Call Detail
Aesthetics - 2024 (2nd Annual Juried Exhibition, Publication, Sales)
Entry Deadline: 8/13/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Call Type: Competitions
Eligibility: International
State: Unspecified
Event Dates: 9/4/24 - 11/4/24

Exhibit and publish beauty, awe, and illusion through aesthetic aspects of your art

Gallerium proudly presents Aesthetics, the 2nd annual dual exhibition and publication opportunity to share various aspects of aesthetics in art.

Aesthetics is defined as the pleasing qualities in an art piece. In visual art, factors such as balance, scale, shape, color, movement, and visual weight can determine aesthetic attributes.

The aesthetic experience is created by visual fascination, and it involves a range of emotions from beauty to awe, sublimity, and many other emotions that viewers interact with while experiencing a piece of art.

Some define Aesthetics as beauty, and since "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", people may have various perceptions about beauty and emotions attached to artistic beauty.

For Aesthetics 2024, the subject is Free, and we are looking for artworks that create an emotional engagement with the viewers. We encourage artists to explore a range of classical, modern, and creatively odd artistic interpretations of Aesthetics, including not limited to:

■ People: The aesthetic aspects of the human face, body, and poses have been a known subject to explore its beauty, marvel, and awe. 

■ Landscapes: From breathtaking natural vistas to urban cityscapes and marine world are all a treat of aesthetics for art lovers.

■ Animals: An essence of beauty, scare, and awe surround all artworks with animals, from pets and birds to insects, reptiles and wildlife.

■ Plants: The natural world of plants and flowers, symmetrical or asymmetrical, brings a sense of beauty, harmony, calmness and serenity to a piece of art.

■ Still Life: Inanimate objects from the natural or man-made world are called beauties by many. Classic and sports cars, ships and airplanes add a feeling of awe and elegance. 

■ Illusions: Gustave Flaubert once said, "The most important quality of art and its aim is illusion", and the illusive and dreamy images from past, present or future, real or imaginary, are the best to present aesthetic aspects in art. 

Let's celebrates contemporary visual arts in all forms and mediums. All abstract and representational artists are welcome to submit their art.

Visit last year's exhibition at: 

Submission is free of charge, and a small fixed fee applies to selected artists only.

Selected artworks will be showcased in an international art exhibition by Gallerium and published in The Book of Arts: Aesthetics publication.

Visit previous exhibitions by Gallerium that was seen by more than 2.5 million art lovers, experts, and collectors at: 



■ Exhibition

The selected artworks will be showcased in Aesthetics - 2024 international smart group art exhibition, organized by Gallerium.

Selected artworks will be exhibited online for two full months from September 04 to November 04, 2024.

■ Publication

The selected artworks will be published in The Book of Arts: Aesthetics publication.

The online version of the book will be available for free, while the high-quality print can be ordered online and via our website directly.

Published in glossy colorful A4 pages, The Book of Arts: Aesthetics will be promoted and distributed internationally, and will be available to thousands of readers, including experts, galleries, curators, businesses, and art enthusiasts, via popular publication gateways.

■ Artwork Sales

All selected artworks are promoted to sell. Not for sale and sold artworks are accepted.

■ Exhibition Catalogue

All selected artworks and artists will be published in a stylish colorful exhibition catalogue available in both online and print. Artists can order for the print catalogue via print-on-demand service from one of the partner platforms. The catalogue will be promoted and circulated internationally, becoming available to millions of viewers including art experts, galleries, curators, businesses and enthusiasts, via popular publication gateways.

■ Life-Long Link
The lifelong links of the exhibition and selected artworks will remain active to boost selected artists online visibility and SEO. 

The artworks' price tag will be removed after the exhibition ends.

■ Exhibition Poster

Each artist will receive a link to the digital sharable version of the exhibition poster via email.

■ Promotional Badges

A digital social media promotional badge for each artwork will be sent to each artist to share on social media.

■ Artwork Rating and Comments

All exhibition visitors can post their comments and ratings of each artwork online.

■ Exhibition Press Release

An exhibition press release sent out will be published in the art media to mark the event, attract more visitors, and increase the chances of artwork sales during the exhibition period.

