Call Detail
ART QUARTERLY | Winter Issue Publication & Exhibit
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Entry Deadline: 10/31/23
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Basic Entry): $45.00
Media Fee(Additional Media): $5.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 20
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 20
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: California

CALL | The QUARTERLY is a contemporary art publication and exhibition by Dabster Arts Inc. Since first opening in 2011 our mission has been to display and document contemporary art and artists in the moment. The QUARTERLY publication and exhibition is an in depth quarterly art project that focuses on individuals with unique stories and the distinctive artwork they are creating. 

We are looking for artists to feature in the upcoming Winter 2024 issue and coinciding exhibition of The QUARTERLY. Creating a contemporary visual diary of cultural commentary provided by the individual experiences and perspectives on all topics, from political to pop culture and everything in between. Every issue’s concept or artistic theme is determined by the artists and thier submissions. Artists selected for The Quarterly will be featured in the publication and exhibition.

PUBLICATION | Artists will receive either a feature (1-3 pages, write up about their featured artwork and selected pictorial of artwork) or a full article (3-6 pages, write up, interview and full pictorial spread of artwork in the physical publication. Featured artists will also receive a gratis copy of the issue. 

The QUARTERLY Fall 2023 Issue will be available for sale on Amazon, Blurb, our website and all of our gallery locations. Our current distribution reaches 15k subscribers and is growing with each year. The QUARTERLY Fall 2023 Issue will also be sent for catalog and collection at the both LACMA and MFAH libraries. 

MFAH (The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston) Hirsh Library - The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, serves as a welcoming and inclusive place for all people, connecting the communities of Houston with diverse histories of art spanning 5,000 years and six continents. Through our permanent collections, special exhibitions, learning and interpretation programs, studio instruction, publications, conservation, and scholarly research, we strive to inspire appreciation and understanding of the broadest spectrum of human achievement. Since the 1920s, the Hirsch Library has served the Museum staff, art researchers, college students, and the public by collecting, providing access to, and preserving information about the visual arts. 

LACMA (Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Arts) Balch Art Research Library - The largest art museum in the western United States, LACMA’s Balch Art Research Library maintains an extensive research-level collection of approximately 175,000 books, journals, periodicals and art publications. This non-circulating collection consists of monographs on artists and specialized art subjects; art reference books; collection and exhibition catalogs of museums, galleries, and private collectors; scholarly periodicals in the field of art and related areas; current auction catalogs; artist files; and material in related fields of study. 

EXHIBITION | Selected artists will also participate in The QUARTERLY group exhibition. This 3 month online exclusive exhibition will be listed on our website and our sales platform ARTSY. The QUARTERLY exhibition will have a virtual opening reception where the participating artists and publication contributors will be asked to join in for a panel discussion moderated by the Dab Art Co. Director. We’ll discuss each artist's featured work and viewers are encouraged to post relevant questions and comments. 

Our Online Exclusive Exhibits garner views into the tens of thousands. Our long standing partnership with the online art sales platform ARTSY has proved to be an invaluable resource. With buyers from 130+ countries and an average transaction distance over 3,000 miles. Our partner platform receives 2.2 million unique visitors every month which means artists and exhibitions featured by Dab Art Co. are well-positioned for optimal collector visibility. This is the same platform used by the industry’s top galleries like Gagosian, Hauser & Wirth and Simon Lee.

As an online exclusive, The QUARTERLY exhibition means incredible exposure to an international audience and collector base with no additional expenses for the participating artists. This also means that artists from all over the world can actively participate in the opening reception.


October 31 - Call Officially Closes (11:59pm Mountain Time)

November 3 - Notification of Selected Artists (via Email)

December 1 - Exhibition Opens and Artist Talk (Virtual Reception)

December 4 - Physical Publication Released

March 1 - Exhibition Closes

CALL FEES | Basic media fee is $45 for 5 images. Additional media may be added, the cost is $5 per image. No more than 20 images can be added. Artists may submit more than once. 

CONSIDERATIONS | Entries made on or before 9/30/2023 will have early consideration for the Winter 2024 Quarterly Exhibition and Publication. Entries are reviewed weekly and selections are made throughout the call.

SUBMISSION NOTE | All work selected online must remain available for sale for the entirety of this project. This clause will be written into the legal agreement. 

COMMISSION | Gallery retains a 50% commission on all exhibition sales in gallery & online. Artwork and artists selected for exhibition will be listed on the Dab Art Co.'s sales platform, Artsy. You can view our Artsy page HERE.

REMITTANCE | Sales remittance to Artist will be provided within 5-7 business days after the completion of a sale transaction and receipt of payment from Buyer to Dab Art Co. has been finalized. Dab Art Co. will provide Artist with a remittance statement for any and all sales. 

QUESTIONS | Please email for all inquiries regarding this call (questions about your status, late entries, additional entries, consultation appointments, etc.) Be sure to include the name on your CAFE account and date of submission. 

FOR MORE INFORMATION | Visit to find out more about Dabster Arts Inc. View our Exhibition Program, Artist Index, Locations and Films. We look forward to seeing your work!

Application Requirements

ARTIST REQUIREMENTS | Artists selected for the quarterly will be given a comprehensive interview questionnaire that must be completed for the publication. Artists must provide high resolution images of artwork for print and platform publication. 

ARTWORK REQUIREMENTS | All work must be original, unsold work, & the artist must own the sole copyright to art. All frames, mats & wiring must be professional quality & in good condition. All artwork selected must remain available for sale for the entirety of the Exhibition.  

SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS | Artists are responsible for providing adequate packaging for their artwork. Artwork should be packed with appropriate protective materials and boxes, crates or containers should be sturdy enough for regional, national and international travel. Buyers pay shipping & insurance (during transit) for all artwork sold. 

Eligibility Criteria

ACCEPTED ARTWORK | Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Glass, Fiber, Functional, Digital, Photography, Installation, mixed media and New Genres. Proposals may include multiple disciplines.

SUBMISSION NOTE | All artwork selected must remain available for sale for the entirety of the Exhibition.  

SUBMISSION TIP | A comprehensive and detailed submission will include at least 5 images, a biography and artist statement. We are highlighting the artists for quarterly, not just the artwork.