Call Detail
2025 Remarque Print Exchange

Entry Deadline: 12/15/24
Application Closed
Number of Applications Allowed: 2

Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $35.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: National
State: New Mexico
Event Dates: 2/7/25 - 3/29/25

Remarque Print Workshop is delighted to announce the Fifth Annual non-juried Remarque Print Exchange. Joining a print exchange is a great way to interact with printmakers around the world, to get some exposure for your work, and to see the techniques and creativity of many different artists. It’s also a great way to gain focus for your work! Our goal at Remarque Print Shop is to encourage as many people as possible to explore the world of printmaking, and this Print Exchange is a non-competitive way for experienced and novice printmakers to join the community of printmakers. All entries will be accepted to participate. Artists are asked to produce an edition of 11 prints that will be distributed to all participants and each artist will in turn receive prints from ten other artists.

Application deadline: December 15, 2024

Prints Due at Remarque: January 24, 2025

Here’s the process

• We ask each participating artist to print an edition of eleven original prints and mail them to us. We then sort all the prints and randomly make a selection of ten prints to be sent back to the participating artist.

• We retain one print from every edition we receive, to be exhibited and potentially sold to benefit our educational scholarship fund. Prints will also be included in an online gallery, and we will use some of the images to promote the Remarque Print Exchange.

• The Remarque Print Exchange is open to all U.S. printmakers and is limited to 200 participants, in order of registration. A non-refundable entry fee is required. All who register will be able to participate! (up to 200).

• The Print Exchange accepts all types of hand-pulled prints, including, but not limited to: relief, intaglio, monotype, silkscreen, lithography, photogravure, as well as combinations of print-making techniques. Contact us for any clarification.

• The prints should be editioned, maintaining reasonable consistency throughout, and should be numbered from 1/11 to 11/11

•You may retain artist proofs (marked A/P) only. Titles are optional. Because of size restrictions, you may sign and number your prints on the back instead of the front. Also, please print your name clearly on the back of each print.

• Please, no digital prints and no photography (hand pulled prints using photographic elements are ok!).

• Paper size of the prints should be 8” x 10” The image can be smaller, but we can’t accept any larger paper sizes. 

•The entry fee is $35 for US participants. (No out of country entries, sorry.) This includes the return shipping of the package of your ten other prints.  We do have a limited number of vouchers for artists who simply cannot afford the fee. Contact us for info. (First come first served.) NOTE: We are not jurying your entry, all entries will be accepted. The image you upload to CAFE is for reference only. The editioned prints you submit to the Print Exchange need not match the image on your entry; we are happy to be surprised! All who pay the registration will be able to participate. 

•Please register and pay on CAFE. Once we receive your registration we will follow up with any further submission instructions.  Once you have completed your entry, please start working on our edition! We are not jurying the entries, so you don’t have to wait for the end of the call. Again, images you upload on Cafe are only to give us an idea of your work.  

•Your submission must be packaged in a single shipment. We recommend sandwiching prints in cardboard inside a padded envelope and a slip- sheet between each print with interleaving, glassine, or newsprint. Please make the interleaving sheets the same size as the paper of the print. Please leave enough time to insure that the ink on your prints has dried!


Send shipment to:

Remarque Print Workshop/Remarque Print Exchange

1135 Broadway Blvd NE, #25003

Albuquerque, NM 87101 USA


Dates and Deadlines

November 1: Official registration opening date. (We appreciate early registrations and submissions)

December 15: Registration closes. (Note that we'll close registration as soon as 200 artists sign up, which may be before this deadline.)

January 24: Work Due at Remarque. We must receive your edition by this date.

February 7: Print Exchange Opening Reception at Remarque Print Workshop, online gallery available for viewing


Contact Us:

Please email if you have questions or comments.

Participants, we'll be emailing you at the address you provided when you registered. Please contact us ASAP if your email address changes!

Application Requirements

All artists must pay the 35.00 entry fee, and then submit an edition of 11 prints for distribution among the participants in the print exchange.

Eligibility Criteria

All printmakers in the United States. No reproductions.