Application Closed
Entry Fee (THE CROW SHOW 2025): $35.00
Media Fee($5 ea. for 2nd & 3rd Artwork Entries): $5.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Eligibility: National
State: California
Event Dates: 3/6/25 - 3/29/25
Jury Dates: 1/31/25 - 2/5/25
THE CROW SHOW 2025 is the celebratory 11th anniversary of the national exhibition of visual arts running March 6 - 29, 2025, produced by The Studio Door. As we enter a new decade of this beloved exhibition, The Crow Show continues to showcase diverse artistic interpretations of our feathered neighbor, the Crow.
For over a decade, The Crow Show has been a celebrated tradition in San Diego, uniting artists from across the nation in a shared fascination with the enigmatic crow. Revered in cultures around the world, the crow has long been a symbol of mystery, transformation, and intelligence. Whether as a harbinger of change or a messenger of hope, these birds captivate our imaginations. This annual exhibition invites artists to explore the crow’s many faces—whether rooted in reality or soaring through the realms of fantasy. What does the crow embody for you? We invite you to share your unique vision [Creative interpretations of all black birds, ravens, and other Corvus species are welcome].
You can review past exhibition catalogs on our website at
March 6 - 29, 2025
Artwork, including items sold, will remain on exhibit for the duration of the show.
A public reception is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 - 6 PM - 9 PM.
Additionally, the gallery will have extended hours on March 6, 2025 for the monthly First Thursday Walk in ART, which is an event that takes place after dark in Mural Alley directly behind the gallery. Live music, bar, food, and vendors fill the alley.
Patric Stillman, Gallery Owner of The Studio Door
Patric Stillman stands as a prominent figure in the San Diego art scene. As a dedicated advocate for the local art community, Patric's commitment to fostering creativity is not only reflected in the vibrant atmosphere of his gallery but also in the annual traditions he has established. With a keen eye for diversity and inclusion, Patric illuminates the works of LGBTQ artists through standout exhibitions like "PROUD+," contributing significantly to the representation of underrepresented voices in the art world. His passion extends beyond the gallery walls, as evidenced by his collaborations with various organizations, underscoring the vital role visual art plays in enriching the broader community.
This year, in addition to his role as a gallery owner, Patric Stillman assumes the crucial position of a juror in national exhibitions, including the renowned "The Crow Show" and the 4th annual "Foto(grafia)" produced out of Mexico by the Bureau of Queer Art. In this role, Patric brings a unique perspective shaped by years of experience, community engagement, and a deep understanding of contemporary art. His discerning eye and dedication to showcasing excellence have made him a sought-after figure in the art adjudication realm, contributing to the cultivation of talent and the elevation of San Diego's artistic landscape on a national scale.
You can explore more information on past jurors on the website at
A Juror's Award certificate and a check for $100 will be presented to three artists for artworks that express the most imaginative interpretation of the theme. Past jurors have valued originality, artistic execution, emotional impact, and creative interpretation. Exhibition catalogs will be available online and print-on-demand.
There are two opportunities to get into this show. The juror will select works that will be exhibited at The Studio Door gallery in San Diego. Additionally, the juror will select works that will be shown in the online gallery only. This allows for more works to be seen beyond the limitations of the main gallery. You have the option to declare “in gallery,” “online gallery,” or both during the application process. All accepted works, regardless of “in gallery” or “online gallery,” are eligible for Best in Show.
All artwork selected, both gallery and online, will be included in the national exhibition catalog.
If your artwork is selected for this year’s exhibition, Artist grants The Studio Door permission to photograph selected artwork as presented in the gallery. The Studio Door also reserves the right to use art images for marketing and publicity to promote the exhibition without compensation.
2-D artwork must arrive 'gallery ready' and 'ready to hang' and be presented professionally.
Preferably, framed artwork should be in black wood or natural wood frame.
Important: Due to problems with shipping 2-D artwork can not be framed in glass - plexi only. Also, no shipped glass or ceramics will be accepted; only those that are confirmed to be personally delievered and picked up.
All submissions for this show are handled through CAFÉ ™ ( Artists are required to sign up and create a profile on CAFÉ ™. There is no charge for using this service.
CAFÉ ™ provides 5 MB for the artist profile. Image may be 1200 pixels or greater on the longest side. Anything larger will be resized. Image may be JPG or JPEG only. Artist will upload images and information directly to their profile and reference when filling out the official call for submission.
If you have problems uploading images, contact CAFÉ ™ directly. FYI, the most common problem is that the system will not accept images that are too small.
Artists will be notified by February 5, 2025. All artists who have submitted artwork will be notified by email. You may receive multiple notifications for acceptance into The Studio Door exhibition and online gallery. You will receive notification even if no artwork has been selected. If you do not receive notice by February 7, 2025, please check your email spam folder and contact The Studio Door.
