Application Closed
Entry Fee (Entry Fee for 1 painting): $45.00
Media Fee(Fee for 2nd painting): $10.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Eligibility: International
State: California
Event Dates: 1/1/24 - 2/23/24
National Watercolor Society (NWS) 2024 Member Exhibition is open to all Active NWS Members. This is an ONLINE Virtual Exhibition. $10,000 in CASH AWARDS to honor our NWS Past Presidents. Three (3) $2,000, two (2) $1,000, four and (4) $500 and one(1) ScholARTship Award.
Click here for Prospectus
Exhibition Dates:
Jan 1-Feb 23, 2024 Entries accepted at
February 23, 2024 Entry deadline - 12:00 noon, Pacific Time Zone
March 19, 2024 List of Accepted Artists posted to NWS website
May 1-June 30, 2024 Exhibition Dates
JUROR of Selection and Awards: Larry Moore
Larry Moore has been a professional visual communicator for the past 45 years, working in graphic design, advertising, illustration, and fine art, and achieving national recognition for his work in each of these areas. He has worked profes-sionally in a variety of mediums, oil, watercolor, gouache, pastel and acrylic. He has been a college and workshop instructor since 1990 and has published a successful book on creativity for artists titled ”Fishing for Elephants: Insights and Exercises to Inspire Authentic Creativity.” Larry has won numerous awards while participating in plein air events around the country and for illustration and design while participating in regional and national creative arts industry competitions.
Application Requirements
1. Open to all Active NWS Members. NWS Membership annual dues of $60 must be paid prior to entry. If you are not currently a member please join as an Associate Member by going to the NWS website:
2. Artists must be 18 years or older.
3. Artists may enter two (2) paintings; only 1 painting per artist is eligible for acceptance into the exhibition.
4. All entries must have been created after 1/1/2021 and not previously shown in any NWS Exhibition.
5. Painting must be watermedia paintings on natural or synthetic paper Yupo, Aquabord and Claybord. No stretched canvas or canvas board. Collage may be used but aqueous medium must constitute 80% or more of the work. All collage materials must be original designs executed on watermedia paper, by the artist.
6. Digital media, photography, prints, and reproductions are not permitted.
7. Your entry must be original and not derived from published images; artist's own idea, composition, and design (not computer generated), nor done in a class or workshop. Photo reference material must have been taken by you.
8. 2D Artwork image size; No minimum or maximum size for this online-virtual exhibition.
9. Artwork may be marked NFS (not for sale) in this exhibit. No price changes will be allowed after an entry is submitted. Accepted artwork may not be displayed or offered for sale in another exhibition (physical or virtual) from May 1 - June 30, 2024.
- Entry fee is $45 for 1 image / $55 for 2 images (All entry fees are non-refundable without exceptions)
- NWS is responsible for all sales and will retain a 30% commission for exhibition sales. Also, NWS is due a 30% commission on “presold” paintings - those sold before the exhibition opens.
- Artwork may be marked NFS in this exhibition. No price changes will be allowed after an entry is submitted.
- Permission is granted to reproduce the painting in promotion of the exhibition and to use this image for educational and publicity purposes.
- Attention International Artists: NWS wants to make sure you receive all proceeds, including awards. NWS will provide all documents and tax forms necessary.
- This Exhibition does not qualify for NWS Signature status.
- Monetary awards remaining unclaimed by 12/1/2024 will be forfeited.
Eligibility Criteria
Must be an active member of the National Watercolor Society.
If you are not currently a member you may join as an Associate Member by going to the NWS website:
Failure to meet ANY of the conditions may result in the disqualification of your entry and may result in ineligibility to enter any future NWS exhibitions for a minimum of two (2) years and forfeiting any awards.
1. Submission to this exhibition shall constitute an Agreement on the part of the artist to comply with the conditions set forth in this Prospectus.
2. If my artwork is selected and it does not meet eligibility requirements set forth in the prospectus, I will be disqualified. Accepted entries may not be withdrawn by the artist.
For general questions about the exhibition and/or entry contact, Please submit early, so we can assist you with any technical issues that may arise in the entry process.