Application Closed
Entry Fee (Entry fee): $35.00
Media Fee(Additional Entries): $5.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 9
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 9
Eligibility: National
State: Pennsylvania
Event Dates: 5/3/24 - 5/30/24
The MVA Gallery (Modern Visual Arts) invites artists, photographers and sculptors of all levels (emerging to established) to submit original artwork to this exhibition.
National Call For Entries: Blue -- a color that has been regarded with reverence since ancient times.
A multitude of unique shades of Blue exist including cyan, navy, aqua, azure, cobalt and indigo. Like many colors, the human response to Blue is complex and contradictory.
Blue is recognized for both positive and negative artistic, symbolic and psychological values. Conjuring images of the sky and sea, it represents freedom and imagination. Blue also reveals meanings of trust, loyalty and faith. On the other hand, Blue is often associated with coldness, loneliness and sadness, probing the depths of the psyche.
As an artist, how do you utilize Blue? Does the color permeate your entire image or is it used in small sections? Does it appear in your artwork in objects or in nature or in abstract design? Is Blue purely decorative or is it a defining or structural device? How does color reveal your technical skill and emotional impact?
No restrictions on subject matter or style exist for this exhibition. All approaches -- traditional and non-traditional -- are invited. We enthusiastically welcome your interpretations and visions.
Mediums: The MVA Gallery accepts painting, watercolor, printmaking, mixed media, digital, pastel, encaustic, sculpture, fiber, drawing and photography.
The MVA Gallery (Modern Visual Arts) is located in historic Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Bethlehem, with its neighboring cities Allentown and Easton, comprise the third largest metropolitan area in Pennsylvania (after Philadelphia and Pittsburgh). Bethlehem has a vibrant arts and cultural life -- numerous active art galleries and nationally acclaimed festivals that attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Located one hour from New York City, Bethlehem has become an art destination for informed collectors and prominent art professionals. Gallery website: Instagram: @mvaartgallery
Submission is exclusively through CAFE -- CallForEntry. The website is Select "Artists" then click "Find Calls" in the Menu. Continue by entering MVA Gallery into the search field. OR SIMPLY CLICK THE ''APPLY NOW'' BOX ABOVE. Artists new to CAFE can also click "Artist Sign Up" (free and easy) at the top of this page to begin the submission process.
Entry fee is $35.00 for 3 different images. You may include additional files for $5.00 each up to a total of 9 maximum. The fee will not be refunded, in part or in whole, for any reason. In addition, the application and fee do not guarantee acceptance into the exhibit or event. Payment is by credit card or Pay Pal only. No checks are accepted.
Please see the detailed instructions on the CAFE website. All images must be JPEG. Under 5 MB with a minimum of 1200 pixels on the longest side. In addition, you should enter the following information: title, medium, size, price and year of completion. (The MVA Gallery has no cutoff date or time restriction for the artwork creation year.) These digital images are viewed by Jurors and Curators during the selection process.
-- Artists should not submit any images of art previously included in an exhibit of the MVA Gallery. Previous acceptance into one of our shows does not constitute acceptance into future shows.
-- No reproductions or derivatives of original art (or copyrighted images) of other people's work will be accepted. The artist should be the sole owner of all rights.
-- Artwork must look professionally finished and be ready for secure installation. All art must be equipped with stretched WIRE attached to the back. (Sawtooth hangers are not acceptable.) Artwork without a wire will not be displayed. The Gallery will consider framed PAINTINGS or paintings with gallery wrapped (finished) edges. Of course, mixed media and digital pieces are sometimes unframed (but must have an attached wire).
-- Shipped artwork using standard glass poses a risk and is not advisable. Plexiglass is preferred. Artwork with glass that arrives in cracked / shattered condition will be pulled from the exhibit.
-- ART should not be larger than 48 inches (framed) on the longest side and not weigh more than 50 lbs. SCULPTURE should not be larger than 18 inches on any dimension.
-- PHOTOGRAPHS should be framed if you wish a traditional presentation. Black or white frames are preferred. Mats, when used, should be white or off-white although exceptions are made. Other types of mounting (not framed) will be considered. All photographic processes are welcome.
