Call Detail
Napa Art Walk 2024- 2026

Entry Deadline: 5/1/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 18
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 18
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: California

Call for Entries 
The City of Napa, CA is seeking up to 10 temporary installations for the eighth Napa Art Walk outdoor art exhibit.  

SPONSOR: City of Napa 
LOCATION: Downtown Napa, California 
EXHIBITION TIMELINE:  September 2024 – August 2026 
ELIGIBILITY: This opportunity is open to established professional artists residing or working in the United States or Canada age 18 and older. All submissions must be previously completed artworks. No artwork proposals for yet-to-be-created art will be accepted. 
ARTIST HONORARIUM: $3,000 to cover any associated travel and installation costs. 
APPLICATION DEADLINE: All entries to be submitted via CaFE via MIDNIGHT, Pacific Standard Time, on or before May, 1 2024 


The Napa Art Walk is a curated walking tour program that showcases regularly rotating installation art throughout downtown Napa, California. This program is designed to enhance the local environment and promote the understanding and enjoyment of public art by inviting artists to temporarily exhibit select works in downtown Napa. The first Art Walk launched in 2009, and collections rotate every two years; the 2024-2026 exhibition will be the eighth rotation in this program.  


  • Create exciting, appealing and harmonious public environments by integrating outdoor art into public spaces;
  • Showcase public art that celebrates Napa’s historical, socio-cultural and aesthetic values;
  • Preserve and enrich Napa’s cultural environment;
  • Enhance the character of Napa through visibility of community-valued artworks;
  • Promote public participation and interaction with artists and artwork; and
  • Stimulate the downtown economy through increased pedestrian activity and positioning Napa as an art destination.

The previous seven Napa Art Walk exhibits are exceeding these goals. In addition to successfully generating regional and national media coverage, and tours facilitated by local groups and tourism alike regularly explore the Art Walk.  

To enhance the usability and visibility of Napa Art Walk, the City has partnered with Otocast, a mobile app program which provides information about each of these pieces and the artists, (Voices of Napa Art Walk Artists). The Otocast app may be downloaded on any smart phone to find “Napa, CA Napa Art Walk” and hear about the art and surrounding points of interest in the current exhibit.  Images of the artworks, a printable brochure and map, and links to the audio tours from current and past exhibitions may be found at Napa Art Walk

VISION: Climate Action and Sustainability 

All pieces submitted for the 8th Napa Art Walk should integrate and embody a work centered around the theme Climate Action and Sustainability.  The artwork should embody concepts related to climate change and environmental sustainability or be made from recycled materials. 

It is important for public artwork in Napa’s urban center to offer a source of inspiration and pride for tourists and the community alike, as the valley navigates consistent growth and revitalization.  It is important that we inspire, invigorate, and encourage new ideas that serve as a catalyst for creativity. 

Artists shall provide a short written statement (up to 150 words) as part of their submittal explaining how their piece addresses and illustrates the theme.  



Artworks will remain on view for a period of approximately two years 


Printed and downloadable brochures with a map of art locations enable self-guided viewing of the exhibition, and volunteer docents lead Napa Art Walk tours. The pieces are on display 24 hours a day, though viewing of some may be restricted to daylight.  

The following will be also provided to increase public awareness of this exhibition: 

  • Grand Opening reception / Meet and Greet with the Artists
  • Media releases
  • Printed and downloadable brochures
  • Napa Art Walk Website
  • The “DoNapa” website, social media and blog postings (
  • Features on the City of Napa (, Arts Council Napa Valley (
  • Calendar listings
  • Docent-led tours
  • Inclusion in media and school tours
  • Artwork plaques



All sites are a brief distance from one another in downtown Napa, and several are on or near popular visitor destinations. Busy pedestrian walkways, bridges, the riverfront, and plazas serve as accommodating and attractive sites that elevate the artwork while simultaneously integrating it into the cityscape. The route is not limited to walking, but strollers, wheelchairs, bicycles and any other necessary assistance can be easily accommodated. The route may be enjoyed as a loop or customized by the individual viewer(s) to meet specific preferences and/or logistical restraints.  


Generally, Napa Art Walk sculptures are mounted to concrete pads and secured by bolts or brackets.  There are a variety of pad sizes used in the current exhibition: 

  • Large Square: 12” high x 60” long x 60” wide
  • Medium Square: 12” high x 48” long x 48” wide
  • Large Rectangular: 12” high x 96” long x 36” wide
  • Medium Rectangular: 12” high x 65” long x 36” wide
  • Round: 16” high x 30” diameter

Each submitted artwork should indicate a proposed size and dimension for a pad from the list above, as well as the method for securing it. Ideally, there should be no more than 4 bolts necessary to secure the art, and bolt locations should fit within the perimeter of each pad. 

