Call Detail
Unyielding Sonder: Quiet but multifaceted Voices by Asian/Pacific Islander Artists in the U.S.

Entry Deadline: 3/6/24
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $30.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: North Carolina

Eric Sung, Associate Professor of Art, Photography at Providence College
Sangmi Yoo, Associate Professor of Art, Printmaking at Texas Tech University

Wednesday, March 6, 2024: Deadline for submissions

Tuesday, March 12, 2024: Acceptance Notifications Sent (via email)

March 23-April 6, 2024 Work Delivered to the Arts Council of
Fayetteville/Cumberland County

Saturday, April 6, 2024: Deadline for Receipt of Work
(shipping and hand-delivered)

Friday, April 12, 2024: Unyielding Sonder Exhibition Opens
(Private reception: 5:00pm-6:00pm/Public Reception: 6:00pm-8:00pm)

Saturday, May 18, 2024: Exhibition Closes

May 18-22, 2024 Hand-delivered works must be picked up
Long Description on Cafe:


− The experiences of Asian American and Pacific Islander artists are complex and
multifaceted as they navigate the intricacies of multicultural worlds while grappling with
their split identities. However, their diverse backgrounds also provide them with
distinctive perspectives that inspire their art. This exhibition is focused on showcasing
the diverse artistic interpretations of Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander artists
in the United States. Unyielding Sonder is an empowering exhibition that celebrates the
resonating and unfolding stories of these artists in the Western world. Through their art
and personal narratives, this exhibition brings to light the challenges and triumphs of
these individuals, promoting greater understanding and appreciation for their unique

− Definition of Sonder: Noun. This term was recently coined during the COVID-19
pandemic. It represents the understanding that every person we encounter is the
protagonist of their own story, living a life that is just as complex and vivid as our own.
It's easy to view our own lives as the center of the universe, but in reality, we are all
connected and part of each other's stories. Our actions and behaviors have a significant
impact on the people around us, including those we have yet to meet and those we may
never encounter.


All submissions will be juried by jurors and curator. Additionally, a selection of work will be chosen for cash awards:
Best in the Show: $1,000
Four Honorable Mentions: $100 each

Application Requirements

Submissions must be received through, also known as CaFÉ a Web-based service that manages artist applications and jurying. Artists may submit a maximum of three original works of art that have not been exhibited before in North Carolina.
Artists are invited to submit 2D, 3D, video, and installation pieces that are up to 10 ft in size that push the boundaries of medium. Mixed media, painting, sculpture, photography, print media, collage, fiber art, video, and installations are acceptable. The Arts Council uses a Walker Hanging System, so any hanging works should be appropriately framed with a wire hanger or otherwise prepared for hanging. Works that are not ready to be hung/installed may not be selected for display. 3D works selected for the exhibit will be displayed on pedestals throughout the gallery. Film and video works must be shipped with media player ready to be played on the screen. Installation piece must include a clear installation manual including step by step images.

Recommend high quality photos/documentation to provide a better application to jurors as well as being able to highlight photos on our website and social media platforms.

Eligibility Criteria

Open to Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander artists reside in the U.S. Artist must be 20 years or older.

Entry fee is $30 for up to three submissions. If the entry fee is a deterrent from participation, please
contact to discuss a fee waiver.

The Arts Council retains a standard 30% commission on all sales. Artists are encouraging to sale artworks during the exhibition but not required.