Call Detail
Art in the Yard

Entry Deadline: 4/13/25
Days remaining to deadline: 16
Number of Applications Allowed: 2
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Video | Minimum:Min. 0, Maximum:Max. 1
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Regional
State: Massachusetts

Art in the Yard is presented by Gloria D Hall, Ideator and Co-Founder of Art in the Park, Worcester in conjunction with the Oxford Free Public Librarian Brittany McDougall and the library’s trustees. The exhibit is designed to enhance the library experience, bring public art to the citizens of Oxford, MA and provide an opportunity for artists to showcase their work.

SITE AND OCCUPANT DESCRIPTION: The cultural landscape of the site - a sand colored brick two story Queen Anne Style building, six large oak trees, and manicured lawns - sits on three quarter of an acre.  The library, located at 339 Main Street, Oxford, MA was constructed in 1902 and opened to the public in 1903. (see photo below)

When submitting existing or site-specific sculptures please take into consideration the centrality of the library’s location in the town of Oxford and the fact that the library has active and engaging children programming. Artists are encouraged to visit the site prior to submitting proposals.

SELECTION AND INSTALLATION:Selection will be based on quality, visual design, and experience of place in relationship to the architectural and social surrounding and landscape. Artists are encouraged to submit work with strong color.  However, pieces will not be judged solely on the basis of color. Highly desired a sculptures with light feature(s).  The Oxford Free Public librarian and trustees will select the sculptures.  

The organizers reserve the right to reject installation if any work deviates significantly from the accepted proposals or pose safety risk.

INSURANCE AND SECURITY: Artists should be aware that the site does not have twenty-four hour surveillance and neither the property-owner nor the call administrator Gloria D. Hall can be held responsible for damages. Artists should have their own liability and property insurance. 


      ♦ Artist or artist collaboration may submit proposals for site-specific sculptures or high-resolution images of up to two 
sculptures. Applicants must use the application form below for submission(s) and include high-resolution images of prior work.           

     ♦ Date of work:  Preference will be given to work produced by the artist or collaboration within the past five years. 

    ♦ Ownership:  All work must be the property of the artist.

    ♦ Size:  Sculptures should be large scale and have the ability to be well anchored in a tree, into the ground, on the ground with a 
base platform provided by artist.

    ♦ Lifting equipment: will be available at specific times to assist with unloading and setting up sculpture. Notice of equipment need is to be provided in the agreement to display. 

   ♦ Media:  All media should be safe for the viewer, suitable for outdoor installation and 
appropriate for extended outdoor exhibition and exposure to weather.  

   ♦ No substitutions:  Sculptures accepted cannot be substituted with 
other work without first contacting the project coordinator, Gloria D. Hall. 

  ♦ Safety: Sharp and pointed pieces of the sculptures should be avoided below 4 feet to prevent injury to viewers.

 ♦ Artists are encouraged to submit pieces with strong color or bright metal so as to stand out.

Artists are responsible for transporting, installing, and removing their work with limited volunteer assistance. Heavy-duty machinery for unloading and set up will be available on a limited scheduled basis. Once installed sculptures are to remain throughout the exhibition period.

COPYRIGHT: Artist retains his or her copyright interests in the artwork for all purposed, with the following exception:

(a) the right of the presenter and its agent to reproduce images of the artwork for marketing and reports.

PROMOTION AND PUBLICITY: For all works accepted we will need high-resolution images to use in promotions and publicity.


¨    Entry Deadline:  April 13, 2025 - Artist notified: April 21, 2025

¨    Installation: June 10 or 12, 2025 -  Opening Day:  June 14, 2025

Application Requirements

Artists may submit up to two existing and/or proposed site-specific sculptures.  Highly desired a sculpture with light feature(s). 

♦ Proposal Content: A drawing with key and scale information, description of the proposed work and the materials.

♦ Works: Artists may submit up to 2 sculptures for consideration or 1 proposal and 1 existing sculptures. For each sculpture up to three images if desired, one being a detail of works completed in the past five years. Proposal Content: A drawing with key and scale information, description of the proposed work and type of material(s).  A minimum of 1 and no more 3  clearly labeled digital images in JPEG format (max 3 images per piece) of original work. Follow CaFE image requirements: JPEG format only, 1200 pixels on the longest side, less than 5 MB in size. Visit the CaFE Help Page for more information on image requirements or for help resizing images. 

No more than 1 optional video per piece. 

♦ JPEGS image identification on each: lastnamefirstnameimagenumber.jpeg

♦ Application Due Date:  Applications are to be submitted by 11:59 CST April 13, 2025. Apply online at CAFÉ. 

 ♦  Date of work: Preference will be given to work produced by the artist or collaboration within past five years. 

 ♦ Ownership:  All work must be the property of the artist.

  ♦ Size:  Proposed works and existing sculptures should be of an appropriate scale and size and able to be well anchored in a tree, to a 
base platform or in the ground.

 ♦ Lifting Equipment: will be available at specific times to assist with unloading and setting up sculpture. Please specify equipment needs. 

  ♦ Safety:  Sharp, pointed pieces of the sculptures should be avoided below 
4 feet to prevent injury to viewers.

  ♦ Media:  All media should be suitable for outdoor installation, safe for viewers and 
appropriate for extended outdoor exhibition and exposure to weather.

  ♦ No substitutions:  Sculptures accepted by the jurors cannot be substituted with other work without contacting the call administrator. 

 ♦ Artists are encouraged to submit pieces with strong color or bright metal so as to stand. However, pieces will not be judged on the basis of color.

Artists are responsible for transporting, installing, and removing their work with limited volunteer assistance. Heavy-duty machinery for unloading and set up will be available on a limited scheduled basis. Once installed sculptures are to remain throughout the exhibition period.

PROMOTION AND PUBLICITY: For all works accepted we will need high-resolution images to use in promotions and publicity.


Eligibility Criteria

ELIGIBILITY:  Sculptors that create medium to large scale sculptures for outdoor installations.