Days remaining to deadline: 43
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $45.00
Media Fee(Each Additional Entry): $10.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado
The 2025 Louisville Art Association National Juried Photography Show and Sale takes place in Louisville, Colorado, a beautiful historic city on Colorado’s Front Range. The 2025 show runs from 5/23/25 – 6/1/25, and overlaps with the three-day Louisville CO Memorial Day weekend events.
We are honored to have Greg Holden, as our judge and juror for our 2025 show. Read more about Greg below.
At least $6000 in cash and prizes will be awarded along with recognition awards including Best in Show and First Place in each category, Artistic Achievement awards and the People’s Choice award.
Entry Deadline March 31, 2025
Notification of Acceptance April 11, 2025
Delivery of Shipped Art by May 16, 2025
In-person Delivery of Artwork May 20, 2025
Show Gallery Open Dates May 23 - May 26, 2025
[Closed May 27 – May 29]
May 30 - June 1, 2025
Awards Reception May 23, 2025 7:00 PM
Show Closes June 1, 2025
When submitting your entries to the (CaFE) website (see instructions below), please choose the category that fits each of your images the best. In response to photographer feedback, category options this year are once again entirely based on the subject of the image. There are separate Color and Black & White/Monochrome options in each of the 4 major categories. Digitally modified images (e.g., composites, HDR, focus stacking, addition of textures, etc.) are once again allowed in each category. However, no AI-generated images are allowed. Note that LAA reserves the right to change the entered category, in which case you will be notified. LAA also may ask for original RAW/source image files. Use the Category Name codes given below when using the CaFE website:
1) People Images of people including individual portraits, group photos or photos where a person or persons are the main subject in the photo. Note that people in a photo where they are a minor component should not be entered in this category. For Color images: Category Name - PC. For Black & White/Monochrome images: Category Name - PM.
2) Animals & Wildlife Images of domesticated animals or animals in the wild, either individual animals or groups of animals or photos where the main subject is the animal(s). For Color images: Category Name - AWC. For Black & White/Monochrome images: Category Name - AWM.
3) Nature Created This category includes landscapes, waterfalls, rivers and natural habitat flora where nature is the main subject of the photo. This can include macro images. For Color images: Category Name - NCC. For Black & White/Monochrome images: Category Name - NCM.
4) Human Made Images of architecture, city/botanic gardens, street scenes, cars, trucks, bridges, etc., where human-created objects are the main subject of the photo. This can include macro images. Category Name - HMC. For Black & White/Monochrome images: Category Name - HMM.
THE JUDGE – Greg Holden
Greg Holden is a photographer from Longmont, Colorado. His photography explores interesting shapes, textures and juxtapositions in nature and the little scenes often overlooked by others, which fuel his photographic creativity. Photography is his way of sharing with others how he sees the world and provides an artistic escape from his day job as an aerospace engineer. While much of his photography focuses on abstracts and details, Greg finds inspiration from photographers within a wide range of subjects. Greg has a collection of over 170 books of photography, including many lesser-known photographers, obtained from years of searching used bookstores. Greg regularly speaks and judges for camera clubs across the country and enjoys teaching others and sharing his passion for photography. You can see his work on his website:
● ALL work must be the original work of the photographer and executed in a professional manner. Work accepted in previous LAA National shows will NOT be accepted.
● Digital entries only – all images should be in .jpg format and at least 1200 pixels along the longest edge. The (CaFE) image specs have recently been updated, allowing larger-sized images to be uploaded (and our juror will view the images at the uploaded size). However, the image file size must be less than 5 megabytes. See the latest image prep details at
● DO NOT Watermark your images.
● The submitted art price must include all your preparation costs (e.g. framing cost, etc.). No changes will be made from the (CaFE) price listed on your entry. Every year, we get requests to make exceptions to this policy. ENTERING THIS SHOW SIGNIFIES AGREEMENT WITH THE REQUIREMENT.
● The outer size limit of the work to be hung is 48 inches on the longest side.
● Work must be suitable for a general audience of all ages. The LAA reserves the right to reject any photograph that is not deemed to be appropriate.
● Entry fees are non-refundable. The fee for the first three pieces is $45 and $10 for each additional entry. Limit of 6 entries per person. Note that a maximum of 3 pieces will be accepted for any individual artists.
● If your work is selected by the judge for the juried show, in addition to your accepted piece(s) you may display any or all of the following (collectively called “Bin Work”) :
- Up to 5 pieces of matted and unframed bin work (max size of 36” on long edge, no metal prints, canvas prints or any piece thicker than 3/8”)
- 5 boxes of greeting or note cards
- 10 individual cards (wrapped for individual sale)
● All sales will be conducted by the LAA and a 25% commission is charged on all work sold. PRICES CANNOT BE CHANGED AFTER ACCEPTANCE. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO PRICE YOUR JURIED-IN ART AND BIN ART ACCORDINGLY.
● ALL ACCEPTED PHOTOGRAPHY AND BIN WORK, must be clearly labeled with the photographer’s name, item name, and price. You MUST submit a completed inventory sheet for all work. A blank inventory sheet will be sent with the acceptance letter. Such work is to be shipped or hand-delivered per the same deadline as the juried-in work. Shipped work MUST CONTAIN PRE-PAID POSTAGE and PAPERWORK for return shipping. If the postage and paperwork is not contained, your work will NOT be considered. Shipping: Artwork must be shipped in strong, reusable cartons or crates with no free-floating Styrofoam popcorn packing. Glass is not acceptable for any shipped work.
● All exhibition work must be properly wired and otherwise ready to hang. NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS, NO EXPOSED GLASS EDGES and NO CLEATS. Work not properly prepared or damaged in shipment will not be hung or judged.
● PARTICIPANT’S WAIVER: Submission of work automatically waives any claim for damage or loss against the Louisville Art Association, including the officers, members and employees. Submission allows LAA to use images in promotional material, with credit given to the photographer.
Online submission and fees are being handled ONLY by (CaFE) at Please go to their website and follow the easy instructions to first register as an artist and then submit your images. You can search within (CaFE) for the Louisville Art Association Juried National Photography Show and Sale or by the entry deadline date which is March 31, 2025. The CaFE submission process and uploading of your images is simple and easy to use. Cost is $45 for the first 3 images, then $10 for each image added up to 6 images.
March 31, 2025 (CaFE) Entry Deadline
April 11, 2025 Notification of Entrants of Acceptance or Non-Acceptance
May 16, 2025 Deadline for Delivery of (Accepted) Shipped Artwork to be Delivered to:
LAA 2025 National Photography Show
c/o Bolder Insurance
800 Jefferson Ave
Louisville, Co 80027
(303) 449-9595
May 20, 2025 Hand-delivered work juried-in must be brought to the Louisville Center for the Arts between 1:00pm and 6:00pm ONLY.
Address, 801 Grant Ave., Louisville, CO.
May 23, 2025 Reception and Awards Ceremony 7:00pm
June 1, 2025 Pick up hand-delivered work between 5:00pm and 6:30pm. No early pickup. No storage is available after 6:30pm.
Unsold work will be returned ONLY via the prepaid shipping label furnished by you when you shipped your artwork to us. Any pieces not picked up will be donated to a charity.
Submission to this Exhibition constitutes acceptance of stated conditions and includes permission to photograph accepted artwork for publicity purposes.
Questions? Please email or call:
Kirk Fry
(303) 241-8710
Rich Saxon
(720) 313-3095
Application Requirements
Eligibility Criteria