Call Detail
The Spirit of a Femininomenon

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Entry Deadline: 2/4/25
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: National
State: New Jersey

"Across the globe, women continue to endure the oppressive weight of patriarchy. From the stripping of healthcare rights to restricted access to education, women face countless barriers to true freedom and equality. 

Our liberation is interconnected—no woman is free until all women are free.

We invite you to submit artwork that brings women's diverse experiences and challenges to life and celebrates the unbreakable bond of sisterhood. This project is about feminine expression in all forms; we welcome transgender and queer perspectives. Work may explore drag queens, nonbinary folks, or any topic that inspires, empowers, and sparks conversation about femininity. 

Join the Femininomenon! Let your creativity become a force for progress in the ongoing struggle for equity and equality for all women."

The exhibition will be installed across Monmouth University in March 2025 in honor of Women's History Month. The gallery will run through March 2026. (exact installation dates TBD) The deadline for submission is Febraury 4, 2025, midnight Eastern Standard Time. 

Application Requirements

All work must be submitted digitally. Selected works will be printed, framed and hung throughout Monmouth University’s halls. Artist names and piece descriptions will be hung with the work.

Image requirements: 

  • Submissions must be 24” x 36”
  • Resolution of at least 300 DPI, or a minimum size of 7200 x 10800 pixels
  • Use CMYK color mode and submit in TIFF, PSD, or high-quality JPEG format.

Art description and title requirements: 

  • The art must include a title that is less than 50 characters (including spaces)
  • Descriptions of the artwork will be displayed with the art and they must address the prompt “The Spirit of a Femininominon” in some way
  • Descriptions should be approximately 500 characters or less (including spaces)
  • Explain how the piece relates to femininity or the experiences of women, drag queens, fem presenting, or transgender and nonbinary folks

Eligibility Criteria

Artists submitting must be:

  • 18 years or older
  • Students enrolled in a college or university