Call Detail
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Entry Deadline: 6/23/24
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry fee): $40.00
Media Fee(Additional image fee): $5.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Photography
Eligibility: International
State: New Mexico

Submission Requirements

In times of uncertainty, any artists seek quiet, and calm found outdoors. Nature can be a symphony that soothes the senses. Time in nature helps distance world events, while encouraging us to slow down and relearn what is important.

 All submitted works must be created by the hand of the artist, including- but not limited to: silver gelatin; platinum/palladium; albumen; cyanotype; gum bichromate; wet-plate collodion; photo gravure; carbon; vandyke brown; traditional printmaking; instant transfers and lifts,  hand-manipulated (altered surface) digital prints, and other alternative and historic printing processes.  Combinations of these processes are welcome.  

The use of digital negatives in creating these processes is acceptable, although straight inkjet (digital) prints and AI-derived works (because of copyright considerations) are not eligible. All entries must be hand-made prints made by the artist and created in the last 4 years.  

Light Art Space invites LBGTQ, Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and self-identifying artists of color - historically under-represented artists working in the visual arts – to submit.
Work needs to arrive at the gallery ready to hang but framing is not required. Magnets, clips, and other methods can be used. Artists must include instructions for alternative presentations. 

Juror:  Christina Z. Anderson

Juror Bio

Christina Z. Anderson’s work focuses on the contemporary vanitas printed in a variety of 19th century photographic processes. Anderson’s work has shown nationally and internationally in 120 shows and 60 publications. Anderson has authored books which have sold in 40 countries—The Experimental Photography Workbook, Gum Printing and Other Amazing Contact Printing Processes, Gum Printing, A Step by Step Manual Highlighting Artists and Their Creative Practice, Salted Paper Printing, A Step-by-Step Manual Highlighting Contemporary Artists, and Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice; also Digital Negatives with QuadToneRIP, Demystifying QTR for Photographers and Printmakers co-authored with Ron Reeder, and Handcrafted: The Art and Practice of the Handmade Print co-authored with Wang, Jianming, and King. Her latest book, The Experimental Darkroom, Contemporary Uses of Traditional Black and White Photographic Materials will be published in 2022. Anderson is Series Editor for Focal Press/Routledge’s Contemporary Practices in Alternative Process Photography series and Professor of Photography at Montana State University.

Important Dates:

June 23rd, midnight Mountain time - deadline for submitted work
June 28th - notification of acceptance via email
July 22nd - work due at Light Art Space
August 1st - opening day
Reception: Friday, August 2nd, 5-7 pm 
October 5th, 2023 final day of the exhibition

Entry fee: $40 for 3 images

$5 for each additional image up to 10 images total
Full-time Student Discount: $20 use coupon: Student


Sponsored by Freestyle Photo & Imaging Supplies


Sales are encouraged but artwork need not be for sale. Light Art Space will retain a 50% commission on any artwork sold. The sale price on the entry form must include commission. All artwork will remain in the exhibition through October 5th, 2024.

Application Requirements

All entries must be hand-made prints made with alternative photographic processes and created in the last 4 years.  All prints must be hand printed by the artist.  

Acceptable processes include, but are not limited to, Cyanotype, Gum Bichromate, Van Dyke, Palladium/Platinum, Photopolymer Gravure, Copper Plate Gravure, Salt, Tintype, Silver Gelatin, Chemigrams, Phytograms, Lumens, Chromogenic prints, Hand applied emulsions, Photo-encaustic, Carbon, Gumoil, Instant transfers and lifts, and Hand-manipulated (altered surface) digital prints. Combinations of these processes are welcome.  Digital photographic images can be used in combination with other processes, but straight digital prints will not be accepted, with an exception made for lumen where the unfixed originals can not be safely exhibited.  3D and experimental work is encouraged. The use of digital negatives in creating these processes is acceptable, as are surface manipulated digital prints. Straight digital prints and AI-derived works (because of copyright considerations) are not eligible. 

Eligibility Criteria

Artists 18 years of age and older are eligible.