Call Detail
City of Wheat Ridge: Ward Road Station Public Art

Entry Deadline: 9/29/23
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 7
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 2
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 7
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado
Budget: 160,000 USD


Ward Road Station

Public Art

Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Qualifications are requested from qualified artists and/or artist teams interested in creating site-specific public artworks(s) for the Ward Road Station Public Art project, located in the city of Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL: Friday, September 29, 11:59p.m. MST


TOTAL ART BUDGET: $160,000 USD for multiple sites along foot path and on south plaza


The City of Wheat Ridge and the Wheat Ridge Cultural Commission seek to commission public art to enhance major improvements for the Ward Road Transit Station from in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. A total of $160,000 USD is available for various sites along the south side of the project site. These projects are open to all qualified artists residing in the United States.


While Wheat Ridge is a relatively newly incorporated city, it has a rich history based on agriculture and the community’s location along regional travel routes. Originally, the area was the traditional territory of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute peoples. Later, the area was a popular rest stop for travelers during the Gold Rush of the late 1850s. As unsuccessful miners returned to the area, they began farming the rich, fertile soil, and an agricultural community began to grow. Wheat fields were converted to fruit orchards and vegetable fields, attracting buyers from across the Denver area. Eventually in the 1900s the fruit and vegetable farming gave way to greenhouses and the world’s largest production of carnations, earning Wheat Ridge the designation of “Carnation City.” As the residential areas of unincorporated Jefferson County grew to provide housing to the Denver workforce during the 1950s, the major transportation corridors extending from Denver developed with commercial services. Eventually, due to the increasing annexation pressure from nearby municipalities, Wheat Ridge incorporated in 1969.

Currently Wheat Ridge is home to approximately 31,000 residents – making it one the smaller cities in the Denver metropolitan area. Today Wheat Ridge embodies the deep roots of a city with a rich history and a strong sense of community. But Wheat Ridge is a forward-looking community, with its central location providing short commutes to major interstate highways, the majestic Rocky Mountains, and the amenities of the large metropolitan City of Denver. With easy access from I-70, you can be skiing, hiking, or participating in a wide range of mountain sports in less than an hour.


In 2016, Wheat Ridge voters supported proposed upgrades of Ward Road Station, which is the final station on the Gold Line Light Rail, to promote redevelopment of this area into a transit-oriented development.  The project will help Wheat Ridge and neighboring Arvada reach transportation and mobility goals for the western end of the Gold Line by encouraging the planning of future land use, transportation, environmental, and infrastructure needs in an integrated manner. Both the Cities of Wheat Ridge and Arvada have adopted plans that strongly encourage higher density mixed-use development, including housing and jobs, within a half mile of the Arvada Ridge and Wheat Ridge-Ward Road stations.  In 2022, after being paused due to COVID-19, the project restarted the design to build a pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks and extend a multi-use trail connecting the station area to the I-70 Frontage Road.

For more information:

Fun Fact: The area near the Ward Road station was once home to a large Jolly Rancher candy factory! It closed in 2002.



The seven-person Art Selection Committee for the Ward Road Station Improvements has recommended the creation of site-specific artworks at two predominant areas on the southern side of the project. For more information CLICK HERE

Locations include, but are not limited to:

·       South Plaza/ South Landing for Pedestrian Bridge: A new pedestrian bridge is being built to give access to the Ward Road Transit Station from the south.

·       Multi-Use Trail: A ¼-mile long multi-use trail will extend from the south plaza, down to the Interstate 70 frontage road. The trail will be carved out of the slope, requiring soil-nail retaining walls, some at heights of 15 feet above grade. There are opportunities for artwork to be integrated into the wall and the rest-areas along this trail. 



The established total art budget for artwork for Ward Road Station Public Art is $160,000 USD. This budget could be used to commission one artist/artist team or be divided between multiple artists/artist teams depending on their expertise and proposals/presentations.

The budget for each site shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the public art project including, but not limited to artist design fee, structural engineering, insurance, materials, fabrication, transportation, installation, site modifications, travel to and from the site, per diem expenses, project documentation, contingency to cover unexpected expenses and any other costs related to the project.

All applicants must be legal residents of the United States. Preference will be given to artists who reside full-time in Colorado or in neighboring states of Colorado. The artists or artist teams must have the skills and experience commensurate with the responsibility of successfully completing a public art installation.  The City of Wheat Ridge and Cultural Commission will comply with all federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws in the administration and implementation of the public art master plan.

The artwork should be complementary to the landscape designs and make connections to the site and community.



All applicants are expected to consider the issues of long-term preservation and maintenance of public art, along with the timeline and budget. Public art projects are in the public realm and will therefore be exposed to extreme weather, temperature fluctuation, UV exposure, and potential vandalism. Public art projects should be fabricated of highly durable, low maintenance materials. Semi­finalists will be encouraged to consult with a professional conservator prior to the submission of a final proposal.

All artwork installed for this project will require engineering approval by an engineer licensed in the state of Colorado. In addition, due to the location along a major state road, artist must design artwork to comply with traffic engineering, public works planning and Regional Transportation District (RTD) as required.