The City reserves the right to change an entry’s pad size specification if another is more appropriate. 

If your work is too large for a pad or requires another way of mounting please specify these details. An installation template must be provided for artwork approval.  

The City will determine the location of each artwork based on its size and dimension for the designated space, as well as setting and other factors. No location changes will be permitted once the final sites have been selected. 

Any projections beyond the perimeter width of the concrete pad must occur at heights no lower than 7 feet from the ground to avoid pedestrian conflicts.  

Artists will be responsible for bringing all hardware necessary to secure the piece to the concrete pad, including bolts, brackets, etc. as well as a hammer drill equipped with bits to accommodate the piece if utilizes atypical size brackets or bolts. The artist will be responsible for any necessary hardware purchases prior to the scheduled installation. 

Artworks must weigh no more than 2000 pounds. If necessary, City staff will provide a crane to position a sculpture. 

Upon installation of the artwork, the artist or artist representative must remove and store or dispose of all packing and crating materials. 

A plaque with the artist name, studio location/home, sculpture information, and map number will be provided and installed by the City upon installation of the art work.  



Each selected artist will receive an Artist Honorarium of $3,000 to assist with transportation, travel and other expenses; $2,000 will be paid upon artwork installation in 2024 and $1,000 paid upon artwork deinstallation.  



The City of Napa is in the heart of Napa Valley, a world-class winegrowing region and travel destination. Located along the banks of the Napa River, Downtown Napa is emerging from its origins as a civic district to a vibrant hub of beautiful hotels, charming inns, exceptional culinary establishments and wine-tasting rooms, all enhanced by the arts, parks and entertainment.   

Downtown Napa boasts over 80 restaurants, 35 wine tasting rooms and bars, and over 20 exciting live performance venues. Napa is a popular year-round destination for visitors from the region and all over the world. Over three million visitors travel to Napa Valley every year, with nearly two-thirds staying in Downtown Napa’s 23 luxury hotels and B&B Inns. A portion of First Street is currently under construction as part of a major retail shopping center renovation called “First Street Napa”, which includes The Archer Hotel, Charlie Palmer Steakhouse Restaurant, a mix of retail shops and cafes, and inviting outdoor spaces.   



Applicants must be established professional artists currently living or working in the United States. They must be at least 18 years of age. Napa Art Walk jurors, City employees and their immediate family members are ineligible. 


Artists will be responsible to deliver the selected artwork to the site and install the artwork in September 2024 and deinstall in August 2026, by appointment, to be coordinated with the City of Napa. Although the artist will be the primary installer and will direct the installation, the City of Napa will provide staff for installation assistance and equipment (if needed) in accordance with the artist’s Art Installation Plan. Artists must provide any and all hardware that is required for the installation, including bolts, brackets, hammer drills, cleaning brushes, etc. Artists will be responsible to pick up their artwork within 30 days of the exhibition’s closing date, to be coordinated with the City. Although the artist is the primary de-installer during de-installation, the City of Napa will provide staff assistance and equipment to de-install artworks if required. 

Selected artists must enter into an agreement with the City of Napa. Artists are encouraged to carry insurance to cover potential damage to their artwork.    

Artworks must be structurally safe for the general public, including children. Artworks must be extremely durable in outdoor conditions and maintenance-free for the period of the exhibition. If, however, occasional cleaning or other maintenance is necessary, the artist must agree to keep the artwork in good aesthetic and operating condition by performing regular maintenance. Beyond regularly scheduled maintenance by the artist, the City may contact the artist to inform him or her that the artwork is in need of maintenance. In that case, the artist -- or his or her designated representative -- must tend to the artwork within two weeks of receiving notice. If the artist does not respond to the City’s request within the specified time frame, the City may take actions as appropriate and necessary to clean, repair or remove the artwork in order to prevent damage from occurring. If damage to an artwork causes a public safety concern or is a continuing attractive public nuisance that results in undue maintenance calls, the City reserves the right to remove the artwork from Napa Art Walk. The artist will be notified in advance if this type of action becomes necessary. 


Only completed artworks are eligible. Conceptual artwork proposals will not be considered. All artworks must be ready for exhibition at installation. Any artwork that cannot be installed by the installation deadline will be disqualified and the artist will forfeit the honorarium. 

Artworks will be selected on the basis of the following criteria: 

Artistic merit, including artwork concept, design and craftsmanship as well as the artist’s experience; 

Artistic context, including the interpretation of the theme and how effectively the work contributes to the overall exhibition’s variety of media and artistic approaches; 

Maintainability, including the artwork’s durability and safety in the public realm, structural and surface soundness, materials, resistance to vandalism and weathering, and limited or lack of maintenance requirements; 

Location context, including artwork’s appropriateness within the public realm and its ability to be accommodated on one of the sites; 

Responsiveness to the overall vision 

Responsiveness to size and weight criteria as specified above. 



