Call Detail
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Entry Deadline: 10/16/24
Days remaining to deadline: 33

Entry Fee (Entry for three pieces of art): $35.00
Entry Fee (MSA member - Entry for three pieces): $30.00
Media Fee(Fee for each additional piece up to a total of ten): $7.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: California
Event Dates: 11/1/24 - 1/1/25

THROUGH THE LENS is an ONLINE photography exhibition open to all artists over the age of 18.  All styles of photography, all subjects, and all types of photographic manipulation are eligible.  Bold and breathlessly creative images are especially invited.

The show will be presented in two forms – an online presentation in the MSA “Virtual Gallery” which will include the price and contact information of the artist.  In addition, a video version showing all works in the show will be produced and will remain available to view after the show closes. 

EXHIBITION DATES: November 1, 2024, through January 1, 2025.  The YouTube version of the exhibition will remain available after that date.

RECEPTION:  A virtual ZOOM reception will be held on Sunday, November 10, at 5pm Pacific Time.  Details and the link to the ZOOM will be released well in advance.

DEADLINE TO ENTER: October 16, 2024. Digital entries must be RECEIVED via the CaFE application by October 16 before 11:59pm Mountain Time. Notification of acceptance will be by email and an online list of accepted artwork entries on the MSA website.  Only online entries with digitally uploaded images to CaFE will be accepted.  Note: Artwork previously juried into an MSA exhibition will not be accepted.

JUROR: IAN BORNARTH.  Ian Bornarth is a professional photographer who has traveled throughout much of North America and Europe for more than 30 years, capturing travel and nature subjects with his camera.

First Prize: $500.  Second Prize: $300.  Third Prize: $100.  Several non-monetary Honorable Mention awards may be given at the Juror's discretion.

GENERAL INFORMATION:   For general information email:  For assistance with online entry: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Mountain Time, contact:

All properly prepared entries (refer to digital file image requirements) will be viewed and judged by the juror. The decision of the juror is final. No more than 2 works by an artist will be included in the final juried selection.  

Entry instructions may be found on our website: or on CaFE. If you are already registered with CaFE, you may use your existing username and password to enter this show. All entries must be submitted with digital images and must adhere to CaFE requirements.  Your entries must first be uploaded to "My Portfolio" on the CaFE application. You then choose images from your "Portfolio" to be entered in this exhibition.

- Image Format:  JPG or JPEG 
- Dimensions: 1200 pixels or greater on the longest side. CaFE may readjust your dimensions after entry to fit the limitations. Size: under 5 MB

- Description:  the description entered in your Portfolio with your image will be visible in the Online Exhibition, but not in the YouTube version.
- Please check your entries for accuracy and typos.  No changes to title, price, or other material information will be permitted after October 16, 2024. 
- For technical help, click on CaFE HELP

Artists will receive email notices of accepted artwork by October 25, 2024, (by midnight PT). A SEPARATE email notice will be sent on the same date showing non-accepted artwork. In addition, a list of the accepted artwork will be posted on the MSA website.

Artwork in the show will be for sale at the price chosen by the artist.  This price does not include shipping and handling costs. The artist will handle the sale of their artwork and shipping thereof. Any interested purchaser will contact the artist directly regarding purchase of artist's work. 100% of the sale of work will go to the artist; no commission to MSA. If the artist does NOT wish their entry to be for sale, they should show a $0 price and select “not for sale” for that piece.
The artist's email contact information will be posted along with their artwork image on the Online Gallery show so that the artist can be contacted by potential buyers. HOWEVER: If the artwork is selected for the exhibition, the artist may opt to show their website link instead of their email contact information with their entry by indicating such on their CaFE entry.

Application Requirements


A non-refundable entry fee will be charged.
Non-members: $35 for 3 entries, $7 for each additional entry up to (10) pieces.
MSA members: $30 for 3 entries, $7 for each additional entry up to (10) pieces.

Payments are to be made by credit card, debit (VISA or MC) or PayPal through the CaFÉ application. Diptychs and triptychs count as one piece, use only one image of the entire diptych or triptych. Fee payment does not guarantee that any/all artworks submitted for jurying will be included in the exhibition.

 MSA members with award vouchers, contact for a coupon code. Vouchers do not cover 100% of the entry fee. 

Eligibility Criteria

All artists over the age of 18 are invited.