■ Reports, Analytics and Insights

A report containing the number of views, comments, artworks popularity, the engagement rate of exhibition viewers with artworks, and sales statistics, will be sent to artists via email.

■ Artist Profile Page

Each artist receives a free online profile page on Biafarin platform.

■ Certificate

A digital certificate will be issued for all selected artists.

■ Biafarin Free Shipment

Selected Biafarin members with Platinum package will use a free shipment of their artwork(s) in case of sales.



Submission: FREE

There is no submission fee for this artist call.

Only selected artists will pay a selection fee of USD 40

Early bird selection fee with 15% discount will be offered.

Up to 6 artworks can be submitted.

Maximum 2 artworks will be selected per artist.

Jury Process

We use two phases for jurying. The first phase of jurying is the Yes/No selection, and the 2nd part is the scoring model. For scoring, each jury member scores artworks from 1 to 5. Artworks with the highest scores in the "Yes" group will be selected.

Why Selection Fee?

Submission to this art opportunity is free of charge, and we only ask the selected artists to pay a small fixed fee to proceed. 

This decision was made in good faith because we wanted artists to only pay when selected. We have a thorough jury process as our art opportunities are popular and have a low acceptance rate.

Money-back Guarantee

A money-back guarantee is available for all selection fee payments until the exhibition's official opening day.

About Gallerium

Gallerium art exhibitions are intended to create equal showcasing opportunities for brilliant visual artists worldwide.

Art improves people's lives, and showcasing art is a true and effective way of playing part toward building a better world. In this way, Gallerium utilizes Biafarin exhibition platform to boost the benefits of the exhibitions. It is always free to submit your art in Gallerium competitions, while only selected artists need to pay a small selection fee.

Each one of Gallerium shows focuses on a unique subject.

International artists are encouraged to express their artistic interpretation of the subject for an opportunity to be selected for exhibition.

Gallerium exhibitions has been seen by more than 2.5 million visitors worldwide.

About The Book of Arts

The Book of Arts is a series of contemporary art books published by Discover the Artist media holding and Art Publications Network. The mission is to publish prominent arts from artists with various cultures and nationalities via several editions each year. Each edition focuses on a specific subject to make a visual story of modern and contemporary art in the art world.

The publications are available to hundreds of thousands of art experts, collectors, galleries, museums, curators, and enthusiasts, in digital and print format, and reach readers in over 150 countries.

The online version of the book will be published and circulated globally, while the high-quality hardcopy version can be ordered online and via a print-on-demand platform directly.

Application Requirements

♦ Artist Data
Artist Headshot Photo (jpg or pdf)
Artist Full Name
City and Country of Residence
Social Media Links (optional)
Website (optional)


♦ Artwork Data
Creation Year
Size (WidthXHeightXDepth) in cm or inches
Artwork/Series Description (Optional)

Price in USD

Eligibility Criteria


This dual exhibition and publication opportunity is open to all visual artists worldwide.



Art Categories

The submission is open to all visual artists creating original artworks in 2 and 3-dimensional media.

Painting, drawing, illustration, landscapes, portraits, abstract, printmaking, photography, digital arts, graphic arts, fiber art, crafts, ceramic art, land art, book art, paper art, glass art, design, jewelry, textile art, assemblage, sculpture, metalsmithing, and mixed media are accepted.

All styles are accepted.

Any abstract or representational interpretations of the subject are welcome.

There is no size limit for submitted artworks.

There is no limit for artwork creation year.
Artworks created within the last 5 years are preferred.

Originality and Rights
Artworks must be entirely the work of the entrant, executed without the supervision of an instructor.

Entries must not be copies or derivatives based in any way on other copyrighted or published paintings, photographs or other artistic work. Any infraction of this rule will result in serious consequences.

Artist should have all the rights for presenting and publishing the artworks internationally.

Artwork Photo

Only the artwork should show in the photo (no frames or extraneous backgrounds).

Invited artists might be asked for high resolution artwork photos, if needed.


Artists can submit artworks that are not for sales.

Number of Artworks

Artists can submit up to 6 pieces of original artworks in relation to the subject.

The artworks are subject to selection and maximum 2 artworks might be selected from the chosen artists.


Artworks that, in reasonable view of the organizer, include porn, violence, and/or racial, and religious hatred, inappropriate and/or offensive content, are not admissible.