Call Detail
Prospectus #275 Miners Memorial Commission at NM Tech
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Entry Deadline: 5/1/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 15
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 15
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: New Mexico
Budget: $210,500 - $420,000

AIPP Mission Statement

The Art in Public Places program enriches New Mexico’s public spaces through an innovative and diverse public art collection. Since its inception in 1986, the program has placed more than 3,000 works of art in all of New Mexico’s 33 counties.  Our goal is to reflect the diversity of the arts in New Mexico, the Southwest, and the nation while building a dynamic public art collection for the State of New Mexico.

Through a fair and open public process, committees made up of local and regional representatives work with New Mexico Arts staff to select artwork for their communities. The Art in Public Places program then commissions large-scale projects that are designed for integration directly into the architecture or landscape of a given site, or the program purchases existing original artwork to be placed in or around public buildings permanently or on loan.

Project intent: 

The Art in Public Places Program of New Mexico Arts and the Local Selection Committee (LSC) of New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology (New Mexico Tech/NMT) seek to commission an artist/artist team to create and install a memorial artwork dedicated to miners/history of mining on the NMT campus. The institute has identified three potential sites for installation, artists will be asked to select the site they are most interested in responding to when submitting their qualifications. The memorial should generally recognize and/or respond to the area’s mining history (Socorro County), the institute’s contribution to the mining industry, and pay homage to those whose pioneering work has helped shape the region.

The LSC will consider the work and practice of artist/artist team that range from figurative/representational to non-objective/abstract to architectural in nature. Artwork media/construction can be traditional/mixed/experimental in nature but MUST BE constructed out of materials that will survive a permanent installation outdoors in the Central New Mexico climate with high public traffic and regular exposure to sunlight, wind, and rain. 

**Please note that the Art in Public Places program does not currently  fund memorials to specific individuals in name and/or likeness. Figurative or representational sculptures will be considered as long as there is no identification with actual persons (living or deceased). No artworks incorporating water features or elements will be considered. **

The resulting memorial will need to withstand a permanent exterior installation within one of the identified areas listed below.

The project must be durable, low maintenance, permanent, safe for both children and adults and must meet all applicable code requirements, including ADA compliant.  At the selected artist’s expense, the artwork may require certification by an electrical, civil and/or structural engineer licensed to practice in the state of New Mexico and reviewed by a professional fine art conservator (if applicable).

Site Information

Possible Locations: (Artists will specify which site interests them most)

Outside of Skeen Library [LINK TO PHOTOS]
South side of Brown Hall [LINK TO PHOTOS]
Outside the Bureau of Geology [LINK TO PHOTOS]



Among the early inhabitants of the county were the pueblo people, the “Piros” who settled in the area around 1200. Several centuries later, the region was also populated by tribes to be later known as the Navajo and Apache.

Today in Socorro County, ranching and farming is still the most vital part of the economy, but the County is also leading the way in the technological development of the country with the help of world-renowned research facilities such as New Mexico Tech, the NRAO's VLA, and Stallion Site on White Sands Missile Range.

To learn more about Socorro County, NM please visit: 

To learn more about Socorro County Historical Society, please visit: 


In 1889, Socorro was a mining boom town, wild, raucous, and, at a population of about 4500, one of the largest towns in New Mexico. The Territorial Legislature, wanting to boost New Mexico's economy, decided to found a School of Mines to train young mining engineers, and Socorro was the ideal location. Silver and lead ores taken from the nearby Magdalena Mountains were processed at the smelter owned by German immigrant Gustav Billings, and the new School of Mines would allow young mining engineers to train near the eventual site of their work. 

The New Mexico School of Mines (NMSM) proudly opened its doors on September 5, 1893, with one building, two professors, and seven students. Courses offered included chemistry and metallurgy.

The school is located in the colorful and historic Rio Grande valley and has a beautifully landscaped green campus. 

Vision: To be an inclusive, distinguished, and vibrant community of scholars dedicated to continual enhancements in education, research, and innovation to meet the STE²M challenges of tomorrow.

Mission: New Mexico Tech leads education and research in science, technology, engineering,
entrepreneurship, and mathematics (STE²M) for New Mexico.

We educate a diverse student body in foundational and collaborative student-focused programs.

We lead by example through life-long learning.

We forge scientists, engineers, and leaders for the future.

We serve the public through research, scientific knowledge, economic development, and STE²M outreach, benefiting the communities of New Mexico and beyond.

To learn more about NMT please visit: 


Project budget is a range with a guaranteed minimum of $210,500 with a possible increase to a maximum of $420,000 (after finalist presentation fees). The exact project budget will be announced after the call closes. This amount includes all fees and expenses associated with the project, e.g., materials, equipment, labor, permits, engineering documents, insurance, taxes, travel, installation, shipping, identification plaque, and written and professional photographic documentation of the completed project. There is no additional funding.  THIS IS A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ONLY. DO NOT SUBMIT PROPOSALS FOR ARTWORK AT THIS TIME, PLEASE SEE SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS BELOW. 


