Days remaining to deadline: 59
Entry Fee (Member Entry Fee): $50.00
Entry Fee (Non-Member Entry Fee): $75.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 2
Eligibility: International
State: California
The 57th Watercolor West International Exhibition will be held at the Hilbert Museum of California Art at Chapman University in Orange California. 100 paintings will be selected by esteemed artist and Juror Ratindra Das.
Exhibit dates: August 23rd - November 29th, 2025.
Application Requirements
Entries must be in traditional transparent watercolor paints. No white paint of any kind ,including those who say white watercolor. Watercolors must be on a single piece of rag or wood pulp paper that is free of pigment and embedded materials.
Graphite pencil only for planning marks
Use of any other water mediums besides transparent watercolors paints are not permitted .
Eligibility Criteria
Must be original artwork .Work created in class or workshop is not permitted
Must be painted after January1, 2022
Painting images must be at least 140 square inches ( height x width)
Image can not larger than 44 inches on one side before framing
Accepted paintings must follow the framing and shipping guidelines found in the acceptance packet.
Must be a paid member to earn points towards Signature status.
Before uploading your image ,make sure it is between 1-5 MB ,and at least 2000 pixels on the shortest side. Image should be in JPEG format.
Crop the photo to include only the artwork image ( no mat or frame) image must be right side up .For size, round to the nearest inch .
Enter name: last / First
Title of the painting and size ( unframed)
Value of painting ( this is only for insurance purposes)
Sale Price and NFS ( This will not be in the Catalog)
For catalog purposes be sure to correctly enter your information