Call Detail
2025-26 Downtown Liberty MO Rotating Sculpture Program

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Entry Deadline: 4/15/25
Days remaining to deadline: 97
Number of Applications Allowed: 5
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Missouri
Budget: $2,000 honorarium, $20,000 for purchase piece.

Twelve sculptures will be selected and on display September 2025 - September 2026 in Downtown Liberty, MO. A $2,000 honorarium will be paid to artists selected. 

Each application should only contain images of one single piece of art. Up to 3 images of the SAME piece can be submitted per application. If you wish to submit more than one piece of art, you must do so via separate applications. You can submit up to 5 different pieces, via 5 separate applications.

Liberty’s Public Art Sculpture Program is a way to expand a permanent collection of public art by featuring additional pieces that would be on display for a limited period of time.  All work entered must be freestanding and resilient to variant temperatures and outdoor elements as it will be displayed outdoors for long-term public display.  Selected artists will receive a $2,000 honorarium as well as public recognition and an opportunity for sales.  The City of Liberty has the option to purchase at least one piece of art from the art pieces on display each cycle, which would become a part of the City’s permanent art collection.  The purchase price may be up to $20,000. 


The following are the guidelines for the Liberty Public Art Sculpture Program:

· Pieces must be aesthetically appropriate for display in public places.  When reviewing pieces for consideration, safety to the public (i.e. no sharp edges, no points, no breakable or bendable components, no climbing hazards, no barbed wire, etc.) and durability will be priorities for acceptance.  Height shall not create a balance hazard.

·The sculpture must be able to be structurally secured to a concrete pad with bolts.

·Materials may include but are not limited to: metal, wood, plastic, stone, ceramic or any other durable material that can withstand the variant temperatures. Regional temperature rage 120F to -30F

Artists are responsible for insurance on the artwork if assistance is needed from city staff installing. 

Artists are responsible for  transporting, installing and removing the artwork after the display period in accordance with the timeline agreed upon with the City of Liberty.  The City shall oversee installation.  Any piece purchased by the City will be transported to its permanent location by the City.

·Each artist selected to display will receive a $2,000 honorarium to help defray costs of transportation, installation, de-installation of the sculpture, and all other expenses involved.  Any costs over $2,000 are entirely the responsibility of the artist.

·Selected Artwork must be installed by September 20, 2025 and removed the first week of September 2026.  Any sculpture that cannot meet the scheduled installation and de-installation dates may be disqualified and an alternate piece may be chosen.

·Artists may sell the exhibiting artwork during the scheduled time period. However, exhibiting artwork may not be removed until the exhibition has concluded in September 2026. The City of Liberty shall have first right of refusal.


Sculpture entries shall be scored by a jury along with a committee including business and education professionals from the Liberty area.  A selection panel will review all submissions meeting the application requirements and deadline.  The selected artists may be interviewed by phone to discuss their proposed sculpture.  Selected artists must enter into a contractual agreement approved by the City of Liberty.

On or before April 15, 2025 Submission deadline.
On or before June 28, 2025 Notification of Jury results
Week of September 15-20, 2025 Installation and stipend provided to artists
Week of September 1st, 2026 Exhibition closes/ last day to de-install sculptures

Application Requirements


Each application should only contain images of one single piece of art. Up to 5 images of the SAME piece can be submitted per application. If you wish to submit more than one piece of art, you must do so via separate applications. You can submit up to 5 different pieces, via 5 separate applications.

Proof of General Liability Insurance required only if selected and city assistance needed with installation.

Deadline for submission is on or before April 15, 2025.

Eligibility Criteria

The Liberty Public Art Sculpture Program is open to all artists regardless of location and who are at least 18 years of age.  All entries must be original work and of safe design and construction. Proof of General Liability Insurance is required if selected and artists requests city staff assistance with installation.