The Local Selection Committee (LSC) is made up of representatives from the owner/user agency (NMT): Owner Agency representative, User Agency Representative, Architect/Facilities Representative, Local Artist, Local Arts Professional, and Local Project Director. Under the guidance of an AIPP Project Coordinator, the LSC is responsible for prospectus development, submission review, finalist selection and ultimately selecting the artist or artist team to be awarded the commission project. Artists may research the project using any resource except for direct discussion with individual members of the Local Selection Committee or the New Mexico Arts Commission.

The selection criteria shall include but is not limited to: 

The professional qualifications of the artist(s) as evidenced by the supporting materials.
Proven ability to undertake projects of the described scope.
Artistic merit and superior caliber craftsmanship as evidenced by provided images.
Suitability of submission to project intent and site.

Up to five finalists will be invited to submit a formal proposal for one of the available locations listed above. Finalists will receive a $1,000 honorarium for a written proposal, presentation, and a maquette and/or digital rendering of the proposed artwork. One site visit will be required of each finalist to include an in-person presentation of the artwork proposal to the Local Selection Committee and a public presentation at the site. All maquettes, samples, and written proposals will become the property of New Mexico Tech unless other arrangements have been made in advance.

Additionally, each finalist/team will receive a travel stipend based on mapped mileage according to the following schedule:

$250 for travel and lodging between 50 – 300 miles one-way.

$450 for travel and lodging between 301 – 800 miles one-way.

$900 for travel and lodging 801 miles and over one-way.

Artists or artist teams short-listed as finalists for this project will be required to enter into a Finalist Presentation Contract with the State of New Mexico. A sample Finalist Presentation Contract is available below as linked from the New Mexico Arts website. 

The artist or artist team that is ultimately awarded the commission project will be required to enter into a Professional Services Contract with the State of New Mexico. A sample Professional Services Contract is available on the New Mexico Arts website or upon request.

Project Timeline

April 1: Project Announced

May 1, 11:59pm: Submission Deadline

May 15: 5 Finalists Announced

August: Date TBD Finalist Presentations (in-person at New Mexico Tech)

September Date TBD: Finalist Selection Notification


Questions regarding this opportunity should be directed to Claude Smith, Public Art Program Coordinator, at 505-695-6913, email:

If you would like to have your submission materials reviewed by an AIPP staff person, please make an appointment no less than two weeks prior to the submission deadline. Technical assistance calls increase dramatically during the final two weeks of the open submission period; therefore we cannot guarantee review during the final two weeks of the competition. Submission materials will not be reviewed on the day of the deadline.

Deadline for Submission:  Wednesday, May 1, 11:59 pm (MST),

Application Requirements

Please read the following information carefully, as incomplete, or late submissions will not be accepted. Supplemental information beyond what is requested will not be reviewed by the Local Selection Committee. Failure to provide any of the published requirements could result in disqualification from the competition. Duplicate submissions will not be accepted. All materials must be submitted via CaFÉ ( according to the specifications outlined below:

  • An artist statement/letter of interest written specifically to address the following: Describe your artwork/approach/style/perspective/background. Answer: What excites you about this opportunity to create a memorial artwork to miners/mining history for this site?
  • For what site are you proposing your design/artwork?
  • A current chronological resume or curriculum vitae and/or helpful links to personal website/online portfolio/social media demonstrating relevant work experience, particularly public art, publicly or privately funded. Include links to websites, social media or any additional information that will assist the LSC with learning more about you and your art.
  • 10-15 images and/or 5 videos of artwork PREVIOUSLY created (portfolio) that showcase your artwork/style/perspective. Complete image citations will be required, including artwork title, medium, height, width and depth, price or value, year completed, and description. Please review and adhere to the Image and Media Preparation page on CaFÉ when formatting your images or videos. Tutorials can be downloaded using the links near the bottom of the page. By default, CaFÉ will organize the images in your submission alphabetically. If you wish to present the images to the committee in a different order you must prioritize the images before submitting an application.

Eligibility Criteria

This REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS is open to all artists/artist teams currently residing in the United States. Artists submitting qualifications should demonstrate a level of experience and professionalism that is commensurate with the project scope and budget. 

AIPP regulations state that 1% funds may not be spent for artwork created for an institution or agency by an employee of the institution or agency. Qualifications submitted by and on behalf of current employees or family of current employees of New Mexico Tech or NM Department of Cultural Affairs (NMDCA) will not be considered. Applicants may be required to provide verifiable proof of current employment at the discretion of AIPP Program staff. Past employees are eligible to submit proposals but may not become employed by NMT or NMDCA for the duration of the project.