Call Detail
Happiness - 2024 (4th Annual Exhibition and Promotion)
Entry Deadline: 3/19/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: Unspecified
Event Dates: 4/5/24 - 6/5/24

An international group exhibition to extend Happiness


Exhibizone delightfully presents Happiness 2024, 4th Annual Exhibition and Promotion to extend happiness, the profound and universal emotions, globally.

Happiness, a profound and universal emotion, has captivated artists for centuries. It can be defined as the feeling that covers you with joy, a sense of well-being, and contentment.

When you feel safe, or lucky, or successful, the happiness seems more probable.

In 1960s, "Happiness" entered the debates and became a subject for research, while long before that, happiness has been a part of the teaching in religions, both western and eastern.

Sigmond Freud believed that all humans strive after happiness, but the possibilities of achieving it is restricted because we are so made that we can derive intense enjoyment only from a contrast and very little from the state of things.

Happiness is so valuable that since 2012, a World Happiness Report has been published.

It evaluates "How happy you are with your life as a whole?" and in the emotional part "How happy you are right now?"

Some believe that artists live a happier life in general, while others think happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing.

For Happiness 2024, we encourage you to delve into the myriad facets of happiness and express your unique artistic perspective; whether it is the fleeting joy of a sunlit morning, the warmth of human connections, the harmony found in nature, or the inner contentment that radiates from a quiet moment of reflection. 

Happiness 2024 encompasses a variety of categories to accommodate a diverse range of artistic expressions, including not limited to:

- Joyful Landscapes: Capture the essence of happiness through scenic beauty, depicting landscapes, cityscapes, and seascapes that evoke feelings of delight and serenity.

- Portraiture: Portray the exuberance and happiness that dance across the faces of your subjects, whether human, animal, or creatures from fantasy world.

- Activities: Showcase the joy of modern and traditional gatherings, ceremonies, and celebrations that present the mood and energy of happiness. 

- Still Life of Serenity: Explore the tranquility of happiness through carefully composed still life arrangements that celebrate the beauty in everyday objects.

- Narratives of Visual Bliss: Share stories and anecdotes of moments, memories, or experiences that embody the essence of happiness.

- Expressive Emotions: Channel your emotions into vibrant and expressive artworks that convey the many dimensions of happiness.

- Abstract Euphoria: Unleash your creativity by interpreting happiness through abstract forms, shapes, and colors that evoke emotional resonance.

Both representational and abstract artists in any media are welcomed to submit their art in another popular art exhibition by Exhibizone that has been visited by 8,000,000+ visitors from 120+ countries.

Winners Awards include an international smart group exhibition, a life-long link to boost online visibility and SEO, an intensive exposure for selected artists to promote and sell artworks, exhibition catalogues, posters, and feedback and comments from art lovers, experts, and collectors.

Submission is free of charge and a small fixed fee applies to selected artists only. 

Visit previous exhibition at

Last year's exhibition can be viewed at  



■ Group Exhibition
Selected artworks will be showcased in an online smart group exhibition globally for two months from April 05, to June 05, 2024.

■ Artwork Sales

Selected artworks will be promoted to sell via the online exhibition link.

Notably, sold and not for sale artworks are acceptable as well.

■ Exhibition Catalogue

All selected artworks and artists will be published in a stylish colorful exhibition catalogue available online.

Artists can order for the print catalogue via print-on-demand service from one of the partner platforms.

The catalogue will be promoted and circulated internationally, becoming available to millions of viewers including art experts, galleries, curators, businesses and enthusiasts, via popular publication gateways.

■ Exhibition Poster
A link to the digital version of the exhibition poster will be sent to each artist via email.

■ Promotional Badges
A link to the digital promotional badge for each artwork will be sent to each artist to share in the social media.

■ Artwork Reviews
All exhibition visitors can submit their reviews and ratings of the exhibition and each artwork online.
Visitors' comments and ratings can provide valuable insights about the audience's feelings and understandings of the artworks.

Artists will be notified about the received comments by email.

■ Exhibition Promotion
A promotion program will be executed to boost the selected artists' exposure and increase the artwork sales during the exhibition period.
The program includes exhibition press release sent-out, catalogue circulation, social media presentation, etc.

■ Reports, Analytics and Insights
An insightful report containing the number of visits, reviews, artworks popularity, and engagement rate of the exhibition visitors, along with the sales statistics will be sent to each artist regularly during the exhibition.

■ Publication

Some of the selected artworks might be published in various magazines and books in Biafarin art network.

■ Artist Profile Page
Each artist receives a free online profile page in Biafarin platform.

■ Certificate
A digital certificate will be issued and sent to all selected artists.


The submission is FREE.

If selected, there is a USD 35 fixed selection fee.

Submit up to 5 artworks, maximum 2 artworks will be accepted from each artist.

Money-Back Guarantee: All selection fee payments are supported by money-back guarantee option until the opening day of the exhibition (no questions asked).

Application Requirements


Artist Headshot Photo
Artist Full Name
City and Country of Residence
Social Media Links (optional)
Website (optional)

Biography (optional)

Artist Statement (optional)







Creation Year

Size (WidthXHeightXDepth) in cm or inches

Artwork/Series Description (Optional)

Price in USD

Eligibility Criteria


This opportunity is open to all visual artists worldwide.



Art Categories

The submission is open to all visual artists creating original artworks in 2 and 3-dimensional media.

Visual Arts Categories: Painting, drawing, landscapes, printmaking, illustration, photography, digital art, sculpture, metalsmithing, assemblage, ceramic art, installation, crafts, jewelry, glass art, paper art, book art, land art, fiber art, textile art, wood art, collage, abstract, graphic arts, design, decorative arts, and mixed media are accepted.

All styles are accepted.

Any abstract or representational interpretations of the subject are welcome.

There is no size limit for submitted artworks.

There is no limit for artwork creation year.
Artworks created within the last 5 years are preferred.

Originality and Rights
Artworks must be entirely the work of the entrant, executed without the supervision of an instructor.

Entries must not be copies or derivatives based in any way on other copyrighted or published paintings, photographs or other artistic work. Any infraction of this rule will result in serious consequences.
Artist should have all the rights for presenting and publishing the artworks internationally.

Artwork Photo

Only the artwork should show in the photo (no frames or extraneous backgrounds).

Invited artists might be asked for high resolution artwork photos, if needed.


Artists can submit artworks that are not for sales.

Number of Artworks

Artists can submit up to 5 pieces of original artworks in relation to the subject.

The artworks are subject to selection and maximum 2 artworks might be selected from the chosen artists.


Artworks that, in reasonable view of the organizer, include porn, violence, and/or racial, and religious hatred, inappropriate and/or offensive content, are not admissible.