Call Detail
2025 Weir Farm Artist-In-Residence Program
Entry Deadline: 1/31/25
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $35.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Residencies
Eligibility: National
State: Connecticut

Weir Farm’s Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Program is envisioned to be an outstanding National Park Service residency program that reflects the values and character of Weir Farm National Historical Park (NHP) by continuing the creative conversations started by the Weir Family through the work of contemporary artists. Weir Farm’s AIR Program fosters contemporary artistic expression on site and prioritizes experimental and thought-provoking approaches to examining and interpreting our world through the medium of contemporary visual art practice. The AIR Program keeps Weir’s experimental tendencies alive allowing the Park to share new ideas broadly with ever more diverse artists, communities, and visitors.

Visual artists apply for residencies in all media and diverse artistic points of view from traditional to experimental. Artists are chosen through an annual call for applicants followed by a competitive jury process. The Weir Farm AIR Program hosts 6 established or emerging visual artists per year to spend one month living and working at the Park (May-October). Housing and studio space are provided. Artists will receive a stipend of $400, with $200 provided at the beginning of the residency, and $200 provided after all residency requirements are completed, including filling out the feedback questionnaire.

Weir Farm NHP places a high value on diversity of experience and cultural perspectives and encourages applications from all interested eligible candidates. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) are fundamental principles that guide the Park and allow us to successfully achieve our mission. This program seeks to actively engage the many communities, identities, races, ethnicities, backgrounds, abilities, cultures, and beliefs of the American people, with particular emphasis on historically excluded communities.

In addition, this program is supported by the generosity of Park partner; the Friends of Weir Farm.

Mission of the National Park Service:

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.

Housing & Studio:

The fully furnished residence sits in the middle of the 68-acre Weir Farm NHP and is one of the Park’s many historic structures. The AIR Studio, constructed in 2010, received a Certificate of Honor Award from the National Park Service. It is a compatible new construction built on the footprint of what was the former garage/barn a few steps from of the historic Cottage. Virtual tours of these spaces are available here. Please note that while Weir Farm NHP is located in a residential area, the site is very quiet and dark at night.

Artists must supply their own food, personal items, and art supplies for the duration of their residency.  

Selection Process & Criteria

A three-member jury of experts from the professional art world (academics, museum curators, gallery owners, professional artists, previous artists-in-residence) are selected to review applications. The panel of jurors will consider applications based on the following:

-          Quality of work/artistic merit

-          Well defined, realistic project proposal. What is the likelihood that the artist will be able to successfully execute their work plan in the time given?

-          Selection of the cohort of six artists should represent a diversity of artistic mediums.

-          Selection of the cohort of six artists should represent a diversity backgrounds and perspectives.

-          Selected artists thoughtfully address the ‘Why Weir Farm’ question. Include artists who have reflected on the importance of this location, will flourish in this environment, and will capitalize on the opportunities specifically related to Weir Farm.

-          Does the work foster experimentation, innovation, or diversity/relevance to audiences?

-          Artists must commit to the full residency (4 weeks).

Additional suggestions: Strong submissions often include a well-written workplan, artist statement and recent work samples (within the past two years); articulate what is exciting, different, interesting, or innovative about your process/work; have evidence of some preliminary research and understanding of Weir Farm, the Park’s history, and/or the trajectory of American art; address compelling or relevant topics such as social injustice or climate change; and have a well-thought-out plan that also leaves room for flexibility and innovation.

When Will I Be Notified of a Decision?

All Applicants will be notified whether they are selected or not by mid-March 2025.

Application Requirements

Artist Expectations and Requirements:

-          U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident

-          Age 25+ at submission of application

-          Graduate student, Emerging Artist, Professional Artist

-          Artists may only apply as individuals, as only one person can be in residency at a time. Couples, collectives, etc. will not be considered.

-          Ability to speak and read English at a conversational level.

-          Willingness to engage with the Park and art community while in residence:

o   Welcome Event - Artists are required to attend one Welcome event - a small meet and greet event with Park staff and partners held at the start of each residency that is organized by the Friends of Weir Farm.

o   Open Studio: Meet The Artist event – Artists are required to provide one public program during their residency – a Public Open Studio that is organized by the Friends of Weir Farm. This program will be scheduled by Park staff and will take place the last Saturday of your residency. This is your opportunity to share your work and a bit about your experience with the public in the studio space.

-          Artists are required to sign a Volunteer Service Agreement Form and adhere to all Park Polices during their residency. A handbook with detailed polices, rules, and restrictions will be provided.

-          Artists will send 3-5 images of their work to the Park mid-residency to be shared on Park and partner social media.

-          Artists will send digital representation of their work done while in residence no later than 6 months from the last date in residency.

-          Artists are required to complete a post-residency feedback questionnaire.

-          Must commit to full 4-week residency (applicants requesting a shortened residency will be removed from consideration).

-          Upon accepting the residency, artists must provide headshot, bio, and paperwork as requested.

For more information about the Weir Farm Artist-In-Residence Program, click here.


-          Projects that plan for outdoor installations or projects that may negatively impact Weir Farm’s natural and cultural resources will not be considered. Weir Farm NHP does not allow any temporary or permanent installations on-site that would impact the historic landscape.

-          The use of toxic chemicals or hazardous materials is prohibited.

-          Collection of natural materials is not permitted on Federal land which includes all areas of Weir Farm NHP. Naturals may include, but are not limited to, leaves, bark, mushrooms, wildflowers, grasses, stones, dirt, nuts, fruits, and seeds. Collection of natural materials may be permitted from within the neighboring Weir Preserve with permission.

-          Selling artwork on Federal land is prohibited.

-          No overnight guests or pets.

-          No smoking.

-          There is not a kiln and any type of firing would not be permitted on the property. 

-          Any project proposals that include the use of open flame, fire, or burning will be removed from consideration. Open flame of any kind is not permitted onsite.

-          Limited access to museum collections (artists may schedule a time with Park staff to take photographs inside the Weir House and studios to use as inspiration for their work but will not be permitted to handle any archives or collections or use them as part of their artistic process during the residency. The Park has many images and scans of collections and archives that can be shared with artists upon request.)

Applicants may apply in any of the following visual art media:





Fiber Art

Mixed Media

Eligibility Criteria

Weir Farm NHP encourages applications from artists representing a wide range of perspectives, demographics, and media (e.g., painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, fiber art, mixed media). Graduate & Doctoral students, emerging and professional artists aged 25+ at the time of application may apply. Applicants must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.​