Call Detail
EWR Newark Liberty Airport: The Art of NJ 2025
Entry Deadline: 8/26/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Local
State: New Jersey
Budget: $1,000 per artist/artist team

The Art of New Jersey digital exhibition is part of a large-scale public art project at the airport’s recently completed Terminal A, focused on creating a transformative customer experience offering a distinctive New Jersey sense of place. The overall goal of the project is to highlight the broad spectrum of talent, opportunity, and cultures that make the Garden State so vibrant.  

The next installment of this annual exhibition, featuring artwork displayed in the digital welcome banner spanning the departures area of Terminal A will be unveiled in early 2025. Artists’ names and artwork information will be included with the display and on a supporting website.   

When applying, artists are encouraged to be considerate of the ridership and public nature of art in transit spaces. The PANYNJ Art Advisory Council will review the submissions received and will select approximately twenty (20) artists’ work to be included in the exhibition. In addition to the digital display of their work in Terminal A for approximately one year, the artists’ name and images of the project will be shared with the public through MANJ’s, PANYNJ’s and the State Arts Council's social media and other communication platforms.   

Artists should submit up to two (2) examples of completed 2-D work to be considered for use. Work samples submitted will be the basis for the Art Advisory Council’s consideration. PANYNJ and MANJ, will work with the selected artists to approve final digital image submissions, and schedule the exhibition of the works in digital gallery displays in the terminal. Each selected artist will receive a $1,000 stipend in exchange for the use of their work. Artists will retain copyright to their work.     

For this project, we are seeking completed, 2-dimensional, still artworks in a digital format for digital display. Artists should submit images of previously completed artworks, we are not seeking new designs, tourism-type posters or draft/idea sketches for this exhibition.  

Submitted works could be high-quality digital images of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, etc., or work in a native digital format (digital photos, drawings, paintings, etc.). Moving images (films, animations, etc.) and performative work will not be considered for this call. Upon selection notification, artists will need to provide the digital artwork in a PNG or JPG file with a height of 1080 pixels to MANJ which will then be processed and added to the digital Welcome Banner in Terminal A. Artists must consider that the work will be displayed in a public location and display of the digital gallery will be rotated with other digital media on large digital display units in the terminal. Selected Artists must work in a timely fashion with the project coordination team to ensure the final work files provided are the correct file type, of high quality for digital use, and appropriate for public display.  

The Art Advisory Council, a diverse group of arts experts with a vested interest in the outcomes of this project, has determined the selected work will fall into the general curatorial themes of:  

  • The story of New Jersey and its people- from pre-colonial to contemporary communities, indigenous and immigrant; including our diverse people, places and geographies - rural, suburban and urban
  • The state of New Jersey as a year-round destination, with a wide variety of cultural, historic and innovative opportunities for tourists and residents alike
  • There is no expressed preference for a particular style of work- artistic excellence and appeal to the airport’s passengers will be the determining criteria for selection. The submitted images will be the images being considered for the exhibition.

*Important note about what work cannot be considered:  

  • Work will be displayed in highly public spaces, and as such, work that could be interpreted as political, sexual, or violent in nature will not be considered.
  • Works including logos or business signage of existing businesses, corporations, and the like cannot be considered.
  • Moving images (films, animations, etc.) and performative work will not be considered for this call.
  • We are not seeking new designs, tourism-type designs/posters, or draft/idea sketches for this exhibition. 

Selection Process  

The Art Selection Council includes members of the New Jersey local artistic community, academic and museum arts experts, tourism and regional government staff, and a representative from the State Arts Council. The committee will review all application materials and make final recommendations. The selection committee reserves the right to reject any or all entries at any time in the review and selection process.   

Selection Criteria 

The goals of this program are to connect Airport Passengers and staff with new, exciting art experiences during their transit through the Newark Airport, and to provide New Jersey Artists with exhibition opportunities and a public venue to share their work.   

  • All submissions will be evaluated using the following standards:
  • High artistic quality of the proposed submission and work samples provided
  • Potential for the submission to promote the goals of the program
  • Potential for positive experiences or interactions with the proposed submission by New Jersey communities (the intended audience of the work)
  • Feasibility of the submission as proposed or with minor changes
  • Works selected will be consistent with the opinions, values and aesthetics of the Port Authority and MANJ.

Budget and Contracts  

The MANJ will provide one $1,000 stipend to each selected artist/artist team to license their work for digital display for 13 months in Newark Liberty International Airport Terminal A. Approximately twenty (20) artists will be selected to be featured in the digital gallery. Artists will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to award announcements and will sign legal contracts with MANJ for the use of their work in EWR Terminal A.    

Note: Upon selection notification, artists will need to provide the digital artwork in a PNG or JPG file with a height of 1080 pixels to MANJ which will then be processed and added to the digital Welcome Banner in Terminal A. 


Call Posted: July 12, 2024 

Deadline for artist submissions: August 26, 2024 

Artist Notifications: No later than December 31, 2024   

Project opening is scheduled for Winter/Spring 2025.

Application Requirements

All applications must be submitted through (CAFE), a free website for artists to use. Artists must register and set up an account in CAFE, and upload images of their work to their CAFE account in order to submit to this call. Submissions will not be accepted or reviewed through any other means.    


For this project, we are seeking completed, 2-dimensional, still artworks in a digital format for digital display. All static media, in digital format, that is appropriate to the project will be considered.  Artists may submit a total of two (2) completed artworks for consideration.  

Application Materials to be Submitted:   

  • An updated and brief artist bio (in the artist statement section of the application).
  • A brief statement that outlines any specific connection you have to Newark and/or Elizabeth (also in the artist statement section of the application).
  • One to two (total) digital images of existing, completed artwork(s).
  • A brief description of the work(s) submitted, including title, medium, size, and helpful additional context (for example: the location of an image, or the artist's intention).
  • You also must confirm your New Jersey residency and complete an application questionnaire.

Eligibility Criteria

This project is open to artists/artist teams who are at least 18 years of age, and legally able to complete a contract with PANYNJ and/or their contracted management for the terminal. Artists (individuals or all team members) must be current residents of the State of New Jersey. Submissions from artists estates are not eligible. Priority will be given to artists who reside in Newark and/or Elizabeth, as the Airport is located in those cities. Artist/Teams must be able to work effectively and collaboratively to provide requested digital image files of the type and size specified in a timely manner. Further, artists should consider the project timeline prior to submitting a proposal. The exhibition is intended to open in early 2025.  

*Artists who were selected for the digital exhibition displayed in 2023 and/or 2024 should be advised that they are not eligible to submit works for consideration for this call.  


Technical assistance using CAFÉ is available at:  

Please direct any other questions regarding this opportunity to Danielle Bursk, Director of Artist Services, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts,, or Stephanie Nerbak, Artist Services Manager, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts,