Application Closed
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $15.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Eligibility: Local
State: North Carolina
We are developing a new exciting show in collaboration with Golden Belt in Durham. We have a new concept which we are hoping will promote interest and sales. We are calling it ‘100 Tiny Gems’! We are aiming to display this show as a Salon Style exhibition reminiscent of the old European displays. So framing your pieces will really make this exhibit stand out. Therefore, the requirements are a little different from our usual shows. This will be a curated event and members may submit up to 3 pieces. 0-3 pieces may be invited per artist.
Application Requirements
Requirements for this show will be:
1 All pieces must be 12 x 12 or less before framing.
2 ALL pieces must be FRAMED, wired and labeled. No gallery wrapped items will be accepted in this exhibit.
The reception for this event will coincide with the Durham Artwalk on the 3rd Friday in March on the 21st of that month.
The exhibition will run from 03/01 - 03/30.
Art drop off will be 02/27 and 02/28.
Art pick up will be 03/29 - 03/30
Call for Art will start 01/20 through 2/09.
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must be FALC members in good standing.
Submission Process
Please register at You will FIRST need to set up a free account with CaFE, if you do not already have one. Once you’ve set up your free account, you can register for the FALC Member Show. The password to register is located on the FALC website under the FALC Annual Members Show call for Art. You need to copy this code into the area that say’s invitational call to open the call.