Application Closed
Number of Applications Allowed: 2
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Eligibility: Local
State: New Jersey
Official State Gift for the Murphy Administration
Entry Deadline June 4, 2018
Decision to be made Mid-June, 2018
Commissioned artwork delivery deadline: Mid- August 2018
See "Site Details" for a letter from First Lady Tammy S. Murphy about this commissioning project.
Images: minimum 1, maximum 3. Artist may submit one proposal for each project, for a total of 2 proposals.
Narrative: Artists should include a brief narrative (300 words or less) identifying the price range and size(s) for finished art, and describing the ways the final commissioned work could be adapted to fit the New Jersey theme, project budget or other options. No biographical information should be included in the narrative, in order to maintain complete objectivity.
Official State Gift for the Murphy Administration
Call for New Jersey Artists and Artisans
Project Description
The Official State Gift for the Murphy Administration will be commissioned by the Governor for the purpose of being given to visiting dignitaries and special guests of the State. An edition of 20-50 larger pieces and 100-200 smaller works are sought.
Artwork Specifications
New Jersey resident artists and artisans are encouraged to submit images of up to three (3) samples of their work per project, which is indicative of the style and materials they would use in completing a commission for the Official State Gift.
The Governor is seeking to commission 20-50 pieces of art at a cost of up to $100 per piece, and 100-200 smaller pieces at up to $25 per piece. These pieces need not be similar or from the same artist, and artists may propose work for either or both commissions. Artists working in any material and art form are encouraged to apply. The commissioned artworks will need to be transportable, and able to be hand-carried. For this reason, a size envelope of no larger than approximately 12”x 12” x 12” is suggested for the gifts.
Including New Jersey state symbols, the shape of the state, words indicative of the state, or use of materials, themes or folk arts from the State of New Jersey are strongly encouraged. Additionally, a place noting the year (2018) on the gift is desired.
Selection Process
All proposals received will be reviewed by a panel, who will only view the work samples and project narrative provided (no biographical information will be available to the panel). The artist(s) will be selected based solely on the review of samples provided, and the appropriateness of the samples to the project needs.
More than one artist may be selected, based upon the review panel’s recommendations. The selected artist(s) must be resident(s) of the State of New Jersey.
The First Lady’s office will work directly with the selected artist(s) to determine the final specifications of the commissioned work. Commissioned work must be completed by Mid-August of 2018. Please do not submit artwork samples for consideration that cannot be completed in that time frame.
The State of New Jersey reserves the right to award this project to the artist(s) that presents the most compelling artwork samples within the budget guidelines as determined solely by the review panel in its absolute discretion.
The final selected artist(s) will be required to enter into a professional services contract with the State of New Jersey.