Call Detail
$7,000+ Cash Prizes - Soul of Artists - Spring 2024 - International 2D Art Exhibition - Online
Entry Deadline: 3/4/24
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $32.00
Media Fee(Media Fee): $5.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: Hawaii
Event Dates: 4/15/23 - 3/25/24

Cash Prizes 
3 Winners $2,000 each
5 Runner ups $300 each
Finalists will be chosen first, then from the finalists, the prize winners and runner ups will be chosen.  

Key Dates
Submission Dates:  December 20, 2023 - March 4th, 2024.
Deadline for submitting Applications and Images Online: March 4, 2024, 11:59pm MT
Finalists Notified:  March 25, 2024
Winners Notified:  April 8, 2024
Online Exhibition Date:  April 15, 2024   
Get Notified by email.  Sign up for notifications on the HOME page.  

You will want this opportunity if...

  • You are passionate about your artwork and your vision.
  • You want to belong to an art organization that will be loyal and continuously promote its winners.
  • You have devoted years to expressing your ideas visually but feel that your work is not yet fully appreciated.

Get on the ground floor by participating in our 1st contest. 

Application Requirements

Work Eligible for Submission
All subjects are honored and will be considered.  All techniques are honored and will be considered.   Artworks must be two-dimensional (2D).   Entries may be paintings, drawings, one-of-a-kind prints, collages, quilts, fiber works, mixed media or any other traditional or non-traditional two-dimensional works.  Digital works are not currently accepted.  Photographs that are one-of-a-kind and are combined with other non-digital materials are eligible.   Works that have previously won cash awards in another juried exhibition are not eligible.    We accept artworks created in any year.  There is no size limit.  

Number of Entries
Each artist may submit up to ten (10) artworks for consideration by jurors.    

Entry Fees
The fee for entry is $32 and includes one artwork.  Additional artworks are $5 each.  Refunds will not be provided after entry. 

Publication of winners
Finalists and winning artists will be posted to the Soul of Artists website and social media sites. This competition is online only, so there will be no need to ship your work(s) to us.  All artists retain right of ownership over their work and can display and promote it at their own discretion. 

Eligibility Criteria

The Soul of Artists Prize is open globally to all artists, 18 years of age or older, who produce original 2D art.   

Artists should submit a minimum of one artwork and no more than 10 artworks.   We do not ask for an artist's statement or bio in the application, however, if you have a website or Instagram, please enter these when you fill out your application so that we can refer to more information about you and your portfolio.    

Digital image files must conform to the requirements as listed on the CaFÉ site.  The maximum file size is 5MB.  Photo sizes of at least 3MB are recommended, but not required, in order to ensure sufficient quality and detail for the jury process.  Please make sure your photos are well-lit and good quality enough to give a fair representation of your piece.  Please crop the picture to be of the artwork only.  Do no include anything in the background.   Please note that 1 image = 1 submission for this call to artists.

See our Website and follow us on our Instagram for more information about us.