A select number of artists will be selected to send their work to  the gallery for the in-person exhibition at our brick and mortar  gallery in Laguna Beach, California.

Notification: October 8, 2023
Exhibition: November 2 to 25, 2023
Commission: 65% Artist, 35% Gallery 

Application Requirements

Complete application at to apply.

Eligibility Criteria

Open to all local, national or international artists.