Artists are strongly encouraged to submit images for this call for entry that present your work to best advantage. Your photographs should give a sense of how your piece “sits” or “hangs”. Detail photographs are important to show the technical excellence of the work and can highlight special areas that might not be obvious in the full shot of the work. Work accepted in the exhibition must be available to be photographed individually or in exhibition installation shots for advertising and publicity during the entire run of the exhibition.
All artists should make sure their work is properly labeled so that Hudgens Center for Art & Learning staff will be able to properly identify each piece.
Items must be ready for hanging or display, and when necessary, directions for installation must be provided. Pertinent packing and display instructions and special equipment required to install the art work properly must be included.
It is the responsibility of the artist to deliver the work to the Hudgens Center for Art & Learning and to pick up the work at the close of the exhibition.
Artist may deliver artwork during Hudgens Center for Art & Learning business hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
All art work must arrive at the Hudgens Center for Art & Learning no later than July 25, 2025.
Pieces delivered in person require an in-person pickup by October 25, 2025.
If the artist fails to pick up their work within 90 days of the closing of the exhibition, the piece(s) will become the property of The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning to add to the Permanent Collection, donate, sell or dispose of.
The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning must be informed of the dates work(s) will be transported at least 48 hours before the work(s) are moved.
Include any pertinent details.
All pieces being shipped MUST INCLUDE A RETURN SHIPPING LABEL. Any pieces without a return shipping label will not be included in the exhibit. Entries should be mailed to The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning address with Attn: Kate Driscoll. Artists are responsible for shipping costs both to and from the Hudgens Center for Art & Learning (including insurance during transit).
NOTE: Works requiring return shipment to the artist require a pre-paid shipping label. Artists who do not include a pre-paid shipping label for their entry will not be included in the exhibit.
For pieces returned via shipping from the Hudgens Center for Art & Learning, any pertinent packing details must be provided with the piece. The Hudges Center for Art & Learning will ship back pieces within one month of the close of the exhibit.
The work on view in the exhibition will be loaned to The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning. The artist will remain the owner of the artwork. The artist must complete a Loan Agreement.
State the agreed selling price for the work to be sold. Please note that price and/or value of an accepted entry may not be changed after it is set. There is a 30% Hudgens Center gallery commission on works for sale.
The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning will handle sales transactions while work is on exhibit. No outside sales are permitted for the duration of the exhibit.
All sold objects must remain with the exhibition for the duration of the exhibition and will not be forwarded to the purchaser until the end of the show. Payments to the artist for all sold pieces will be made via check the following month after the close of the exhibition. Shipment of all sold objects will be paid by the purchaser.
Work should be marked “NFS” if it is not available for purchase. Include value of work for insurance purposes. Clearly mark all works not for sale with NFS on the load agreement.
Artists are responsible for insurance during shipping, both to and from the Hudgens Center for Art & Learning.
Unless the Lender expressly elects to maintain his own insurance coverage, The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning will insure invited loans wall-to-wall under its fine arts policy against all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause on location during the period of the loan. The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning insures loans at the valuation specified by the Lender. The Lender agrees that in the event of loss or damage, recovery, if any, shall be limited to such amount as may be paid by the insurer, hereby releasing The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning, officers, trustees, agents and employees from liability for any and all claims arising out of such loss or damage.
The insurance coverage contains the usual exclusions of loss or damage due to such causes as wear and tear, gradual deterioration, moths, vermin, inherent vice, war, invasion, hostilities, insurrection, nuclear reaction or radiation, confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risk of contraband or illegal transportations and/or trade, and any impairing, restoration, or retouching authorized by the Lender. Insurance coverage does not include faulty construction of the work i.e., faulty wire hanging on framed pieces, structural faults within the piece itself.
If the Lender elects to maintain his own insurance, the insuring company must furnish a certificate naming The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning as additionally insured or issue a waiver of subrogation against The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning for the duration of the loan period. Without the certificate, The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning is automatically held to be co-insured and subrogation waived for the duration of the loan.
Neither the Hudgens Center for Art & Learning or the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild are responsible for deterioration or damage during shipping. Upon application, these terms are accepted by the artists.
By submitting an entry, the Artist grants permission for The Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild and The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning to use the accepted image on their social media platforms and websites, brochures, promotional materials, and publicity about the exhibition, both physical and virtual. Every effort will be made to maintain quality true to the submitted image, recognizing that the print or electronic medium may affect how the viewer receives the image. Artist will be given attribution for the work.
The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning will photograph loans only for record, publicity or educational purposes. Permission to reproduce in the catalog for publicity, education, and other non-commercial purposes is assumed unless The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning is notified in writing to the contrary.
The Artist hereby certifies that he or she holds the copyright for this material and the copyright remains with said Artist. Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild will display a notice that material must not be “downloaded” or copied, but will not be held responsible if artwork is copied.
The Artist also certifies that the work submitted is original, has been completed after
March 31, 2023 and does not infringe on any existing copyright. If artwork includes image of any person, Artist certifies that a model release for such people has been obtained.
Furthermore, if the accepted work differs dramatically from the image submitted, Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild reserves the right to return the work to the Artist without hanging in the exhibition.
By signing this agreement, the Artist acknowledges the above provisions and has read and agreed with the provisions in the Call for Entry.