All shipped artwork must be received no later than Friday, February 28, 2025. Unsold artwork will be shipped out of The Studio Door on April 2, 2025. 2-D work must be sent in reusable packaging with NO styrofoam packing peanuts. Fragile works must be double-boxed and sufficiently padded to prevent damage in transit. The Studio Door is NOT responsible for damage caused in transit. Artists are responsible for the cost of shipping and arranging prepaid shipping labels with either UPS or FedEx. It is mandatory to include prepaid shipping labels with your artwork or to make the necessary arrangements with The Studio Door before the exhibition, or your work will not be exhibited.
During weekend gallery hours on Saturday, March 1, 2025 (11 AM – 5 PM) or by earlier appointment. Large works or small installations should be scheduled as to not interfere with other exhibitions.
If your artwork is accepted for the online gallery ONLY, you do NOT need to deliver your artwork.
Artwork may be picked up Saturday, March 29, 2025, during gallery hours at the end of the day (4 - 5 PM) or Tuesday, April 1, 2025 (11 AM - 5 PM).
Artwork left behind may be subject to a late fee of $50 per day and/or discarded by The Studio Door.
50% of the sale will go to the artist and 50% of the sale will go to The Studio Door. Items sold must remain on exhibit for the duration of the show. The Studio Door will mail a check to the artist for any sold artwork within 30 days after the close of the show.
Artists are encouraged to consider price points when they apply for The Studio Door exhibitions. Based upon past experience, art sales in Southern California remain strongest under $2,500, with $500 being the average first-time patron purchase.
Artists should also consider that participating in The Crow Show offers exposure and networking opportunities beyond immediate sales. The Studio Door encourages artists to take advantage of the opportunity by documenting participation, creating reels, sending press releases and making the most of the limited arrangment to further their own marketing goals.
Artists are encouraged to use sustainable, eco-friendly packaging materials when shipping artwork. Reducing environmental impact is a shared priority in today’s art community.
If you would like to support this exhibition with a donation or fund an award, please contact The Studio Door. Please help get the word out about the show by encouraging your fellow artists to enter.
- 11/01/24 Call for Artists – Start Date
- 01/31/25 10:59 PST – Call for Artists – Closing of Call
- 02/05/25 Artists Notification Date
- 02/28/25 Final Receive Date for Shipping
- 03/01/25 Drop Off Artwork (local): 11 AM - 5 PM
- 03/06/25 Exhibition Opens
- 03/06/25 Extended Hours First Thursdays Walk in Art until 9 PM
- 03/15/25 Public Reception: 6 PM – 9 PM
- 03/29/25 Show Closes
- 03/29/25 Artwork Pick Up Date I: 4 PM - 5 PM
- 04/01/25 Artwork Pick Up Date II: 11 AM - 5 PM
- 04/02/25 Artwork Shipping Date
- 04/30/25 Artist Commission Checks Deadline
If you would like to support this exhibition with a donation, or fund an award, please contact The Studio Door. Please help get the word out about the show by encouraging your fellow artists to enter.
Application Requirements
An entry consists of one to three submissions of images. Payment of $35 per initial entry and $5 for each additional media submission.
[1 work of art = $35; 2 works = $40; or 3 works = $45]. Payments are processed through CAFÉ ™.
January 31, 2025 - 10:59 PM PST
Complete information, including images of artwork, must be submitted online with CAFÉ ™ before 10:59 PM PST to be considered by juror (Check your watch, that’s 1:59 AM EST and 11:59 PM MST).
- 2-Dimensional Work: Height 7.5 feet, Width 4 feet - including frame
- 3-Dimensional Work: Sculptural and small installation work is encouraged. Works must be able to fit through an average doorway and not exceed 8’ in height. If you are unsure if your work is size acceptable, please contact The Studio Door at
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility: Visual Artists
Note: THE CROW SHOW is conceived as a national show (USA). Due to the costs of shipping and potential customs issues, international artists are welcome to participate exclusively in the online portion of the exhibition. Sales will be handled through The Studio Door, who will work with artists to determine the cost of shipping. Those costs will be paid for by the patron.
- Categories Accepted: Fine Art: Painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, assemblage, collage, mixed media, fiber art, artist book, and sculpture. Please note some restrictions apply to glass, stained glass, ceramics, and stoneware due to unsafe shipping practices by FedEx, UPS and USPS. Oversized jewelry that can be defined as fine art is acceptable for this show.
- This exhibition does not accept performance art.
Video, film, installation, and works requiring an external electrical source require gallery approval. If you want to be considered, please contact The Studio Door at before submitting to this call for artists. Submissions must be the artist’s original work, and all artwork must be available for sale.