Application Closed
Images | Minimum:Min. 4, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 4, Maximum:Max. 6
Eligibility: Local
State: Wyoming
Budget: $10,000 (pending successful fundraising)
One artist will be selected based on the criteria listed herein and their portfolio of existing work. 1-3 finalists will receive a $500 stipend to develop a site-specific concept. One artist will be selected for the final commission and awarded a fee of $10,000 to paint within the approximately 68’ wide x 20’ tall mural space.
TIMELINE The timeline may be subject to change.
October 15, 2023: Call for Mural Artist Qualifications announced.
November 15: Qualification proposal due by 5 PM, MST.
December 5, 2023: 1-3 finalists selected.
January 5, 2024: Site specific concepts due by 5 PM, MST.
January 15, 2024: Finalist selected and announced.
January - March 2024: Artist creates final design and arrives to paint on-site.
April/May 2024: Documentation, plaques created, augmented reality features finalized.
End of May 2024: Grand opening during Annual Old West Days Celebration.
The mission of the TCF&F is to produce an exceptional fair while promoting Jackson’s western heritage; uniting urban and rural communities in celebration and to promote the year- round use of Fairgrounds' facilities. The vision of the TCF&F is to actively engage in the pursuit and promotion of our rural and agricultural heritage, from neighborhood backyards to family farms and local businesses.
The new Fairgrounds Community Building is currently being remodeled (used previously as a temporary fire station headquarters for 3 years), a process which began in January 2023. The building opened to the public for the County Fair in July 2023, and closed immediately after to finish some final construction projects. The building will reopen to the public in December 2023 and offer a large community event/gathering space, a kitchen, and a medium-sized conference room. The western heritage mural will be installed on the interior wall between the kitchen and the large assembly space, approximately 68’ wide x 20’ tall in size.
The mural will raise cultural awareness, infusing the historical western narrative into a rapidly changing community, a mural that reminds locals and visitors of our rich, continuing heritage. This is the first large-scale artwork to be placed on the Fairgrounds and the first to document the rich traditions of ranching and rodeo in our valley. The sheer breadth of events and programming, which occur year-round in the building, will result in many eyes on this mural. The project proposed invests in enhancing experiential landmarks, a critical strategy for a town that relies on destination tourism as its economic driver.
The mural should positively depict themes of western culture and heritage and portray images of ranching, rodeo, livestock raising, farming, gardening, homemaking, farm to table, historic ranches, crafting and the unique community these activities generate in the Tetons.
The wall space for the mural is approximately 68’ wide x 20’ tall . The artist should use professional grade materials. The artist is not expected to fill the entire space but to instead create a focal point of interest using the main height of the wall. The artist is invited to paint onto the wall. Alternatively, if the budget and building structure allow, the artist may paint on plywood or aluminum cut-outs that are secured to the wall.
Artists located in Wyoming are invited to apply. Artists with mural painting experience will be given preference. Artists with past experience painting western themes who also express a demonstrated ability to accurately portraying the anatomy of animals may be preferred.
- 1-3 artists will be selected based on the qualifications and paid $500 to develop a site-specific concept.
- The selection panel will review the concepts and one artist will be hired for the mural commission.
- The commission fee is $10,000, inclusive of materials.
- Accommodation and per diem will be discussed based on artist and travel needs.
Application Requirements
1. One Page Letter of Interest that articulates your interest in this project in particular. Describe your work and how your past experience relates to this project. Please limit the letter to 500 words or one page, whichever is less.
2. Resume: current list of professional and related experience, if applicable (optional).
3. References: Please submit up to 3 current references. Contact your reference in advance to ensure their information is up to date. Please make sure you include the reference name, phone, alternate phone, email, title and one sentence describing your professional association.
4. Images of Work: Please provide up to 6 images of previously created art that relates to this opportunity, one per page. Size images as follows: 1200 pixels maximum on the longest size, 72 dpi, and with compression settings resulting in the best image quality where the file size remains under 5MB. JPEG files only. Color Profile: sRGB.
Eligibility Criteria
Artists located in Wyoming are invited to apply. Artists with mural painting experience will be given preference. Artists with past experience painting western themes who also express a demonstrated ability to accurately portraying the anatomy of animals may be preferred.