Call Detail
Anti-WAR - 2024 (3rd Annual Exhibition and Promotion)
Entry Deadline: 1/15/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: Unspecified
Event Dates: 1/27/24 - 2/29/24

Exhibit your art and be the voice of all victims of war, conflicts, and genocide

Exhibizone, proudly presents Anti-War 2024, an international smart are exhibition, focusing on the destructive aspects of regional and global wars, conflicts, attacks, the consequences, and aftermath.

In UN calendar, January 27 marks the international day of commemoration in memory of the victims of the holocaust. In a world still suffering from genocide and war, it is essential for future generations to learn about the holocaust and never forget what happened in Europe in the 1930s, and 1940, so we all may work toward preventing genocide.

In 2021, Exhibizone opened the first Anti-War exhibition to create awareness and mark Russia's invasion to Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. The 3rd Annual Anti-War exhibition goal is to continue awareness, honor the victims, and remember people who lost their loved ones, homes, and their way of living and were forced to immigrate to another country because of Russia's invasion.
Be the voice of all victims of war, conflicts, and genocide. Let your art tell the story of victims and keep their memories and experiences alive for the world.

The Anti-War theme is expansive, encompassing a multitude of concepts and emotions. Your artwork may focus on the human toll of war, the consequences of aggression on societies and individuals, the yearning for reconciliation, the resilience of survivors, the role of diplomacy, or any other facet of the subject that resonates with you. Whether your approach is poignant, thought-provoking, or symbolic, let your work be a testament to the power of art as an instrument of change.

For the Anti-War 2024, we are looking for your artistic interpretations and artworks that display various aspects of the subject, such as:

- The destructive physical consequences of all wars, independent from the cause, on humanity, environment, and species during the human history
-  The cultural, social, emotional, and economic effects of local and international wars, attacks, terrors, genocides, unrests, and conflicts
-  Honoring the victims of wars around the world who have lost their families and homes, and got hurt and disabled, partially or completely
- The worth of friendship, peace, life, and freedom for women, men, and children, regardless of their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
- The importance of avoiding wars, encouraging peace, honoring the human fraternity, and tolerance for a harmonic society

We encourage all abstract and representational artists to submit their artistic expressions of the subject and join us in another art exhibition by Exhibizone that so far has attracted more than 7,000,000+ visitors worldwide.

All artists working in any 2D and 3D medium are invited to submit their artworks from anywhere in the world.

Submission is Free and a fixed fee will be applied to selected artists only.

View last year's exhibition at:


■ Group Exhibition
Selected artworks will be exhibited online in an online smart group exhibition globally from January 27, as January 27 marks the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust in UN Calendar, and will continue through February 24 (the day Russia invaded Ukraine) to be closed on February 29, 2024.

■ Artwork Sales
Selected artworks will be promoted to sell via online exhibition link. Not-for-Sale and Sold artworks are accepted.

■ Exhibition Catalogue
All selected artworks and artists will be published in a stylish colorful exhibition catalogue available in both online and print versions.
Artists can order for the print catalogue via print-on-demand service from one of the partner platforms. The online catalogue will be promoted and circulated internationally, becoming available to thousands of viewers including art experts, galleries, curators, businesses and enthusiasts, via popular publication gateways.

■ Exhibition Poster
A link to the digital version of the exhibition poster will be sent to each artist via email.

■ Promotional Badges
A link to the digital promotional badge for each artwork will be sent to each artist to share in the social media.

■ Artwork Reviews
All exhibition visitors can submit their reviews and ratings of the exhibition and each artwork online.
Visitors' comments and ratings can provide valuable insights about the audience's feelings and understandings of the artworks.

Artists will be notified about the received comments by email.

■ Exhibition Promotion
A promotion program will be executed to boost the selected artists' exposure and increase the artwork sales during the exhibition period.
The program includes exhibition press release sent-out, catalogue circulation, social media presentation, etc.

■ Reports, Analytics and Insights
An insightful report containing the number of visits, reviews, artworks popularity, and engagement rate of the exhibition visitors, along with the sales statistics will be sent to each artist regularly during the exhibition. 

■ Magazine Publication
Some of the selected artists will be chosen for publishing in Biafarin network art media, both online and in print.

■ Artist Profile Page
Each artist receives a free online profile page in Biafarin platform.

■ Certificate
A digital certificate will be issued and sent to all selected artists.


The submission is FREE.

If selected, there is a USD 35 selection fee.

Submit up to 5 artworks, maximum 2 artworks will be accepted from each artist.

Money-Back Guarantee

All selection fee payments are supported by money-back guarantee option until the official opening of the exhibition.

Application Requirements


Artist Headshot Photo (optional)
Artist Full Name
City and Country of Residence
Social Media Links (optional)
Website (optional)


Artist Statement (optional)







Creation Year

Size (WidthXHeightXDepth) in cm or inches

Artwork/Series Description (Optional)

Price in USD

Eligibility Criteria

Open to all artists in any medium worldwide.