Application Closed
Number of Applications Allowed: 5
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $30.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Eligibility: Local
State: North Carolina
Jury Dates: 3/31/24 - 4/4/24
This is a show for both functional and sculptural 3d art. Beyond pottery, we are looking for art that is made of: fiber, glass, wood, clay, metal, or any medium that makes 3D work, Even furniture would be considered if it is artfully made.
We are looking for unique and original takes on sculptural and functional works. Your artistic expression is valued; however, we aim for a professional standard in our submissions. Please strive for a level of quality that meets these standards.
All works must be for sale.
Free standing work must be stable. Wall mounted work must be no more than 30 pounds and have hardware for hanging attached (no sawtooth hangers). The only size requirement is that it must be able to fit through our front doors (80"high x 68"wide).
Each piece must be entered individually. If you have more than one piece that you would like to enter, email the gallery at: for a coupon code that will allow you to enter more than one piece without more than one fee for entry.
This is a show exclusively for North and South Carolina artists.
Works must be completed in the last three years and never been shown in Sunset River Gallery before. All works must be for sale. Artist and gallery sign a contract for the duration of the show for a 50/50 split of all sold pieces. Artist must have sole ownership over the work.
Each piece is judged individually. Entry does not guarantee acceptance. All conditions must be met to be considered for acceptance.
Three images per entry, five entries maximum. Video is also accepted. All jurying is done anonymously.
Jury dates are March 30 - April 4. Notifications of acceptance will happen on or about April 6th. Please make sure your email is up to date to ensure timely communications.
There will be a Best of Show award given at the reception of $100 and a People's Choice given later in the show of $50 gift certificate.
All hand delivered work must be brought in on May 1st or 2nd during normal business hours (11am - 5pm). Shipping work is acceptable, we do require you include return shipping. Contact the gallery to request other arrangements. If upon receipt of the work, the gallery finds that it does not meet the show's requirements, we have the right to refuse acceptance. All art must remain in show until designated pick-up date and time.
Sunset River Gallery maintains the rights to use photographs of the art and the event for future marketing or promotional materials. By entering the show and submitting payment, the artist agrees to the terms and conditions as outlined in the Prospectus. All works must be for sale.
Show dates are May 3rd - June 8th. Reception is May 3rd, 5pm - 7pm.
Pick up dates are June 10th and 11th during normal business hours (11am - 5pm). Contact the gallery to request other arrangements.
Application Requirements
Three images per application with the option of submitting up to 5 applications. 1 Artwork per application. Video is accepted. $25 fee for entry. Entry does not guarantee acceptance.
Eligibility Criteria
North Carolina or South Carolina artist. 3D work completed in the last three years and not seen in Sunset River Gallery before. Free standing work must be stable. Wall mounted work must be no more than 30 pounds and have hardware for hanging attached (no sawtooth hangers).