Call Detail
Entry Deadline: 4/14/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 20
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 20
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Unspecified
State: Colorado
Budget: Budget The project budget range is $75,000 including concept design, fabrication and artist fee, travel, installation, and all other project related expenses.

The project location is a smaller scale neighborhood park in Central Golden generally located on the southerly side of 23rd Street east of East Street. The parkland was acquired from long standing local family estate in response to City plans that identified the established low density residential area as one of a couple underserved areas of Golden. The abandoned Welch Ditch corridor (prior irrigation facility) goes through the park, and the prior home on site was the “ditch-rider’s dwelling until it was purchased by Virgil and Marguerite DeLong in the 1960’s. It is a quiet neighborhood park used extensively by the immediate neighborhood including Golden High School students, primarily for passive uses and contemplation. The park patrons include a significant family focus with many children and pets. Importantly, his park is the only one in the Golden collection that is pesticide-free and designed to be pollinator-friendly. This park has a large area of regional native plants, managed by the City in conjunction with an organized volunteer group. Their work builds healthy, pesticide free biodiversity in the native areas to support our local food web, from soil microbiota, through native plants, the insects which evolved with them, and the birds and mammals which depend upon all of that. The Weedbusters have sown seed of approximately 30 native species of flowering perennials which we envision filling the native areas with colorful blossoms and pollinators. Please see the attached map for the specific location.

 The PAC has identified the location based on its unique role in the neighborhood and the opportunity to broaden the locations and effect of the public art collection. The PAC’s goals for the installation include a celebration of the neighborhood and community in support of the PAC’s goals for the City’s Public Art collection. As with many locations, this park location can be expected to be a “high touch” environment where park patrons will likely interact physically with the installation, unless discouraged by the design.

 The artwork should be a welcoming enhancement to the visual appearance of the site and should appeal to a broad range of people and be uplifting and stimulating to the spirit, intellect and physical senses. Artistic creativity and interpretation that speaks to Golden’s heritage and natural setting are encouraged. The art should be in harmony and complimentary to the surrounding area. While the PAC has not identified a specific theme for this installation, artists are asked to consider the themes listed above in developing their proposals. Materials should be durable and reflect the anticipated level of interaction between the public and the installation. Artists must also be sensitive that the installation does not conflict with existing or potential uses of the neighborhood park.  The PAC will reserve the right to require the relocation or alteration of the proposed installation design, based on anticipated conflicts or other concerns.                        

Artwork will be selected on the basis of creativity, artistic merit, technical proficiency, and relationship to the aforementioned theme and site. Long-term maintenance, durability, and impact on park design and operations concerns will be major selection criteria.  The final location must be approved by both the PAC and the City Parks and Recreation Board.

Application Requirements

Application Requirements 

·       Submit at least three images or drawings of the proposed artwork with all pertinent information including artist name, medium, and artwork title.

·       Your application should have at least three images of past work.

·       A letter of interest describing why you are interested in the project must be included in your application. If you submitting as part of a team one collective letter of interest is sufficient.

·       Submit a current artist resume, placing emphasis on public art projects or other related art experiences, with a budget amount for all projects. If you are part of a project team submit one resume and indicate each team member’s role with a specific project.

·       Include a timeline for art development and installation.

·       Create an estimated budget for the project fabrication, installation and artist’s fee.

 Application Procedure


All applications must be submitted using Call for Entry via no later than Sunday, April 14, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. MDT.


 Please contact Robin Fleischmann via email at

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

The call is open to all artists and artist teams 18 years and older. Experience creating public art is preferred. The selection panel will not discriminate against any applicant on the basis of age, sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, or physical challenges. Excluded from participation are Artist Selection Committee members and their families.


Artwork will be selected on the basis of creativity, artistic merit, technical proficiency, and relationship to the aforementioned theme and site. Long-term maintenance, durability, and impact on park design and operations concerns will be major selection criteria.  The final location must be approved by both the PAC and the City Parks and Recreation Board.