Call Detail
City of Redondo Beach RFQ for Public Art Consultant

Entry Deadline: 8/30/24
Days remaining to deadline: 46
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 9
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: California
Budget: Phase 1: $450,000; Phase 2: $550,000. Consultant's fees: Not to exceed 10% of total project budget.

For the Complete text of this RFQ, please click on "View Site Details."

The City of Redondo Beach Public Art Commission is seeking submissions from experienced consultants or consulting firms to develop and implement a Public Art Plan for Artesia Boulevard between Inglewood Avenue and Aviation Boulevard in Redondo Beach, CA (Site). The plan will be a three-year strategy for the integration of public art, placemaking, and placekeeping initiatives. The goal of the plan is to use public art as a tool to help develop vibrant, engaging, and functional spaces that attract visitors, promote pride and reflect the unique character of Artesia Boulevard.

Artesia Boulevard originates at State Route 91 in Gardena and passes east to west through seven cities, including Redondo Beach, before terminating at Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in Hermosa Beach. The 1.2-mile section of Artesia Boulevard (Site) to be addressed through the Public Art Plan is the section that runs from the transportation easement (rail line) east of Inglewood Avenue to the western city boundary at Aviation Boulevard. It occupies a strategic location in North Redondo and presents an opportunity to become a robust, pedestrian-oriented community hub. The Site is primarily a commercial corridor with shopping centers and small service-commercial-office buildings along the majority of its length. The generally uniform pattern of development has the benefit of visual continuity but makes it difficult to distinguish one section from another. With its central location in North Redondo Beach and an estimated 12,089 people living within a quarter-mile walking distance of the Corridor, and 21,982 people within a half-mile bike ride, this segment of Artesia Boulevard has potential to become a thriving, pedestrian-oriented destination where residents and visitors come to live, work and play.


The “Artesia & Aviation Corridors Area Plan,” (AACAP) adopted by City Council on December 8, 2020 includes a long-term comprehensive strategy for the development of the Site. The Consultant will be expected to use the AACAP in the development of the Public Art Plan for the Site. The AACAP identifies a number of opportunities to help establish the Site as a great public space, and the expectation exists that the Consultant will help the city accomplish the following strategies:

  1. Use public art to help create outdoor spaces where people want to gather.
  2. Use public art to help improve connectivity to neighborhoods.
  3. Use public art to help reduce the number of cars using the site.
  4. Use public art to help establish an identity for the site.
  5. Use public art to welcome visitors to the site.


The selected Consultant (or consultant team) will be responsible for developing a Comprehensive Public Art Placemaking and Placekeeping Strategic Plan for the Site that aligns with the recommendations set forth in the AACAP. The plan should include the following elements:

Task 1: Existing Conditions Assessment

The selected Consultant will conduct a review of existing public art, placemaking and placekeeping assets along the site, including an assessment of their impact and relevance to the project’s goals. This step will provide a strong foundation for the development of a successful plan that reflects the unique character and identity of the Site and the adjoining neighborhoods.

Deliverables to include the following:

  • Develop a timeline and make recommendations for the refinement of this Scope of Work, if necessary.
  • Documentation (maps, photographs, interviews, database, etc.) of existing public art, placemaking, placekeeping and other relevant initiatives along the Site, including an assessment of their impact and relevance to the project’s goals.
  • Analysis and presentation of best practices and successful examples of public art, placemaking and placekeeping initiatives in other urban areas that could be adapted the site.
  • SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis of public art, placemaking and placekeeping along the site, including all the yet untried ways (opportunities) that public art could be integrated into the site, for example, public-private partnerships, grants and other publicly-supported programs for businesses to install storefront murals and sculptures, temporary art installations in the medians or along the sidewalks (similar to El Paseo or ART2C on Havana), permanent art installations in the medians, benches, mass transit/ride share shelters, poles/signage, trash receptacles, planters, bollards, bicycle racks, pet stations, etc.
  • A database of area businesses, residents and other stakeholders.

Task 2: Visioning and Engagement

In this task, the selected Consultant(s) will conduct the first phase of the plan development, including the refinement of goals, engagement with key decision-makers and stakeholders and selection of priority locations.

Deliverables to include the following:

  • Refine goals for future public art, placemaking and placekeeping along the Site in alignment with the recommendations in the AACAP and any new City Council-approved plans, guidelines, etc.
  • Engage and collaborate with decision-makers and stakeholders. This may include, but is not limited to, the North Redondo Beach Business Association, Council Districts 3, 4 and 5, the Public Art Commission and various City staff.
  • Host at least one community meeting, and present and facilitate a discussion at one Public Art Commission meeting.
  • Develop a list of priority areas and locations for public art projects in collaboration with staff. Priority areas should be selected based on the analysis of existing assets, identified gaps, best practices, and regulatory framework (conducted in Task 1).

Task 3:  Artist Selection

The selected Consultant(s) will develop and implement a plan for recruiting and selecting public artists to be commissioned for the Project.

