Call Detail
2025 Transparent Watercolor Society of America's 49th Annual Exhibition

Entry Deadline: 1/31/25
Application Closed

Entry Fee (Entry Fee & Membership): $65.00
Donation to Awards Fund: $100.00
Donation to Awards Fund: $50.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: National
State: Wisconsin
Event Dates: 5/4/25 - 8/4/25


January 31  Online Entry Deadline 

First Week of March  -  Notifications sent by email

April 12-19  Shipped paintings due at Kenosha Public Museum. Shipping details will be sent to accepted artists. Paintings are NOT to arrive prior to April 12.

May 3rd     Exhibition Open

June 3-6  Matthew Bird, TWSA and Brienne M. Brown     Workshops

June 7th   10:30a - Noon and 2pm - 3:30 Demos by Brienne M. Brown and Matthew Bird 

5:00 Reception, Celebrate Watercolor Awards & Dinner 

June 9-12 Matthew Bird, TWSA and Brienne M. Brown     Workshops

August 3   Last Day of Exhibition

Week of August 4th - Paintings shipped 


  • Residents of North America 18 years of age or older
  • Must be original work of the entrant, created after January 1, 2023, with no supervised instruction.
  • Must be a member of TWSA in good standing whose dues are paid for 2025.
  • May not be a copy, likeness or derivative of another person’s artistic creation.
  • May not be in a virtual exhibition during the dates of May 3rd-August 3rd while hanging in the TWSA Exhibition.


Transparent watercolor painted in a transparent manner. TWSA has recently utilized alternate selections due to final screening findings of heavy opacity. PLEASE, remember, regardless of what the pigment is rated, if you apply too many multiple washes, it can become opaque. Hold it up to natural light and if you see a shiny or leather-like appearance, it’s opaque. 

Must be transparent watercolor, applied on a single piece of rag or wood pulp paper that is free of pigment and imbedded materials. For a complete description of transparency please go to - explanation of Transparency located in the FAQ section.  

Graphite pencil may be used only for planning marks.


The following grounds, treatments, and media are excluded:

Opaque white paint, of any kind, such at titanium white, Chinese white, etc.

Gesso, matte medium, or any other priming material or exterior surface treatment

Gouache, acrylics, or water-soluble oils

Inks, metallic, or iridescent paint or products that leave a metallic, graphite, or reflective sheen. Be aware that some of the Daniel Smith prima tek pigments can possibly contain iridescence, eg.:  Kyanite, Bronzite etc.

Watercolor crayon, colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, Conte sticks, or Conte Crayons

Varnish, wax, wax crayon, oil sticks, or oil pastel

Collage or surface constructions, impasto, embossing

Watercolor resist, such as Frisket, that is not completely removed from the final painting

Yupo or similar papers.

Canvas or canvas paper

Use of digital images or enhancements printed on the paper.



  • Maximum frame size not to exceed 50” on any side.
  • Simple, neutral frames are preferred. KPM framing guidelines can be found on the TWSA website.
  • Mats must be white or off-white. A colored 1/8 inch liner is acceptable. If you are floating your work, follow the instructions given by KPM on our website in the FAQ section.

• Minimum image size (mat opening) is 8 x 10.

• TWSA reserves the right to withdraw any entry it deems inappropriate or objectionable. 

• Follow the image upload requirements stated by Cafe.

• Work previously exhibited in a TWSA Exhibition is not eligible.(includes online exhibition)

• The TWSA Screening Committee will examine all delivered paintings for compliance with its Exhibition requirements.

• Accepted paintings must match the online entry image.

• Online entry stated sales price may not be changed.

• Paintings not adhering to requirements will not be exhibited and will be returned at the artist’s expense.

• Entry Fees will not be refunded for any reason.

• Images of exhibited artwork may be used without charge for advertising and promotion.


Brienne M. Brown

Brienne's passion is watercolor and plein air.  Her work has been published in Splash 17: Inspired Subjects, PleinAir Magazine, Southwest Art Magazine, International Artist Magazine, and Watercolor Artist Magazine.  She has earned signature status in several art societies.  Brienne is a popular instructor and teaches workshops in-person and online.

Matthew Bird, TWSA

Not only is Matthew an internationally known artist, juror and teacher, he graduated with honors from the Pratt Institute of Art in Brooklyn, New York.  He is a signature member of numerous organizations.  His award-winning watercolors have been exhibited in juried shows across the US and Canada as well as China, England, Greece, Hong Kong and Italy.  He has been featured in several artist publications.  The subject matter of his figure and still life paintings communicate his deep love and respect for nature and life.



   Image must be JPEG or JPG only.

   Cropped to show only the artwork…no mat or frame may be visible

   Be sure your images are right side up.

   Resize to 1,200 pixels or greater on the longest side


 On a Mac Using Preview:

    1. Select the image file you want to resize.

    2. Right-click/select Open with Preview

    3. Go to Tools, then Adjust Size.

    4. Choose Fit Into Custom and resize the image to 1200 pixels or larger on the longest side.

    5. Click OK.

On A PC Computer:

    1.Select the image you want to resize.

    2. Go to the toolbar and select Edit Pictures.

    3. Go to Change Picture Size and click Resize.

    4. Choose Custom and resize to 1200 pixels or larger on the longest side.

• Go to

• On the LOGIN page, enter your username and password.

   If you forgot your username and/or password: 

    1. Go to the forgot username page.

    2. Enter the email address you registered with.

    3. Click Retrieve.

    4. Go to you inbox to check for the Forgotten Login

         email and/or

    5. Go to the Forgot password page.

    6. Enter email address AND username.

    7. Click Request Reset.

    8. Go to you inbox to check for the Password Reset link for the username submitted. Link is valid fro 24 hours.

        Click the password reset link in the email and create a new password.

• To SIGN UP for CaFE, create a free CaFE account profile.

   1. Go to the Register for CaFE page.

   2. Read and agree to the CaFE Terms and Conditions.

   3. Complete the account profile requirements on the screen and create a username and password. (Usernames and passwords are limited to 7-30 characters. You can use letters, numbers, and periods. Do not use spaces, apostrophes, single or double quotations, or accent marks.)

   4. Click Register Now to create an account.

  • ENTER Information and Images (follow CaFE guidelines and requirements)
  • Images: Minimum 1, Maximum 2
  • Entry Fee is $25 for one or two images.
  • Life Members are FREE. Use code, TWSA4Life for EACH entry (otherwise you will be charged $5 for the second image).
  • PREPAID new and renewing TWSA Members enter coupon code 40offTWSA in Coupon Box.

You MUST have prepaid your 2025 dues. You will be charged the $25 entry fee only. 

   TWSA monitors entries and improper usage of coupon codes will automatically disqualify your entry.

  • UNPAID New and Renewing Members (without leaving this site) enter 1 or 2 images for $65.  You will AUTOMATICALLY become a new or renewed TWSA member.

   (Helpful Information when filling out form)

  • Dollar = Sales Price
  • Value = If not for sale, it is the value of your painting for museum insurance.
  • Paintings not for sale must be designated ‘NFS’
  • 30% Commission is charged by the Kenosha Public Museum for paintings sold.
  • Upload Work - Acceptable Upload-Ready Files

   File Types: JPEG or JPG only

   File Dimensions: 1,200 pixels or greater on the longest side

   File Size: Under 5 MB

  • Please allow time for unforeseen circumstances in your submission, you don’t want to miss the deadline.
  • Deadlines in CaFE are at 11:59 PM Mountain Time Zone on the day of the deadline.

Questions or concerns about your entry, please contact our Exhibition Chair at

Application Requirements


Eligibility Criteria
