Days remaining to deadline: 33
Images | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 6
Eligibility: Local
State: Rhode Island
Budget: $2,500
Call for Art
- Who: Rhode Island artists.
- What: Opportunity for 6-month solo exhibition. Artwork that sits at the intersection of art, science, innovation and discovery is desired.
- Where: New State Health Laboratory Gallery, Providence.
- How: Submit your body of work for consideration. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of artists and community members.
- How much: $2,500 honorarium for the 6-month artwork loan
The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (“RISCA”), in conjunction with the new RI State Health Laboratory (“RISHL ”) will exhibit artwork in the building's gallery corridor, through the Allocation for Art for Public Facilities Act. Rhode Island’s Public Art Law mandates that 1% of all state capital construction and renovation funds be allocated to the acquisition of works of art to be placed in public places constructed. Through this program, the State recognizes that “public art creates a more humane environment: one of distinction, enjoyment, and pride for all citizens.”
About the RI State Health Laboratory (RISHL)
The mission of the Division of State Laboratories is to provide quality analytical and technical laboratory services in support of state and national disease prevention and control, environmental health programs, and the criminal justice system. Rhode Island's State Health Laboratory provides an array of testing services that support the work of the Department of Health, Department of Environmental Management, Department of Transportation, Medical Examiner, and law enforcement. Centers and services include Environmental Sciences (Drinking water, air quality, shellfish, dairy testing, rabies, wastewater, emerging contaminants, forever chemicals, etc), Biological Sciences (diagnostic and characterization work for respiratory pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases, food-borne illnesses, arboviruses, etc), Forensic Sciences (forensic DNA/CODIS, toxicology, forensic drug chemistry, alcohol breath analysis), and Clinical Toxicology (childhood blood lead screening, non-fatal overdose biosurveillance, and chemical threats).
About the Facility
The new laboratory at 150 Richmond St. in Providence. will be a state-of-the-art custom-built facility, funded by the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the state. The new facility will replace the current 47-year-old building, which no longer meets modern standards. The building is being developed in Providence's Innovation District through a P3 partnership, and the RISHL is a condominium within the larger building.
- Building location: Jewelry District (I-195 Redevelopment District) – 150 Richmond St. (on corner of Richmond and Clifford Streets), Providence.
- Total gross square footage of laboratory (2.5 floors): 81,000 square feet.
- RISHL is a condo unit within the larger building.
- Approximately 95 staff members will be housed there.
- Visitors to the facility will be frequent for submission of samples, programmatic meetings, and external partner meetings.
- Facility aims for LEED gold certification for increased energy sustainability.
About the Call
The selection panel met in February of 2025 and determined that temporary rotating exhibits in the first floor "gallery corridor" are desired. This area is used by all within the RISHL as a main artery to other parts of the building as well as break space. A hanging system and dedicated lighting have been planned, as is hallway seating. This corridor is 60' long x approximately 7' wide, and has 6 available walls along its length, each wall approx. 5’ wide x 13’ high. The walls will be visible at sidewalk level through the windows. The windows have UV protection and are impact resistant. There are no window treatments planned. Combined, these factors make the corridor an excellent site to display artwork.
View additional renderings of the gallery corridor.
The panel members hope for artwork that celebrates the intersection of art, science, and innovation. Artwork could explore themes of nature, environment, science, innovation, discovery, health, and/or safety. For example, artwork could connect to the natural environment such as water, air and land, botany, biology, or aspects of health and safety, or wonder and discovery. The periodic rotation of the artwork can keep their audience engaged by showcasing a variety of work. Artwork might help the public connect to the work that the SHL does.
Selection Criteria
The panel will select artworks based on the artwork's appropriateness for the facility, artistic vibrancy, and fit for the available spaces.
Application Requirements
- Contact info and website.
- A short 1-2 paragraph statement describing how the body of work submitted relates to themes or work of the RISHL.
- 6 artworks from your portfolio, representing the type of work you'd like to exhibit. Works in progress can be included. Be sure to label all images with title, dimensions, year, medium and any special hanging requirements.
- March 1, 2025, applications open.
- April 14, 2025, applications close.
- May 2025, panel selects exhibitors. It is anticipated that two exhibitors will be selected for the first year (July 2025-June 2026).
- First exhibit July 2025-January 2026.
- Second exhibit January 2026-June 2026.
- March 2026, new Call for Art for exhibitions July 2026-June 2027.
Eligibility Criteria
This Call is open to artists residing in Rhode Island. You must be:
- 18 years of age or older.
- Domiciled in Rhode Island for at least one year at the time of application. This means Rhode Island is your primary residence and is the address you use for legal forms, state income taxes, car registration, driver’s license or state issued identification, and voter registration - regardless of whether you own or rent your home. You must reside in the state for at least 183 days per year.
- A legal resident of the United States with a tax identification number (either Social Security number or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). This includes refugees, immigrants, and temporary residents.
- Undergraduate students are not eligible.
- The panel will not discriminate against any applicant artist based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, or physical challenges.
- Emerging artists, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, women, gender nonconforming persons, LGBTQIA+ community members, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Artists living throughout Rhode Island are encouraged to apply.
- Excluded from participation are RISHL and RISCA Council members, staff, and their family members as well as Public Art Selection Panel members and their families.
- Only applications from the artist who created the work(s) will be accepted. Applications will not be accepted from family members, estates, galleries, representatives, museums, or personal collections.
Suitability of Work for Display
RISCA is committed to the protection of artistic freedom in the creation and exhibition of art. The RISHL is a government building through which a broad range of people of all ages and ethnicities pass. We therefore ask that a great deal of discretion be exercised in the submission of works that contain nudity, or which touch on racial, ethnic, political, or religious issues. No weapons, weapon materials, or suggestions of any weapons may be featured in artwork. No profanity is allowed in artworks. This is not a private gallery, where the exhibition of any work would not be questioned. Artists are asked to exercise suitable discretion in the choice of works to submit. RISCA and RISHL reserve the right to refuse any works deemed in appropriate at their sole discretion.
Artwork must be able to be displayed on an Arakawa hanging system ( and must not weigh more than 65 lbs. Artwork up to 5' wide (60") can be accommodated.
Questions? Molly Dickinson, Public Art and Cultural Facilities director, Rhode Island State Council on the Arts.