Deliverables to include the following:

  • Recommend members for a Community Panel to serve as the first review for selecting artists and ultimately public art projects for the Site.
  • Develop and present to the Community Panel and the Public Art Commission for their review and recommendations a “Request for Qualifications” to establish a pool of artists with the necessary skills and experience to create artwork for the Project.
  • Lead the Community Panel and the Public Art Commission in the review of submissions from the RFQ and the selection of finalists.
  • Develop and present to the Community Panel and the Public Art Commission for their review and recommendations a “Call for Proposals” to facilitate the selection of artists to be commissioned to create artwork for the Project.

Task 4: Installation of Artworks

The selected consultant(s) will facilitate the following processes and/or deliverables:

  • Lead the Community Panel and the Public Art Commission in the review of proposals from the selected artists.
  • Given the available budget and the budgets from the selected artists, develop and present to the Community Panel, the Public Art Commission and the City Council a map of the recommended locations and commissions for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 with relevant context and renderings or other visuals for each recommended public art project along the Site.
  • Prioritize the implementation order of projects to maximize interest in the project, and develop a clear implementation timeline for Phase 1.
  • This phase may include hosting at least one community meeting and presenting at a senior staff meeting.
  • Identify and complete initial approvals required for each public art site.
  • Work with the artists to help ensure that their proposals address all of the required approvals and that their budgets include all of the required expenses.
  • Work with staff to execute agreements with all of the selected artists and any other procedures requiring City Council approval.


The Redondo Beach City Council has approved an initial appropriation of $400,000 (Phase 1) from the John Parson Public Art Fund to support this project, including up to 10% for a consultant. The stated intention of City Council is to appropriate an additional $600,000 (Phase 2) for the project as funds become available. The initial three (3) public art projects to be completed by September, 2027, therefore, should be commissioned with Phase 1 funds minus the consultant’s fee up to that point.


(Except for online application deadline, timeline is subject to adjustments.)

August 30, 2024, 11:59 PM PST    Deadline for CaFÉ™ Application Submission.
September 1 - 13, 2024      Staff will review all submissions and evaluate each submission based on their compliance with the submission requirements, experience, qualifications, and demonstrated ability to deliver the project on time and within budget.
September 18, 2024 The Public Art Commission will review submissions and make a recommendation at their regular meeting.
October 4, 2024  Staff will make the final selection.

Application Requirements

To ensure a comprehensive and competitive response to this RFQ, submissions must meet the following submission requirements. The City seeks submissions that are well-organized, detailed, within budget, and demonstrate a clear understanding of the project’s scope and goals.

Materials to be Submitted
Please read this section carefully. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered. The applicant’s name must appear on all materials submitted.

All materials must be submitted online, via the CaFÉ™ website ( There is no application fee to apply or to use the CaFÉ™ online application system.

Project Team: Introduce yourself and your team, including why you are interested in this project, a brief description of your experience with public art and especially placemaking and placekeeping initiatives (similar projects). Please include a list of key staff who will be involved in the project, including their roles, qualifications, and experience.

Project Approach: Please provide a summary of your approach to facilitating the Scope of Work set forth in this announcement, including a description of your methods, processes, and tools.

Timeline: Please provide a detailed timeline to include all of the 5 tasks and deliverables described above. The proposed timeline must complete Tasks 1-4 by July 30, 2027.

Relevant Work Samples (Digital Images): Please submit three to six digital images of previously completed artworks either created or managed by you (this distinction must be specified) through the CaFÉ™ system. Samples should highlight your expertise in public art, placemaking and placekeeping based on the requirements of this project. Applicants who wish to submit kinetic, sound or media works may upload a maximum of three video files.

Instructions on how to format images to CaFÉ™ specifications can be found at Assistance in using the CaFÉ™ system is available here:

Budget: Please provide a detailed budget for Phase 1 that outlines all expenses associated with the development of the public art, placemaking and placekeeping plan, including consultant fees, travel, and other expenses. The proposed budget must not exceed $30,000 in consultant fees and $10,000 in expenses. The proposed budget should include clear line items by tasks and deliverables that do not exceed the requested amount and are directly related to the project scope. Each cost should include details such as item description, hours worked, materials or other explanations as needed. A rate sheet that shows the different types of services offered and how compensation is to be determined, for example, percentage, hourly rate or flat rates for each service, should also be included.

References: Please provide a list of at least three references from similar projects the consultant has completed, including the names and contact information for each reference.

Eligibility Criteria

This project is open to US residents. The selection panel is especially interested in consultants who can demonstrate an understanding of goals set forth in the AACAP and ideas for how how to address the five strategies identified above (further detailed in the complete RFQ). Southern California public art managers are especially encouraged to apply.

Eligibility Criteria

This Request for Qualifications is seeking consultants with a strong background in cultural and public art planning, urban design, and architecture.

The ideal consultant has the following qualities and abilities:

  • Can demonstrate an understanding of the goals set forth in the AACAP.
  • Has ideas for how to implement the five strategies identified above.
  • Has experience as both a public artist and a public art project manager.
  • Possesses a deep understanding of the L.A. County public art ecosystem, including artists, fabricators and contractors.
  • Has experience successfully implementing public art initiatives in the L.A. County area.
  • Has excellent oral and written communications skills, the ability to use the complete Microsoft Office Suite of applications, the ability to plan and implement community meetings, the ability to conduct and analyze surveys, and the expertise to navigate government regulations and permitting processes.

Can a team apply?
Applicants may apply as an individual or multi-person consultant team.