Call Detail
Call for Sculpture - Percival Plinth Project 2025
Entry Deadline: 1/6/25
Days remaining to deadline: 87
Number of Applications Allowed: 2
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 5
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 5
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: Regional
State: Washington
Event Dates: 6/20/25 - 6/16/26

The City of Olympia is seeking up to 18 loaned sculptures from Washington and Oregon state artists for temporary outdoor display on Percival Landing a popular .9 mile waterfront boardwalk and sculpture promenade located at the tip of the Puget Sound in the shadow of the state Capitol located in Olympia, WA. Selected artists receive a $1,000 honorarium for the one-year loan of their work and are eligible for consideration for the Peoples’ Prize purchase award of up to $10,000, where one sculpture is selected for purchase by public vote and added to the City’s public art collection. 

The City of Olympia is committed to being an inclusive, affirming and equitable place where community members and staff can live, play and work. We adhere to the non-discriminatory treatment of all persons in employment and the delivery of services and resources. We strongly encourage people who are Black or Indigenous, people of color, transgender, non-binary, LGBTQ, immigrants, people with disabilities, and women to apply. 

All works are displayed on stainless steel pedestals and attached by artists via a connector plate provided by the City.

New works are installed in June followed by a community celebration to welcome the new works to the landing, kicking-off one month of public voting for the Peoples’ Prize.

Application Deadline: January 6, 2025

Important Note: Selected artists are responsible for securing a Washington State Business License with a City of Olympia Endorsement at their own expense. This is typically a $30 fee. See  for business license information. 

Business License not required to apply, only if selected.

Application Requirements

Application Requirements

Artist/art teams may submit up to two (2) entries, with three to five (3-5) images each. (Artist/art teams wishing to submit two entries must submit two separate applications. Each application should include only 1 (one) work of art with 3-5 different views of the same artwork. Eg. Front, back, side, detail, etc.)

Deadline to apply is January 6, 2025

Please Note: Late or incomplete applications are not able to be considered.

Eligibility Criteria

Washington and Oregon state sculptors, 18 years of age or older.  Artists may not submit works previously exhibited on the Percival Plinths. Each sculpture submitted through CAFE must be available for exhibition June 2025-June 2026, and for potential purchase.

Artwork Specifications
Sculpture must be made of durable materials and finishes intended for exterior exhibition near salt water.  Suitable materials include, but are not limited to, bronze, aluminum, steel, stone and concrete.  The work must also be maintenance-free and graffiti resistant. Works must be able to be attached to the connector plate by the Artist. Maximum weight allowed is 250 lbs. for City installation, with a center of gravity within 9” of the center of base plate, and within 42” of the top of the base plate.

Selection Process and Criteria
All submissions will be reviewed by jury using the criteria below, with a recommendation made to the Olympia Arts Commission. The proposed slate of sculptures will then be presented to the Olympia City Council for review and approval.

  • Quality of sculpture including evidence of artistic ability and originality or uniqueness of vision, technical competency, material integrity and craftsmanship.
  • Sculpture must not present a safety risk to the public, should be able to withstand exposure to the elements and unsupervised interaction, and be maintenance-free for the duration of the exhibition.  Artists must expect that sculpture may be climbed or marked on during exhibition.
  • Balance and diversity of materials and style among selected sculptures.
  • Artists should bear in mind that the audiences will be broad-based and of all ages and artwork should be appropriate for display in a public place and must not
    violate any copyright or right to image/likeness, or any other law. Any content, photos or linked information must not violate Washington’s Law Against Discrimination RCW C49.60

Selection Committee
TBA - check back mid-October!

TBA - check back mid-October!