Artist submissions will be accepted online only via CaFÉ. The submittals will be screened for responsiveness to the Selection Criteria, and submittals that do not respond to the criteria will be eliminated for consideration by the jury. The City may require follow-up information from the artist regarding the submittal before a final selection can be made.  

A select jury of three art professionals will review the submissions and make recommendations for selected artworks to the City Manager, who will approve selections.  



All submissions must be made online at: 


Incomplete Submissions will not be considered. Complete Submissions must include the following: 

1) Images  
Artists may submit up to 6 artworks, with 3 views each, for a total of 18 images maximum. Images should accurately represent the work size, including height, span, and ground clearance. At least one image per submission must include the artwork with an adult person next to it for scale.  

The City reserves the right to use images of selected artworks and/or the exhibition for publicity. Please specify image credits as necessary. 

2) Image list & Description 
Artists will provide an image list including the following for each artwork: 

  • title
  • date of completion
  • medium (please be specific)
  • dimensions (height x width x depth)
  • weight
  • fair-market (retail) value

3)   Statement Regarding “Climate Action and Sustainability " 
Artists must provide a short written statement (150-word maximum) describing how each piece incorporates the theme of Climate Action and Sustainability.  Artists may include various photos of the artworks to illustrate the association with this concept in addition to the written statement. 

4)   Art Installation Plan 

An installation plan for each entry must be submitted. 

Please specify the appropriate pad size, as outlined on page 3, “Pad Specifications”. If requesting to not use a pad, please provide details of sculpture footprint and installation plan. 

Installation plan should specify the weight of each artwork and clearly illustrate the method of installation, including identifying the points of attachment.  

Please provide detailed information about the type of the hardware to be used for the attachment and clarify how such hardware will be made secure from vandalism. 

Larger works of art that require engineering components in the footing or base should be clearly noted. Include engineered drawings if available. 

5) Artist Resume 
Like the descriptions and theme statements, information in the artist resume may be used in Napa Art Walk collateral, our Otocast tour narratives, and on the website.  Artists may be asked to record their own information for the project, which adds value and personal interest for our audience. 

E)   PROJECT TIMELINE (some dates subject to revision) 

  • Submission Deadline:  May 1, 2024
  • Jury Meeting Date:  May 1-30, 2024
  • Selected Artist Notification:  June 1, 2024
  • Agreement Executed:  July
  • Artwork Delivery and Installation:  August 1-30, 2024
  • Exhibition Opening Date:    September 1, 2024
  • Exhibition Closing Date:   August 1, 2026
  • Artwork Pick Up:   August 1-30, 2026



For more information about Napa Art Walk and images of artwork sites (subject to change): 

For questions about the Call for Entries, please contact: 

Meredith Knudsen, City of Napa Public Arts Coordinator 

Application Requirements

Incomplete Submissions will not be considered. Complete Submissions must include the following: 

1) Images  
Artists may submit up to 6 artworks, with 3 views each, for a total of 18 images maximum. Images should accurately represent the work size, including height, span, and ground clearance. At least one image per submission must include the artwork with an adult person next to it for scale.  

The City reserves the right to use images of selected artworks and/or the exhibition for publicity. Please specify image credits as necessary. 

2) Image list & Description 
Artists will provide an image list including the following for each artwork: 

  • title
  • date of completion
  • medium (please be specific)
  • dimensions (height x width x depth)
  • weight
  • fair-market (retail) value

3)   Statement Regarding “Climate Action and Sustainability " 
Artists must provide a short written statement (150-word maximum) describing how each piece incorporates the theme of Climate Sustainability.  Artists may include various photos of the artworks to illustrate the association with this concept in addition to the written statement. 

4)   Art Installation Plan 

An installation plan for each entry must be submitted. 

Please specify the appropriate pad size, as outlined on page 3, “Pad Specifications”. If requesting to not use a pad, please provide details of sculpture footprint and installation plan. 

Installation plan should specify the weight of each artwork and clearly illustrate the method of installation, including identifying the points of attachment.  

Please provide detailed information about the type of the hardware to be used for the attachment and clarify how such hardware will be made secure from vandalism. 

Larger works of art that require engineering components in the footing or base should be clearly noted. Include engineered drawings if available. 

5) Artist Resume 
Like the descriptions and theme statements, information in the artist resume may be used in Napa Art Walk collateral, our Otocast tour narratives, and on the website.  Artists may be asked to record their own information for the project, which adds value and personal interest for our audience. 

Eligibility Criteria

ELIGIBILITY: This opportunity is open to established professional artists residing or working in the United States or Canada age 18 and older. All submissions must be previously completed artworks. No artwork proposals for yet-to-be-created art will be accepted.