Call Detail
2025 New Mexico Arts Artist Residency - Los Luceros Historic Site
Entry Deadline: 11/21/24
Days remaining to deadline: 34
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 10
Audio | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 4
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 4
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: New Mexico


Each residency will take place over a six-week period in which the artist resides and works in Alcalde, New Mexico. Artists will have access to and are encouraged to interact with the land, culture, and the extensive local historic archival materials at the sites, visitor center and surrounding area.

The culmination of the residency centers the artist’s research and development of new work that showcases ideas and work created during their six-week stay at Los Luceros.

Public engagement opportunities include, but are not limited to: an artist talk or exhibition, workshop, temporary site-specific installations, performances, etc. Artwork and community engagement should be safe and appropriate for both children and adults, ADA compliant, and should not permanently alter the environment when removed.


Los Luceros is located on the traditional lands of Pueblo and Apache peoples. Surrounding are landscapes of Pueblo and Apache communities, whose people continue to maintain vital connections to the greater area including Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo and Santa Clara Pueblo and the other Eight Northern Pueblos. 

Over 1,000 years of the area’s diverse cultural history is on display to explore and discover at Los Luceros Historic Site. Indigenous, Hispanic, and Anglo-American cultures have come together here to shape not only the history, but the landscape as well. Situated along the Old Spanish Trail, mule trains, loaded with trade goods, passed by the Spanish outpost that once stood near the river, as they travelled between Santa Fe and Los Angeles.

Today visitors are welcome to discover the site’s unique history within the walls of the 18th century Hacienda, the centerpiece of the ranch. Hear the stories of the influential and inspiring people who have visited, or called this location home for more than 600 years. Enjoy beautiful stands of cottonwoods along the floodplain, and connect to the area’s rich agricultural history on display in the farmyard, orchards, Bosque and Acequia system preserved on the grounds.



The centerpiece of Los Luceros Historic Site is a 5,700 square-foot, 18th century Territorial-style adobe home which was renovated by the Cabot Foundation in 2004 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  In addition to the hacienda and the visitor center complex, the property contains three residences, a 19th century chapel, numerous farm buildings, apple orchards, irrigated pasture, and bosque on the Rio Grande.

New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs purchased the Los Luceros property from the family of Frank and Ann Cabot in 2008 and is working to ensure the site’s preservation and integrity in perpetuity.  The department’s intent is to bring together historic preservation, education, and agricultural and environmental interests.  Los Luceros is currently – and will continue to be – used as a cultural destination with interpretative exhibits and public access and a place for crop-growing and environmental studies programs. Bask in the site's picturesque 148-acre ranch and the surrounding riverbanks, ancient cottonwoods, historic buildings, apple orchards, farm animals, and rolling agricultural fields. 


Lodging for the artists will be provided by the Los Luceros Historic Site at the River House, a studio bedroom open floor concept on the second floor of a two-story building whose construction dates to 1992. The apartment comes fully furnished and has a modern kitchen equipped with a gas stove, dishwasher, bathroom with tub and shower, and a full wrap around porch. Lodging is accessible through a separate exterior entrance from the 1st floor. Please note that due to the existing construction of the space; the apartment is accessible by a staircase only and does not have an elevator. 

The selected artists will be responsible for arranging their own transportation expenses to and from Los Luceros, in addition to their own food expenses. The nearest grocery store is the Dixon Co-operative Market and Deli in Dixon, 14 miles headed north, or a major shopping supercenter in Española, 18 minutes away.  The nearest major airports are in Santa Fe, NM and Albuquerque, NM. Internet access is not provided in the residence but can be connected to in the main buildings. There is not reliable cell service, though calls and texts can be made with the Wi-Fi calling feature enabled.

Artists will be granted access to the Los Luceros Historic Site and archival materials during regular operating hours. Regular operating hours are:

Open: Wednesday through Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm 
Closed: Monday and Tuesday

Shipping and deliveries will be accepted in the main building.