The Art Selection Committee will review only completed applications. A short list of semi­finalists will be invited to prepare and present a design proposal or an interview. A finalist or finalists may be selected from the semi­finalists’ proposals/interviews and recommended to Cultural Commission for approval. Upon the Cultural Commission’s approval, the finalist proposal will be presented to City Council for final approval.

Semi-finalists will be paid an honorarium of between $750-1500 (depending on artists’ residence) for the design and presentation of the proposal. Proposals may be delivered virtually via an online interview/presentation meeting.


The tentative schedule is as follows:

August 22, 2023Call for Entry Open
Friday, Sept. 29, 11:59p.m. MSTDeadline for Applications
Week of October 9, 2023Committee Review Applications / Semi-Finalists selected
November, 2023Semi-Finalists Proposals/Interviews
January, 2023Present recommendations to City Council for approval
January, 2024Execute artist contracts


SITE VISIT: Once the semifinalists are selected, an optional site visit will be offered for the group of selected artists.


All applications for this project must be submitted through CaFÉ™ ( no later than the deadline for submission identified above. No hard copy or e-mail submissions will be accepted. There is no application fee to apply or to use the CaFÉ™ online application system.

The applicant must submit the following:

1.     Digital Images. Up to seven digital images of previously completed artworks through the CaFÉ™ system. Artists who wish to submit kinetic examples may submit video content with their CaFÉ™ application. Digital images are required even if videos are also submitted.

Instructions on how to use CaFÉ™ and format images/video can be found at Assistance in using the CaFÉ™ system is available during regular business hours by calling 303­629­1166, 1­888­562­7232 or e­mail

2.     Résumé: A current résumé that outlines your professional accomplishments as an artist. Your resume may be any length, but the committee members are only required to read to the first two pages.  If applying as a team, please submit a resume for each artist, with the lead artist first.

3.     Statement of Interest: A statement of interest of 250 words or less briefly outlining the artist’s interest in this specific opportunity at Ward Road Station and the artist’s experience working on projects of this scope.

4.     Responses to questions: Please also include answers to the following questions in the CaFÉ™ application.

·       In which state do you reside full-time?

·       Have you completed at least one public art commission for a municipality or state agency?

As a community attentive to its cultural life, the City of Wheat Ridge recognizes the importance of art. Public art enhances the quality of life in Wheat Ridge and benefits its citizens and the community at-large. The City established the groundwork for an expanded public art program in 2002. This program has enabled the city to implement the acquisition of artwork for interior and exterior locations accessible to the public.  Public art acquisition and selection is coordinated through the Cultural Commission.


The Wheat Ridge Cultural Commission reserves the right to reject any or all applications, proposals, applicants, and projects, to waive any informalities or irregularities, and to modify or terminate the application process or the selection process for any reason and without prior notice. The issuance of this Request for Qualifications and the receipt and evaluation of applications do not obligate Wheat Ridge to select any proposal or applicant or enter into any agreement.  The City will not pay any costs incurred in responding to this Request for Qualifications except as expressly stated. 

Applicants are cautioned not to undertake any activities or actions to promote or advertise their submittal, other than discussions with City staff as described.  Proposers are not permitted to make any direct or indirect contact with members of the Art Selection Committee, the Wheat Ridge Cultural Commission, the City Council, or media on the subject of this Request for Qualifications, except in the course of City-sponsored presentations or to submit questions.  Violation of these rules is grounds for disqualification.


Questions regarding this Request for Qualifications must be submitted by e-mail only to Kendall Peterson, Public Art Consultant no later than 5:00 p.m. MST, on September 28th, 2023.

Application Requirements


All applications for this project must be submitted through CaFÉ™ ( no later than the deadline for submission identified above. No hard copy or e-mail submissions will be accepted. There is no application fee to apply or to use the CaFÉ™ online application system. 

The applicant must submit the following:

 1.     Digital Images. Up to seven digital images of previously completed artworks through the CaFÉ™ system. Artists who wish to submit kinetic may submit video content with their CaFÉ™ application. Digital images are required even if videos are also submitted.

Instructions on how to use CaFÉ™ and format images/video can be found at Assistance in using the CaFÉ™ system is available during regular business hours by calling 303­629­1166, 1­888­562­7232 or e­mail

2.     Résumé: A current résumé that outlines your professional accomplishments as an artist. Your resume may be any length, but the committee members are only required to read to the first two pages.  If applying as a team, please submit a resume for each artist, with the lead artist first.

3.     Statement of Interest: A statement of interest of 250 words or less briefly outlining the artist’s interest in this specific opportunity at Wadsworth Improvements and the artist’s experience working on projects of this scope.

4.     Responses to questions: Please also include answers to the following questions in the CaFÉ™ application. 

  • In which state do you reside full-time?
  • Have you completed at least one public art commission for a municipality or state agency?

Eligibility Criteria


All applicants must be legal residents of the United States. The artists or artist teams must have the skills and experience commensurate with the responsibility of successfully completing a public art installation.  The City of Wheat Ridge and Cultural Commission will comply with all federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws in the administration and implementation of the public art master plan.

The artwork should be complementary to the station plans and make connections to the site and community.