Days remaining to deadline: 20
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 5
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 5
Eligibility: National
State: Florida
Budget: $37,000.00
BUDGET: $37,000.00
DEADLINE: April 15, 2025
The City of Pompano Beach will commission an artist/artist team for a work for hire project for the design and installation of a mural located on the west exterior wall at 1591 E. Atlantic Blvd.
The mural should depict themes of Pompano Beach and the surrounding area including ideas like fishing, boating, beaches, and sunny blue skies. The wall is approximately 1450 square feet.
The location for the mural is at the west exterior wall at 1591 E. Atlantic Blvd.
Link to Location:
The purchase budget established for the project is $37,000.00. The price will include all insurance, taxes, fees, and artwork installation.
In 2012, the Pompano Beach City Commission adopted a public art ordinance to “enhance the aesthetic and cultural value of the city by including works of art on public properties within the city.” The City Commission seeks “benefits of public art that are both aesthetic and economic.” For more information on what is planned over the next ten year period, please refer to the Public Art Masterplan that is located at
Application Requirements
All applications must be submitted through CAFÉ. Applications that do not meet requirements and are not submitted through CAFÉ will not be accepted. Artist must submit the following as part of the application:
1. Resume.
2. Artist Statement- must explain the proposed design.
3. Examples of past work. (Minimum 3; maximum 5.)
4. Optional: Proposed Design Sketch.
The Public Art Committee will shortlist the top three applicants. These applicants will receive $200.00 each and are required to submit a complete proposal. The proposal must be a detailed, exact, scaled design and must include budget list. The City is permitted to request up to three (3) revisions as needed from the final artist’s design.
Eligibility Criteria
The project is open to all professional artists nationwide. Applicants must have experience in similar projects. Artist or Professional Artist means a practitioner in the visual arts, generally recognized by critics and peers as a professional of serious intent and ability, income realized through the sole commission of artwork and frequent or consistent art exhibitions. Artists are NOT eligible if they are immediate family or business partners of members of the Public Art Committee or program staff.
The selection process is managed by the City of Pompano Beach. The City Commission will have final approval of the selected artist and design. Final purchase approval is contingent upon inspection ensuring long-term conservation of the artwork. Once the artist is selected and Agreement has been fully executed, the artist will have 30 days install the artwork.
Other Selection Issues:
a. Florida “Sunshine Laws”: All meetings of the Public Art Committee are open to the public, are publicly advertised and are documented through written minutes.
b. Conflicts of Interest: Artists with immediate family or business partners on the selection committee are not eligible to apply. A selection committee member may choose to withdraw from discussion and voting for any apparent conflict of interest.
c. Public Art Committee Contacts: Artist applicants should not contact Public Art Committee members between the release of the Call to Artists and the completion of the selection process. Contact the City of Pompano Beach for all questions and information.