Los Luceros Policies and FAQs

River House Accommodation Images


An all-inclusive stipend of $14,000, including but not limited to: gross receipts tax and all applicable state and federal taxes for the services performed, insurance, materials, shipping/mailing charges, airfare/travel, car rental, gas, contract labor and services, etc. will be awarded in the form of two payments per residency period: the first ($7,000) upon receipt of signed contract (and approved PO), the second upon completion of public engagement activity ($7,000) at the conclusion of the residency.

There is no medical or workers’ compensation insurance provided by the State of New Mexico or the host site. Artists will be responsible for providing personal coverage. All selected artists will be required to enter into a professional services agreement with New Mexico Arts.


Call for Proposals launched……………………………......September 23, 2024 
Submission Deadline………………………….Thursday, November 21st, 2024
Artists Notified…………………………………………………....December 2024


March 7, 2025 – April 18, 2025 (Residency I Period) Artwork and Community Engagement Activity

April 25, 2025 – June 6, 2025 (Residency II Period) Artwork and Community Engagement Activity

Proposed timeline is subject to change. Selection criteria used by the Review Committee shall include, but is not limited to: Quality of concept, strength of proposal, quality of previous artwork, and proposed project’s attention to the culture and history of the historic site.


Application Requirements


Please read the following information carefully as incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted. Supplemental information, beyond what is requested, will not be reviewed by the Review Committee. Failure to provide any of the published requirements will result in disqualification from the competition.


Artist Statement (200 – 300 words/1,500 characters):

Please provide an introduction to your work, medium, and explanation of your techniques. You may discuss your conceptual approach and inspiration.

Project Description (350 – 500 words/2,500 characters):

 What ideas will you communicate and how does it relate to the community/site? Tell us about your approach to materials, installation, interactivity (if any), content and physical impact of the project, and clean-up plan.  

All project activities must take place during the residency period. Please provide a timeline for proposed project activities.

Remember, that once a physical project is complete, the artwork must be removed, and the site must be returned to its original state.

Community Engagement Component (200 – 300 words/1,500 characters):

A community engagement component is required of artists by the end of their fellowship. Describe proposed community engagement activities during your residency (i.e., community help with creating the artwork, artist talk/workshop, exhibition, special reception or performance, etc.) We encourage artists to consider the community in a thoughtful and meaningful way. Please provide a list of required materials, space considerations, assistance requirements, etc.

CV or Resume Listing

Please include relevant experience, including other public presentations and residencies, if applicable. Please copy and paste into the text box provided.

Artwork Images

Three (3) to ten (10) images with descriptions (title, media, dimensions, year of completion, and if applicable, project description, budget, and commissioning agency). Up to 3 sound/video files (3 each total 6 linked from Youtube or Vimeo for optimal playback and viewing). Provide examples of previously completed artwork and/or proposed artwork. Please review and follow the image preparation guide on CaFÉ.


The Agency recognizes the need for arts programming targeting rural New Mexico communities in visual, performing, media, and multidisciplinary arts.

The Agency seeks a Contractor to conduct a six-week residency at Los Luceros Historic Site for the Agency before June 30, 2025, which includes private lodging and an all-inclusive artist fee of $14,000. The project amount must include all applicable expenses that the artist may incur during the residency, i.e. materials, labor, living expenses, insurance, taxes, travel, installation, community engagement components/activities, etc.

The contractor shall:

I. Provide their own transportation.

II. Conduct research at the historic site and have access to all archival materials during regular operating hours.

III. Create a presentable deliverable with a public component, i.e. an exhibition, workshop, performance for the community, or similar at the completion of the residency by sharing their art with the public while considering the cultural and local histories of the historic site and surrounding area.

IV. Consider a strong community engagement component that provides genuine enrichment in collaboration with the site. Site-specific works are strongly encouraged. Artwork should appeal to residents and visitors to the area.

V. Media must be ADA compliant, not pose a physical safety hazard, and not leave a permanent mark on the environment when removed.

VI. All project activities (except removal) must take place during the residency period. The contractor must complete contract activities by June 30, 2025.

Eligibility Criteria

The project is open to United States residents aged 18 years and older. Artists in all stages of their careers are encouraged to apply. The residency is open to Visual Art creative genres including: Photographers, Painters, Mixed Media artists, Sculptors, Fiber Artists, New Media artists, Fabric and Textile artists, etc.