Call Detail
Witter Place Exterior Murals

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Entry Deadline: 6/11/24
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 20
Audio | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 6
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 20
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Regional
State: Virginia
Budget: Mural A: $20,000 & Mural B: $95,000

About Witter Place. CHP will be breaking ground in late 2024 on Witter Place Apartments, a 94-unit affordable workforce housing project located at a premium location in the City of Alexandria.  Witter Place Apartments is located off Duke Street, which has been identified as one of the City’s three high capacity transit corridors with 28,000 vehicles per day and a major bus route.

 About CHP. Building on a long-standing tradition of environmental, economic, and social responsibility, CHP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works with private and public partners to develop and preserve award-winning homes and neighborhoods. Together with our partners, we revitalize communities, foster stability for our residents, and promote a healthier planet for future generations.

 About the City of Alexandria. Alexandria, Virginia is a small historic seaport city of about 158,000 residents located on the Potomac River, minutes from Washington, D.C. It is best known for its historic Old Town but is also home to federal agencies such as the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, the Defense Department, and the headquarters of the National Science Foundation.

There will be two mural walls. The smaller mural will be located on the east elevation of the façade that fronts Duke Street (referred to as Mural “A”) and has a width of 24’ and a height of 36’ containing 864 square feet. This mural spans vertically 3 stories from the 3rd to the 5th level, with the 3rd level being 1 story above grade at this location. The façade of the building is brick (an extruded clay white face brick with a velour/wire cut texture and square edges) and there are a series of horizontal and vertical reveals/joints as indicated on the Exhibit attached.

 The larger mural will be located on the south elevation of the façade that faces Witter Field (referred to as Mural “B”) and has a width of 103’-6” and a height of 44’-4” containing 4,588 square feet. This mural spans vertically 4 stories from the 2nd to the 5th level, with the 2nd level being 1 story above grade at this location. The façade of the building is fiber cement panels with aluminum trim at joints.

Application Requirements

This call is open to all artists/artist teams living and working in Virgina, Maryland, and Washington D.C.  Application materials and qualifications will be reviewed, and the top 3-5 finalists will have the opportunity to submit concept designs. Selected finalists will be provided with a $500 stipend to develop a conceptual design.

 Our goals for the two murals are:

-        To raise awareness of the lives of families who have lived in affordable housing.

-        To connect Witter Place to the larger urban fabric of the Alexandria community.

-        The murals should encourage a vision forward with optimism, hope, and progress for not only the residents of Witter Place but for the community at large.


Eligibility Criteria

Applicants shall meet one or more of the following criteria per the City of Alexandria’s Public Art Policy:

-        Realizes income through the sale, performance, publication or commission of original works of art;

-        Has previously exhibited, presented, performed or published original works of art in museums, galleries or other recognized art venues and publications;

-        Has formal training or education in a field of art; and

-        Has received awards or other forms of recognition from arts juries, arts grant panels, and similar entities for his/her artistic abilities or accomplishments.

Environmental design professionals, such as architects or landscape architects, can be considered artists if they otherwise meet the criteria in this definition.

Applicantion Inclusions:

1. Contact information: name, email, phone, address.

2. Please list above info for additional artist team members

B. Resume Please upload in PDF format for each team member if applicable. Maximum two pages for each team member. If you have a digital portfolio, please include a link to that as well.

C. Work Samples Provide 3 relevant work samples of your artistic practice. Image, video, link or PDF acceptable. Include a description of the process for the work samples.

D. Narrative description of how the Artist will work collaboratively with the construction team to minimize disruption to the overall development schedule.