Jurors and Curators will be selected from a group of exceptional artists, gallerists, art reviewers and academics. (Some Jurors prefer to remain anonymous.) All decisions are final. (No phone calls or messages, please.) Jurors and / or curators reserve the right not to award any or all prizes. Artists can check the CAFE website (first page, "My CAFE Entries") to see the application's status. This is the fastest way to receive information about the jurying process although all artists will receive an email message about acceptance or non-acceptance. Applications that do not meet the submission requirements may be removed from consideration. The Juror for this exhibit has requested anonymity.
An "ART OF DISTINCTION'' AWARD will be granted at most exhibitions. One artist, photographer or sculptor will be selected and featured in a special exhibit at the MVA Gallery, Exhibition Room Two, to be scheduled at a future date.
ANNUAL GRAND PRIZE -- One New York City Exhibition Opportunity
One artist, photographer or sculptor will be selected from all the individuals who were accepted and displayed in an MVA Gallery exhibit during the past calendar year. This artist will be offered an exhibition opportunity in New York City and will be notified in December.
Entry Deadline: Extended to March 7, 2024 (Midnight Denver, Colorado, time where CAFE is located.)
Notification to Artists: On or about April 5, 2024 (Midnight). Notification by email. NOTE: Artists will receive separate email messages for "Invited" and "Not Invited" artwork entries.
Art Arrival Deadline: All accepted artwork must arrive at the Gallery no later than April 29, 2024.
Exhibition Dates: May 3 - May 30, 2024.
Artwork Returned: The Gallery will start to return unsold art to the participating artists June 4 - June 8, 2024.
-- Detailed shipping instructions will be sent with Notification of Acceptance in an email message.
-- Artists are responsible for all shipping / delivery costs (and insurance) both to and from the Gallery. For some exhibitions, it may not be possible to hand deliver art.
-- Important: Artists who ship their work must provide a prepaid return UPS or FedEx shipping label enclosed in the box. We will not accept credit cards or checks for return shipping. Please do not submit to the Gallery an Airbill form -- or any other shipping form -- with a credit card number because the carrier will not process it. Send only a UPS or FedEx return prepaid shipping label that also includes the appropriate informational BAR CODES. (Do not provide a link.)
-- Artwork without an enclosed prepaid return shipping label will be considered abandoned and will NOT be returned. (It will be donated to a school, a hospital or a senior center.)
-- Artwork must be shipped in a sturdy reusable carton. No wood crates will be accepted (except for sculpture). No styrofoam packing peanuts should be included.
-- Ship your art by UPS or FedEx only. Please do not use the United States Postal Service (USPS).
The MVA Gallery will exercise reasonable care in handling and protecting all artwork, but the Gallery will not assume any liability for loss of or damage to art while in the Gallery's custody or during round-trip shipping. Artists are responsible to independently insure their own work. Artists are also strongly encouraged to obtain an additional insurance rider if their art is of high retail value. By applying to this Call For Entry and by shipping or delivering artwork to the MVA Gallery, the Artist / Photographer / Sculptor -- and any third party -- fully agree that the MVA Gallery (and its agents and employees) will not be liable, and not culpable in any way, for loss or damage to the art.
Artists can determine whether they wish to sell their artwork. For sales, the artist must list a specific price and not indicate "Upon Request."
Commission Fees:
70% of the final sale price to the Artist.
30% of the final sale price to the Gallery.
Artwork must remain in the Gallery for the full duration of the exhibition or event.
Artists, photographers and sculptors retain all rights to submitted images and artwork. Artists accepted into the exhibition or event will grant the MVA Gallery rights to use selected images as well as data (such as the artist's name) for publicity / marketing (print and electronic) and for archival purposes, including use on the Gallery's website and on social media.
Application Requirements
It is important to follow carefully all Guidelines above, especially those in the "ARTWORK SPECIFICATIONS" and the "SHIPPING" sections. Please copy and keep the information that appears in "IMPORTANT DATES." Thank you.
By applying to this exhibition / event, you fully agree to all the terms and conditions described in this Call Prospectus and in the attached Legal Agreement.
Eligibility Criteria
This is a National Call for Entries inviting artists, photographers and sculptors from all regions and states. Artists must be 18 years of age or older and current residents of the United States.