Days remaining to deadline: 55
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $35.00
Media Fee(2nd and 3rd Submission): $5.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado
Event Dates: 6/6/25 - 8/16/25
Jury Dates: 4/30/25 - 5/12/25
This call revolves around a question that is every present in an artist's practice. If you, as an artist, were invited to create a piece of work for or were invited to submit a work of your choice for inclusion in a museum what would that work be? In this call the submitter asks themselves this ever present question.
Museology is a call for art that invites an exercise in strategic thinking for an artist's legacy or as a means for advancing recognition or individual fine art practice. The call has an emphasis on sculpture, metal casting specifically. All mediums are welcome for submissions as 2d work will be apart of the exhibition. With sculpture getting a fair shake accepted sculpture works will to be exhibited on the floor, pedestals, wall mounted or on shelves mounted to a wall (the latter type work must include the shelf and have an invisible concealed mount). Entries that hang from a ceiling will also be considered.
The call for submissions extends to all mediums.
Video submissions must include a way to display the work (a physical screen or projector).
Each entry fee for one or first piece of art is $35 2 additional pieces may submitted for consideration each is $5 additional
Maximum submissions for consideration 3 (1 detail image per is allowed use coupon code detail123 for each of those)
follow us @foolproofartgallery
The exhibition will take place in the indoor gallery space in the RiNo Art District in Denver, CO -
If work is selected for exhibition.
Exhibition Dates:
Museology exhibition dates: June 6th - August 16th Accepted works must arrive the week of May 18th - May 24th
Art Historian Dr. Yang Wang is the is the esteemed juror for the exhibition. We are honored to have Dr. Wang for her broad expertise in art ranging from her interest in contemporary to traditional works and her fervor for international subjects. She is a professor at the University of Colorado Denver.
Artists with gallery representation may apply - see Terms section
Application Requirements
Please submit:
A short Biography, written in the third person of no more than 150 words. A one page Curriculum Vitae (Fine Art Resume) legibly spaced with education accomplishments. If employed at a university or college, art school or are teaching art please describe your role with the name of the school including years of employment, tenure or if retired. The remainder of the document should include recent exhibitions delineating solo or group, name of venue, place or city and year. This section should be prefaced with any highlights in the artists visual practice they wish to call attention to such as a public art commission, reviews or periodical inclusion, museum inclusions. If there is not room on the one page document an additional half page may be included with the highlights section only.
Please see Eligibility Criteria section below for the size and media limitations
Eligibility Criteria
Artists must consider themselves to be professional artists. They must have a professional forward facing persona that revolves around their fine art practice. Traditional representational art will be considered but the venue is a contemporary art space. As in all calls, artists should consider a curatorial process that includes ideas, concepts and considered conceptual in nature. The jurying process will require well crafted work but will extend beyond replication of details or mirroring items in a traditional representational manner.
Type, Size and Weight
All 3d work will be considered. Wall sculpture and Mixed Media works are encouraged for submission. 2d artwork is allowed for submission. Photo documentary 2d work is encouraged as well.
Wall Sculpture can be no heavier than 100 pounds or 100 pounds per section. Wall work in sections can be up to 10 feet in width total and in single sections no wider than 32 inches by 10 feet tall.
Free standing sculpture: For works that must remain upright, no taller 72 inches. No taller than 10 feet if the sculpture can be placed on its side. Free standing sculpture shall be moveable by an upright hand truck and no heavier than 200 pounds. Heavier works MUST be hand delivered and placed and removed by the artist with a maximum total weight of 600 pounds.
Light based works will be considered. Please refer to size and weight requirements for sculpture.
Suspended Works may be considered for submission. Acceptance of such a work does not guarantee inclusion as factors may prevent such a work actually being installed. Artists in such a category may be allowed to exhibit a photograph of the work in the alternative. Works that hang from a ceiling must include/provide a total weight and be able to be installed in components with an installation diagram provided at submission.
3d & 2d works shall be no larger than 10 feet in any dimension and any work larger than 72 inches by 32 inches must be in sections. Paintings shall be no larger than 72 inches wide by 10 feet high. Photography must be professionally mounted in a floating frame or on a substrate with a cleat back (preferred).