Application Closed
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $35.00
Media Fee(Media Fee): $15.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Eligibility: International
State: Texas
About the Conroe Art League (CAL) and The Madeley Fine Art Gallery
CAL is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation, and its mission is to promote the enrichment of our community through the arts. The Madeley Fine Art Gallery is in the historic Madeley Building at 127 Simonton Street, Conroe, TX, and its use by the art league is provided by the City of Conroe. For further information about CAL and The Madeley Fine Art Gallery, please visit and email shows& for additional information about this show.
Conroe is a thriving arts community with over a dozen arts organizations, including CAL, in the Greater Conroe Arts Alliance (GCAA). The Texas Commission on the Arts has recently designated downtown Conroe as the Downtown Conroe Cultural District.
The juror is Patrick Saunders,
1st Place: $2,500
2nd Place: $1,250
3rd Place: $1,000
4th Place: $750
The juror’s selections will be based solely on the artistic merits of the artwork entered.
Important Dates
Entry closes at midnight on Monday, December 18, 2023, at midnight Mountain Time Zone.
CAL will attempt to notify finalists of eligible artworks no later than January 17, 2024.
Eligible artworks—to exhibit in the show and compete for the show’s awards—are to arrive at CAL no later than March 2, 2024.
Eligible works will exhibit from March 5 to March 30, 2024.
Artists’ reception and announcement of awards: 6 PM to 8 PM, Saturday, March 23, 2024
Show closes: March 30, 2024
Application Requirements
Guidelines and Specifications
Submission of media image: minimum = one; maximum = six
Entry fee is $35.00 for the first media image, and $15.00 for each additional media image.
By submitting artwork for consideration, the artist agrees that eligible artwork will be available for display during the entire exhibition (unless the artwork is purchased through CAL.) An alternate artwork may not be substituted for an eligible artwork.
Two-dimensional artwork should be labeled on the back of the artwork with the artist's name, contact information and medium. Three-dimensional artwork should be labeled on the base of the artwork or other appropriate location. Do not include artist’s name in any of the file titles. Use the artwork title to name the files. For technical questions or assistance with image files, visit . Subject matter is to adhere to community standards: no graphic nudity, political statement or violence.
The maximum size for 2D artwork is 48”W X 72"H, and these dimensions include the frame. The 2D artwork is not to exceed 30lbs. An artwork that is gallery-wrapped must be at least one and a quarter inches thick, and the sides must be painted. Non-gallery-wrapped 2D artwork must be framed and be within the maximum size noted above. 2D artwork must be ready to hang with gallery wire on the back, that is no sawtooth hangers, O rings, or other arrangements. The maximum size for 3D artwork is 30”W X 30”D X 48”H, and weight is not to exceed 40lbs.
No art that requires ceiling installation is eligible.
Exhibiting, selling your art, and CAL’s rights to reproduction and use of media images.
A finalist may choose to sell an eligible artwork exhibited during the show, however, a portion to CAL equal to 20% of the stated price will be retained once the piece sells, and the buyer pays. Sales tax is applied. Proceeds of a sale will be mailed to the artists within 30 days of the close of the exhibit. CAL will keep digital images of submitted artworks and reserves the right to reproduce them for publicity purposes.
Delivery, return shipping, and pickup at the gallery
Invited artists may either deliver eligible artwork in person or ship it. It is suggested that the artist call CAL prior to visiting. (936.756.9572). If either delivering or picking up in person, please note the days and hours of operation as posted on CAL’s Website. ( )
The address for both artwork to be shipped and artwork to be delivered is 127 Simonton Street, Conroe, TX 77301. The artist is responsible for shipping in a sturdy, reusable box. No popcorn packing. Return shipping must be prepaid and the shipping paperwork enclosed with the eligible artwork. Return shipping instructions must include a physical address. CAL will not return artwork to a PO Box. CAL will not be responsible for damage that occurs in transit either to CAL or in return to the artist, or when exhibiting in the gallery.
Return shipping begins April 1st, 2024. Eligible artwork that is to be picked up, rather than shipped back to the artist, is to be picked up by March 30, 2024. Eligible artwork that is personally delivered that does not have pre-paid return shipping arrangements, is not picked up by April 5, 2024 and with no prior storage arrangements made with CAL will incur a storage fee. Incurred storage fees must be paid in full prior to release.
International artists, please review the country-of-origin shipping and customs regulations and the best way for US customs to receive work. Regulations and rules change frequently and can cause artwork to be delayed in customs or returned to the artist. Often a commercial invoice is required for return shipping.
Eligibility Criteria
Artwork submitted must be original and solely the creation of the artist, no collaboration with another artist, no use of artificial intelligence (AI) software or program in the creation of or assisting in the creation of the artwork. Artwork must be the original, not a print. Work containing graphic nudity, political statement or violence is not allowed. Work must be less than five years old. CAL will remove from consideration an artwork outside any part of these guidelines and specifications prior to the judge’s online review with no refund of either application or additional image fee. An artist who violates the Eligibility requirements will be barred from the 2025 and the 2026 shows.
Entered artwork does not have to be for sale, but if it is priced for sale, there cannot be a price change, title change or change to not-for-sale status. A specific artwork is juried into the show, and no other work may be substituted. If an artwork is sold by the artist outside of the show, the sale must be processed through CAL according to the language in this call.