Call Detail
Gen-Art: Exploring Creativity Across the Generations
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Entry Deadline: 10/4/24
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Single Entry): $30.00
Media Fee(Additional Submission): $20.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Audio | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Competitions
Eligibility: National
State: New York
Event Dates: 11/2/24 - 12/15/24
Jury Dates: 10/5/24 - 10/7/24

GEN-ART: An Exploration of Creativity Across Generations 
Never before in history have so many generations actively existed at once- Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha.  Generational differences emerge as each has distinct skillsets, life experiences, perspectives, opinions, interests, beliefs, communication styles, and values. Juror Kenneth Jackson, a multi-generational art teacher, brings artists from all generations together to reflect on the differences and distinctions of their creative expression.   

GEN-ART is a national all-ages open juried exhibition inviting artists to submit work as a personal representation of their generation. This open call welcomes all mediums and styles, including sculpture, installation, digital, and literary work.  

Artists can enter up to three [3] submissions of work. Works must be the artist's original design and concept, fit within the theme, and not previously shown at East End Arts.  

Submission Fees: 
First submission = $30 Non-Members / $15 Members 
Additional submissions = $20 Non-Members / $10 Members 
All submissions must be completed in a single transaction. 
[Members must use coupon code sent via email to receive discounted pricing. Contact for assistance.]

Best in Show = $800 cash prize 
1st Place = $400 cash prize 
2nd Place = $200 cash prize 
Honorable Mention recognitions 
Prizes and Honorable Mentions are selected by the Juror and awarded by East End Arts. 

About the Juror:
Kenneth Jackson is an award winning artist and careered multi-generational art teacher. Noticing the generational differences of his students inspired this exhibition. 

Kenneth’s tryst with art started with graphic creations and comics, but his fascination for painting techniques soon took over, prompting an all-encompassing exploration of this expressive medium. With each stroke of his brush, Kenneth infuses his artwork with inspiration drawn from a palette of words and colors.

Furthering his commitment to art education, Kenneth took part in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Educators Institute, refining his skills in art analysis and interpretation. This experience enriched his teaching methodologies, enabling him to seamlessly incorporate masterpieces into his classes and fostering a deeper appreciation for art among his students. 

Kenneth’s influence extends beyond teaching – his multi-panel portrait of Obama inspired the East End Arts MLK Portrait Project, a collaboraitve project with local high schools, promoting talent and echoing a strong message in support of the Civil Rights Movement.  

In Kenneth Jackson, East End Arts is privileged to have an artist and teacher par excellence. His unwavering dedication to the growth of his students at any age underscores his invaluable contribution to our artistic community. 

Application Requirements

Artists can enter up to 3 submissions of work that meet the theme and have not been previously shown at EEA. Only digital submissions will be considered. All 3 entries must be submitted at the same time, in the same transaction. All information, including dimensions must be included with each submission. Submissions that are missing information will be rejected. There is no refund for the rejection of a submission for any reason. 

Eligibility Criteria

This national open call welcomes artists of all ages and all mediums of art suitable for gallery-style exhibition, including sculpture, installation, interactive, digital, and video. Works can be figurative, abstract, and/or conceptual interpretations of the theme.