Call Detail
Gallery 110's 2024 Emerging Artist Scholarship Competition - Exhibition (June 2024)
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Entry Deadline: 3/25/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 10
Audio | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 6
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 10, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Competitions
Eligibility: Local
State: Washington
Event Dates: 6/6/24 - 6/29/24

Gallery 110's Biennial Emerging Artist Scholarship Competition - Exhibition (June 2024)

Gallery 110 is a Pioneer Square artist collective that welcomes artists of all races, beliefs and cultures and takes pride in a 22-year history of exhibiting emerging and established artists. Gallery 110’s Emerging Artist Program, which was founded in 2018, provides King County visual artists with mentorship, subsidized member dues, and other resources to help grow their art career.

Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not. Gallery 110 offers an opportunity for emerging artists to compete for scholarship awards that support gallery membership dues. To become more inclusive and equitable as an organization, this year we are again targeting those for whom opportunities are scarcer - by limiting eligibility to artists identifying as BIPOC*.

King County residents who self-identify as BIPOC, who are early-to-emerging artists, and for whom gallery membership dues are a barrier, are invited to submit applications. The scholarship awards include:

  • A group exhibition at Gallery 110 (June 2024) with other finalists
  • 2-year fully paid Gallery 110 memberships for up to six (6) artists
    • Gallery representation (physical and virtual)
    • A solo exhibition within 24-months membership period
    • Additional opportunities to exhibit work in the gallery
    • Mentorship from experienced gallery artists
    • Participation in gallery operations and decision-making

Application Timeline:

  • Application opens: Tuesday February 13, 2024
  • Submission deadline: March 25, 2024
  • Notification to 15 semi-finalists: April 7, 2024
  • Semi-finalist in-person interview & portfolio reviews scheduled April 14 – April 28, 2024
  • Notification of Finalists: May 1, 2024
  • Exhibition June 6 – 29, 2024
  • Award announcements at reception, Friday June 7, 2024 4-6PM

The Panelists:

  1. Hanako O’Leary (she/her), Juror, Artist and Independent Curator. Read Hanako's biography here.
  2. George Brandt, Gallery 110 Curator
  3. 2022 Emerging Artist Competition Winner and Gallery 110 Artist Member

Decision-making processes:
Hanako O’Leary, Juror, will work with two Gallery 110 associates on a scoring system that works to respect the Juror’s primary role while incorporating knowledge that the assistants bring as to how the gallery functions, opportunities the gallery offers and what gallery membership requires from members for the experience to be mutually beneficial and successful.


*Alaskan Native, Asian/Asian-American/Pacific Islander or Hawaiian, Black/African/African-American, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Native American or Indigenous, or South Asian

Application Requirements

Application Materials:

  • Biography (150 words or less)
  • Artist Statement – (150 words or less)
  • Work samples – (up to 10 images or 10-minutes total video/audio files, or a combination thereof equaling 10 samples)
  • Work sample descriptions – (include title, materials, dimensions, year completed, and 1-2 sentence description of the work)
  • Personal declaration of need for scholarship support in order to become a member (100 words or less). If membership dues are not a severe burden, please apply through our regular gallery membership process.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

  • Be visual artists (2D & 3D)
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be King County residents
  • Have had no prior solo exhibitions in commercial or public galleries except for student exhibitions at matriculating institutions.
  • Communicate serious long-term art goals, desire to be an active member of Gallery 110 with all that entails, and agree to contract terms.
  • Must self-identify as BIPOC*
    • *Alaskan Native, Asian/Asian-American/Pacific Islander or Hawaiian, Black/African/African-American, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Native American or Indigenous, or South Asian